
As Jesus Did, So Will We

What people don’t know is killing them!

Salutations and blessings to you, Beloved Family!

I pray that your heart is growing in grace, in knowledge of the Holy One, and in fruitfulness of the truth. With every passing day, there are increasingly more circumstances that are attempting to steal your peace, stop your joy, trouble your heart, and distract you from the path of victory that has been plowed for you through the Finished Work of Christ. Each of us is presented the choice of bitter or better… fearful or faithful… cowardly or courageous… victim or victor… ruined or reigning… AND witless or wise.

And they will do these things because they don’t know anything about the Father or me.
John 16:3 TPT

This is a synopsis statement from the Lord to His intimate eleven disciples in His last recorded time of ministry with them. This is just before His unlawful arrest, false accusations in a religious court, inhumane beatings, unparalleled humiliation, and the cosmic war between evil and righteousness that costs His very life… while He is utterly alone and scorned. Jesus is literally going into the worse possible time ANY person has EVER faced, and it was COMPLETELY selflessly driven by His unfeigned love for us all.

This small statement is a monumental clue about the psyche of those that align against us and oppose us in word and deed. They just don’t know! Additionally, it is important to have a revelation of this truth, because, as wicked, evil people around us in this culture of debauchery and society of sin continue to promote their religion of satanic destruction, we will need to keep our head screwed on straight and our heart pure.

These monsters are grooming and abusing kids because their god has taught them to. They are tearing down the pillars of our nation because their god has told them to. They are lying, cheating, and plundering our people and our future because they are of their father, the devil. They are doing what they know to do… saying what they know to say… living how they know to live.

Remember when you didn’t know what you know now? Think about the humbling truth that you still don’t know what you will one day know… or NEED to know.

For you will be excommunicated from the synagogues, and a time is coming when you will be put to death by misguided ones who will presume to be doing God a great service by putting you to death.
John 16:2 TPT

These unwitting pawns of a six-thousand year old agenda to curse humanity are operating under the guise of good. I know that hearing that is difficult to process, but what energizes and compels these antagonistic folks is the same thing that energizes almost every person… a belief that their efforts are going to positively effect the world. As strange and twisted as it may sound, a confused and scared young lady going into the Planned Parenthood murder clinic truly believes, and has been passionately counseled, that what she is doing is the RIGHT, MORAL, and RESPONSIBLE action for the moment.

This is the devastating fall-out for allowing the enemy of humanity to redefine words and terms. Consider where lucifer started his journey as the general of the spiritual forces that has caused every death, every pain, ever torturous assault of every person who has ever been hurt. Where this all began was in the perfection of heaven by a once-committed servant of God who allowed pride to overcome and destroy his divine future. Look at these scriptures about him:

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!

You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations.

You said in your heart: ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God.

I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far reaches of the north.

I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’
Isaiah 14:12-14 BSB

By the vastness of your trade, you were filled with violence, and you sinned.

So I drove you in disgrace from the mountain of God, and I banished you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.

Your heart grew proud of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; so I cast you to the earth; I made you a spectacle before kings.
Ezekiel 28:16-17 BSB

The two places I highlighted are pertinent to this message today.

  1. Our archenemy wanted to BE LIKE the Most High God
  2. What corrupted his heart was simple pride


Our enemy was not trying to be the opposite of Jehovah God… he was trying to be LIKE him! The enemy wanted to be good without God… wanted to be right with our God’s righteousness… wanted to redefine and remake things in the, “better,” way that he thought they should be. These are the moral failures that launched a cosmic spiritual war that raged for four-thousand years until the cross dealt the victory blow to the head of that old serpent. The two corrupting forces that started the working of evil, and still fuels the works of evil are 1) people trying to be like God instead of humbling themselves in submission TO God and, 2) pride, self-centeredness, and narcissistic arrogance… in the religious this manifests as self-righteousness.

As it was in the beginning, so it is today.

Jesus destroyed the power and authority of our enemy as declared in The Great Commission: Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.’ (Matthew 28:18 BSB). So, the victory has been attained by our Lord and Savior who single handedly whooped that entire spiritual army of evil and stripped them into naked humiliation. (See my message on “The Parade” in the King and Kingdom series.)

BUT… their broken thinking, corrupted wisdom, and deceitful manipulation still remains tempting the earth and each individual to self-destruct.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6a BSB

What we do not know is killing us!

Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
1 John 3:8 ESV

We are sons like the Only Begotten Son, Jesus. It is in our divine DNA to do what He did and that is to DESTROY the works of the enemy… we are called to destroy the destroyer, to bring death to death, to inflict pain to pain, to hate the hate, and to do it the way Jesus did…

Through radical love, amazing grace, and endless mercy.

This is how we participate in bringing in THE Great Awakening: the way Jesus brought in the first spiritual awakening to mankind. We conqueror the way He did… God’s kind of love never fails!

To know Him and to make Him known is our calling, Beloved. This is the knowledge that will change the world and you are EXACTLY the kind of people to spread that knowledge!

I adore y’all!


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