
Bring Heaven

Greeting in Grace, dear and precious Beloved Family!

Here is the promised email exhortation that I alluded to on Sunday morning. Speaking of Sunday… how awesome was that time together and the gifts that Tom Stamman brought to our family?! The staff and I took quite a bit of time on Tuesday talking about all the great prophetic words, conversations, testimonies, and occurrences that took place on Sunday. We were rejoicing in the Lord greatly with you and for you! I am so giddy about these things that I almost want to ask everyone of you about your time and prophetic words!

I am also greatly anticipating the time we will all share this Saturday during the Prophetic Workshop and Sunday when we allow Bryan and Sue Nutman to speak divine truths into our hearts and lives. This is going to be the best weekend yet! It just keeps getting better and better… And this is only the very beginning of THE Great Awakening.

I made a promise to talk to y’all on Healing Sunday (June 13th) about a powerful and life altering experience I had with Jesus. In anticipation of that time together, I would like for you to be more Heaven-minded and focused than you have ever been in the past. Not Heaven-minded as in escapism that the weak Christians believe in that gives them some spiritual right to allow our world to be decimated by evil, wickedness, and darkness because, “we will all fly away to Heaven one day…” That stuff turns my gut and is the reason our world has been taken over by the enemy’s minions to do as they please with us and our children. We were commanded by our Lord to:

Matthew 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

That is our high command, the Great Commission, from our Commander-in-Chief, Lord and Savior. He called us the light of the world and expected us to rush into the darkness to cause it to flee before us!

John 1:5 (AMP)
The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it].

We are to bring Heaven to where it belongs… to this earth for us and our neighbors to experience the love, goodness, and glory of God in a way that no other generation before ever has. It is not about escaping the darkness of earth… it is about bringing the light of Heaven to the earth.

The reason I want you more Heaven-minded is because if we are to believe and expect these glorious changes and manifestations to take place, what should it look like?

This is how the Beloved Apostle John stated that very thing in 1 John 3:2-3:
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

A very powerful truth exposed here is that we can bring a greater depth of purity into our lives if we focus on the finished work of our identity and Jesus’ coming into this earthly realm. If you are finding that it is a struggle to have purity of thought, purity of action, and purity of lifestyle… then these scriptures should be a breath of fresh air to your heart. As we focus on our identity in Christ and His coming Kingdom, we create a raging fire of purity that keeps the main thing the main thing and burns away the distracting low-level-devils!

This is why I wanted to share with you a video I recently watched by Jesse Duplantis. I have been around his ministry for about 24 years, so I can affirm that he is very authentic and has a heart for the King and His Kingdom. Clicking the link below will start the video at the 14:36 minute mark, when the testimony begins:


The truths that Jesse highlights, as an eyewitness to the wonders and splendors of the Heavenly realm that is more real than our very breath, have a way of changing everything, if you allow it. This is the time and we are the people that many saints of old desired, spoke of, and envied. To honor and appreciate all the amazing things that have been spoken of and are coming our way, it would be imperative for us to believe for and live for those things.

Remember dear Beloved, we are one day closer to the eternal reality of the coming King and His Kingdom. Be of good cheer!

I love you greatly!


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