
Buckle Up

Hello dearest Beloved Family!

What a glorious and exciting time and movement that we have the divine blessing to be a part of at this time and for our generation.

I literally tingle with excitement and anticipation for the manifestation of this Great Awakening that we are currently in. I actually will be a part of a Zoom meeting upcoming with Andrew Wommack about how this will be manifesting to the church, the remnant Church, of which we have been graced to be in. What an honor to be not only a part of this Kingdom-Beloved culture, but also to be in the end time movement of the Holy Spirit that is going to be showering down the Jubilee upon our nation and world. I pray that you are seeking the heart of the Father about your specific role in this unprecedented move of God.

As we embark in unity and koinonia in this new path, we will be required to make many profound changes in our hearts, mentality, and activities. This will be challenging for many of us, but the rewards will be priceless. What is required of us is to rise in our level of faith and spiritual perception. We are, of necessity, going to be required to transition from the temporal, earthly perspective and ascend to a viewpoint that is congruent with the Father’s plans and purposes not only for our own lives, but for the dark world around us.

I have been regularly challenging my own heart to seek those things that are above (Col 3:1) so I do not live and think from lower, less effective places. Remember that our Lord and Savior PROMISED us that what we would seek, we will find. Nothing is hidden from us as sons of God, but they are hidden from the world. My spiritual leaders have said that these divine truths are not hidden FROM us, but are hidden FOR us, like an expensive treasure. You and I have been placed here for, “such a time as this,” and it is precisely because the Father believes in us and it is proper for us to believe the way our God does about us. We ARE the light of the world and the Glorious Church that is plundering hell and fighting back the very gates of the prison that has held our world in bondage for thousands of years. We cannot “play” church in these times and take a “spectator” position because the deep desires of Jesus in His Finished Work will need to be declared among our generation with courage and confidence.

Philippians 2:15
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world

Make no mistake about it, the darkness that has become comfortable in controlling the hearts and lives of so many people will not give up without a fight, but we ALREADY have the victory because our King has been resurrected in the Apekduomai parade (see Easter Sunday’s message). This is the last opportunity for the enemy of the people to take them back into captivity, so his confused kingdom is gnashing their teeth at you and me. You may have noticed a legitimate uptick in darkness and evil across our nation. That is a sign to all of us that the enemy and their forces are literally in a “death roll” before their demise is fully manifested. I say this to stir you up to even greater energy in combatting the plans and the purposes of their evil. It is time to focus on the “good” and be red-hot in our passion for it.

1 Peter 3:13
Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?

We are the “untouchables” as we walk in unity and fervency with our triumphant King. The word for, “good,” here is, “agathos,” and it is a major defining characteristic of our God. It is defined as: inherently (intrinsically) good; as to the believer; describes what originates from God and is empowered by Him in their life, through faith. This is intimately connected to our messaging over these last few months in the King and Kingdom series. Jesus told us to, “seek FIRST the Kingdom AND His RIGHT-NESS.” This right-ness is the goodness of God intrinsically available to all believers who humbly call upon the name of the Lord. That is you, Beloved! That is US, Beloved!

Can you hear my overwhelming passion for Jesus, His Kingdom, His goodness… and YOU!?

I literally cannot wait to see you again soon!


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