
Arise and Shine

Greetings in grace and the compelling force of love!

This is quite the upcoming week, in case you missed the announcements…

The Lindquist family grows! We welcome, with great anticipation, joy, and love, the addition of Ali and her son Kyle to the Beloved Family. We are so excited to be able to do life together with you. In case you missed it, we are all invited to enjoy the celebration of their Divine covenant this Saturday.

I have the humble honor of speaking to a very influential crowd this Friday night. The VIP’s include a potential senator (Bobbie Piton), General Michael Flynn, Doug Billings, Roger Fuller, Jovan Pulitzer, Mel K, and Ann Vandersteel. This is an incredible opportunity to advance the Kingdom. I have been offered two or three additional seats in case anyone out there is interested. Just message me and we can chat. It will be somewhere near O’Hare at 5PM. The address has not been discussed yet for security reasons.

Additionally, our family member from Honduras, Tom Stamman, will be ministering and prophesying to our Lena family this Sunday at both services. I am VERY excited to have him here with us to experience and expand the Kingdom in our hearts and region. Please come with great expectancy for what the Lord has for you specifically.

If you are paying attention, you will see that at the same time that evil forces are trying to possess and oppress the world, our King is also stretching out His wide and strong arms around the multitudes who are being drawn into the True Light. While darkness becomes increasingly dark, the light shines brighter and brighter. I pray your focus is squarely on your Savior and His powerful salvation.

I would like to point out some deeply held prophetic truths that are in my heart. These immutable truths and heavenly perspectives of our Good Father’s plans for the future are some of my life’s anchors. Also, they have radically affected my viewpoints and perspectives as I look out over the social, political, and economic landscape of our irrational world. I pray these truths affect you as well.

Isaiah 60 (BSB)

1Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.

2For behold, darkness covers the earth,
and thick darkness is over the peoples;
but the LORD will rise upon you,
and His glory will appear over you.

3Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

4Lift up your eyes and look around:
They all gather and come to you;
your sons will come from afar,
and your daughters will be carried on the arm

5Then you will look and be radiant,
and your heart will tremble and swell with joy,
because the riches of the sea will be brought to you,
and the wealth of the nations will come to you.

There is a plethora of exciting truths here, but I will just annotate a few:

  • Our light HAS come… Jesus has come and accomplished the mission of being and exposing ALL Truth, and has given us ALL power and ALL authority to radiate that same light in any and every situation we are presented.
  • The light and the glory are deeply connected. Light means revelation and truth, glory is speaking of value and opinion. There is much there for you to meditate on.
  • The people outside of the Kingdom are in, right now, a deep and gross darkness. They don’t know it or will not admit it… but God is right and the Word is fact. If we know that, it will change our interaction with them.
  • Nations will be coming to us if we embrace our place as, “light bearers.” Nations, y’all!
  • Our sons and daughters have anticipatory compunctions motivating them to draw in deeper to the Kingdom and to their family of God.
  • There is a literal infinite amount of wealth available to this willing generation of world changers to fund this Great Awakening.


Numbers 14:21
But as truly as I (God) live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.

One of the most powerful prophetic releases by Moses that was specifically directed to the New Covenant generation of people who would actually rise up in their identity and posses the earth for our King. Remember one of our core verses for this series we have together, “The Hero Within,” is Colossians 1:27. In the verse, it ends with, “He is your hope of sharing in God’s glory.” Jesus is the fulfillment of the light and glory of God. We are now walking around with HIM in us now. It is time for us to start filling this earth! Can I get an amen, somebody…

Habakkuk 2:14
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

Then the prophecy takes a huge step forward here and adds that the, “knowledge,” of the glory is going to be an added part of this Great Awakening. The Hebrew word here is “yada” and is the deep, experiential, and intimate type of knowledge. What that is referring to is that this super-movement of God is not going to just fall on folks without their agreement in a surprising way. It is something that we are going to all purposefully press into with passion and desire.

I believe that to advance this goal we all need to choose to do this personally and without delay.

The dark is really thick and nasty. But, the light is penetrating and glorious. Which one will you choose to focus on?

I love y’all a ton!


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