
Authentic and Faithful

Greetings in Grace, my dearest Beloved Family!

Some of you may know this, but I wanted to convey it clearly for the benefit of all. Nearly every Tuesday, the leadership team, staff, and ministers of Beloved Church meet for about six hours to receive revelation on how to be more mature leaders, expound the scriptures together, pray, testify, and discuss the vision of our body. These are glorious and very fruitful times in Kingdom business. You should know that you are being led by some of the most authentic, loving, developing, and gracious people that I have had the honor of being a part of in my forty-one years as a Spirit filled believer. We are blessed to have what we all share in as a family.

This week, what we were humbly developing in our hearts, as we submitted one to another and to the unction of the Spirit, was faithfulness. This is a character trait that has long been dismissed, undervalued, and almost nonexistent in our current, American culture today. As highlighted by the flippant attitude towards highly precious areas, it has become nearly epidemic today. The divorce rate shows the inability of faithfulness in marriage. The “church hopper” mentality shows the lack of faithfulness to authentic Kingdom, covenantal submission. The political fraud and wickedness shows the failures of faithfulness to patriotism in constitutional leadership. The fatherlessness screams the lack of faithfulness to the Divinely created family structure. Abortion declares the lack of faithful commitment to even the simplest value of life in the most sacred of all safe places, the womb of a mommy. The massive debt in individual finances and the national debt shows the lack of faithfulness to simple economics. The statistic of Christians who tithe (3% – 5%) pronounces the lack of faithfulness to honoring God with their finances and building God’s Kingdom over the kingdoms of self. The dismissive attitude towards time management and discipleship in intimacy with Jesus and His Word shows the lack of faithfulness to eternal truths of mankind’s need for their Creator to teach us the meaning and purpose of life. And the list could expand exponentially into our personal lives, if we were all transparent and honest.

THE Great Awakening is knocking on the gates of our nation and the doors of our hearts, and it is necessary for us all to advance in this necessary place as we are given opportunity to change and rebuild the very foundations of our nation, lives, and futures. This is why I am SO BLESSED to be counted among believers like YOU, who have embraced these powerful truths of the Finished Work of the Cross and the Love of our God.

The enemy has started a war with the authentic, remnant church. It is a war of thoughts, of culture, a digital one that is being fought silently at the moment. But, we are the ones who carry the testimony of Jesus and His Kingdom will rule all kingdoms!

Rev 17:14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful.

Notice the winners, the ones WITH Him (it’s us Beloved!)… the conquerors who prevail in the end have three characteristics:

  • Called – the ones who the Lord has been beckoning their hearts in love and longing mercy.
  • Chosen – the ones who answered that Divine call and have made Jesus their personal Lord.
  • Faithful – the ones who stand strong against division, distraction, dissipation, and disappointment.


We are being given a glorious Kingdom, and our King is worthy of all honor, praise, and glory. Intimacy with Him and His genuine people is the bond that will create an impenetrable fortress of peace, victory, prosperity, and supernatural intervention. We are, daily, given opportunities to mature into dependable stewards over the greatest gifts ever offered to a generation.

1 Cor 4:2
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

To be FOUND faithful. That means that there is a search, a looking, and an investigation ongoing among the people of God for the ones who our Other can show Himself strong unto.

We are those people, Beloved!

Luke 16:10
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

The high character, the Divine characteristic of faithfulness is something to be valued, honored, and pursued. The way it is developed in our hearts and minds is by starting with the small things. I would strongly encourage you to spend some quiet time with your Father and ask Him where those areas are for you. It will be different for each of us, but we can all begin this adventure. To start with, in the above reference, Jesus said the very least area is in our personal finances. The ease of accessibility to debt and the glittering of shiny objects has taken a stranglehold on the people of God and it is time for us to rise up as a Royal Priesthood to rule and reign in this area. I am making personal changes, we are adjusting places in Beloved Church, and I would humbly implore you to inspect yours as well.

We are literally going to have an amazing time together on Sunday… I have some very special and precious things to share with y’all!

In Great Love,


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