
Never Before Seen

Hello and greetings in great grace to you all as we step deeper and more boldly into the Great Awakening and the great unknown.

Can you sense the excitement mingled with anticipation with a pinch of mystery sprinkled on top? There are so many things that are happening in the natural and spiritual realm concurrently that it is a bit dizzying. If you are unaware of the leaps forward being made by Christians and patriots, then you may be too plugged into the networks of the, “ten spies,” who told an evil report to Joshua (the namesake for Jesus). If the information you are getting today contains fear, trepidation, discouragement, failure, and/or hopelessness, then it should be apparent that you are drinking from the salty-water well. The sweet-water well is the Good News through the Word of God and the Spirit of God that always speaks of better things to come. In our personal situation, the better things are coming at light speed because we are the generation, and this is the time of the Lord’s workings… and it is beautiful to behold.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Hopefully, you have all heard the radical and vitally important teachings on the Three Part Being (Spirit, Soul, and Body) done by Andrew Wommack, and many others. It is a required revelation for anyone who desires to even begin to know how to understand or interpret the New Testament (Covenant). Many do not know that the scriptures are written about our Spirit, to our heart (soul), and filters through our body (flesh, natural man). The Bible is not written to your head; it is written for your heart. This unique truth also works the other way, for the benefit of our Great Awakening advancement. All of these heavenly desires and prophetic realities about the time we are living in are fully manifest in our Spirit. Jesus has deposited everything we will need for our New Era, through grace, into our inner man. It is time for us to make opportunity for it to all flow outward. This divine truth can flow from our spirit, through our heart, and out into our fingertips, if we humble ourselves and learn how to submit to that Kingdom reality.

This “new creature” statement in the Greek is quite powerful.

“New”: kainós – properly, new in quality (innovation), fresh in development or opportunity – because “not found exactly like this before.”

“Creature”: ktísis – properly, creation (creature) which is founded from nothing; creation out of nothing.

When you put these two together, it literally creates a word picture of epic proportion. It is not just that we got a, “freshening up,” or, “a makeover,” or some other, less meaningful, illustration. This is literally talking about a fresh innovation developed (from God Himself) that is created just for us who have accepted this new life from our Savior, Jesus. We are not Humans 2.0… not a different, repetitive generation… not an upgraded version… we are something that has never existed ever before. Jesus was resurrected as the new, never before seen, prototype. There is nothing to compare us to in all of creation, even perfected creation. That was one of the revelations of the Garden of Eden account. Adam (a type of the groom, Jesus) had all of the animals (all of the rest of creation) ordered by God to come to him so he could name them and look for an equal, or help-meet, among them. There was NONE! Adam was alone. Then, God literally took from the substance of the inside of Adam and MADE Eve (a type of the bride, the born-again believer, the church). There was nowhere to go and nothing to glean from to find a bride for Jesus so the Father took of the substance of Jesus and MADE the church! We are that church, Beloved!

Revelation 21:5
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Our prototype, our Savior, our Lord, our Groom is now resting in confident anticipation for His people to receive and give away this New Creation reality to a lost, dying, and rotting world. He is sitting on His rightful throne and speaking to His authentic, obedient, and attentive people the words of His great desire. He still says today, “I make all things new.”

The current ridiculousness, foolishness, and oppression that is saturating our planet is fully unsuspecting of what is about to dawn upon them. The faux racism being propagated by Marxist revolutionaries. The child abuse through sexualization in school that is akin to mental molestation. (Thank God that we have been blessed to start our own Christ-centered and safe school!) Elections that can be hacked and stolen nearly at will by communist activists. Poison being forced into the arms of unsuspecting and deceived people causing death and sterilization. Vandals being paid and rewarded for rioting, looting, and destroying their neighbors lives and livelihoods. The police, first responders, and genuine medical personnel being vilified by corporate overlords and government tyrants. Generally oppressive, wicked rulers doing what they do best… stealing, killing, and destroying like their father has done for six-thousand years. They are all happy-go-lucky thinking that this is the way it will be just like it has always been… You and I, Beloved, are the alarm clock that is going to startle them from their bed of plastic roses.

2 Peter 3:4
They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”

Be not misled, my precious Beloved family. Things are changing… transforming… metamorphosing… becoming NEW. First, it starts with you, and I fully embracing that revelation. Then, it spreads to us bearing much fruit of that truth. Then, our fruit gets into the hungry hands of our family, friends, and neighbors. Then, the whole world seeks for that Divine fruit that always satisfies, never rots, and only comes from THE source.

I am getting hungry just writing about it! Are you?

I love and adore you greatly!


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