
A Full Quiver

Our young people are the heritage that comes from our Lord.

Greetings to you heroes who are the Beloved of God.

Psalms 127:3-5
Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

As arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man; so [are] children of the youth.

Happy [is] the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

When many people speak of an inheritance, they think about money, property, things, and stuff… When the Lord talks about inheritance, He is thinking about generationS and nationS. For much of our society, kids are in one of two ditches of parenting:

  1. Tolerated
  2. Worshipped


These two are equally destructive to the society’s future and the child’s future.

When a child is tolerated, they are not in an environment where they have the capability to thrive and become the full expression of what they were divinely created for. To think that a child could be thought of and treated as, “common,” and then go on to be, “extraordinary,” is asinine and foolish. This is how Father God raises us. His thoughts and treatment of us are infinitely greater than our opinion, the world’s opinion, and definitely the generic, public school teachers controlled by their unions. He knows our divine capacity and holds us accountable in discipleship through His Word, His Spirit, and His people to that standard. This is why some reject the authentic premise of Genuine Christianity and discipleship… they reject this amount and type of involvement in their self-focused lives.

The second destructive environment is where the child is worshipped and, “adored.”  It is society’s dogged determination to fill our culture with underage and adult brats. We baby-talk our kids into immaturity, just like society baby-talks the adults today into foolishness. A recent Princeton law school Professor argued the, “truth,” about men getting pregnant on the Senate floor and said any other opinion is violent. These are the people appalled by the idea of disciplining bad kids, because they are the bad kid that threatens the parents with CPS if they even think about spanking them. She is a, “successful,” adult brat that has an ignorant opinion and will throw a tantrum on the Walmart floor if anyone tells her the real truth in contradiction. The educated class today tells us that men have babies and even a Supreme Court, “justice,” cannot define what a woman is. This is the aftereffect of two children being raised in a society that told them all their feelings were good, all their self-centeredness was appropriate, and, likely had parents fawn over them as their little princesses who could do no wrong.

The destruction in our society from these two groups of broken people, that have now grown up and taken places of authority,  is incalculable. But, it is identifiable with the fatherlessness rate (over 50%), the mass shootings (almost 350 for the year), the rabid anger over Roe being overturned and baby-murder being hindered, the cancel culture associated with questioning the election results and forced inoculations, children being forced into grooming and abuse by lawmakers and education faculty, and the systematic destruction of sexual purity and the nuclear family of God’s design.

God has a different plan for His children: They are arrows, weapons, in His mighty hands. We should embrace that philosophy as well. We should be raising our young people as precisely designed projectiles aimed at the heart of this evil culture. Our young people are the ones who will set right the wrongs of the previous generation and Make America Godly Again.

I am a, “Happy Man,” today because our Beloved quiver is filling with these strong, determined, and agile young people. I still have much more room in my heart, and we are busily building the ARC (Academy of Readiness and Character), our youth ministry, our children’s ministry, and our nursery. (Go be more fruitful Beloved!)

Will you help?

Will you determine to have the young people you have access to be shaped into the vision that they were God-designed for?

Will you raise them up in the, “nurture and admonition of the Lord,” (not society)?

Will you serve and/or volunteer to be an influencer for their hearts and futures?

Will you be a hero to the next generation?

They are crying out for us…

I know that you are here for Such A Time As This!

I love y’all greatly!


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