

The corrupted, societal influences that surround us all have been enormously successful in forcing the thought patterns of humanity into the direction they predetermine. They have previously decided that we all should compliantly follow their programming when it comes to the major and minor logical conclusions. This has never been more obviously illustrated than the clown show that has entertained and simultaneously destroyed our culture over the last four years.


Think about the irrationality of the thought patterns they have properly programmed people to believe after the billions of dollars spent to purchase the influencers in science, media, government, education, and (sadly) even religion. Their vocal, visual, and digital indoctrination have created a subservient militia of self-righteous combatants that will march in a, “mostly peaceful,” protest that burns down city blocks, joins a genocidal pro-Hamas movement chanting anti-Semitic hatred like, “from the river to the sea…,” wear health-destroying face masks because their, “science,” says so, line their children up for gender mutilation at the hands of felonious doctors, psychiatrists, and teachers all under the guise of new moral standards that best benefit the emotions, economics, and narcissism of their newly captured slaves. The programmers have gambled on the insatiable hunger for self-gratification in their efforts… and hit the jackpot!


A primary reason for the visible collapse of nearly the whole world is the enemy’s ability to utilize the compelling desire for self-satisfaction to his advantage.


When I use the term, “whole world,” I am applying Biblical language to the conversation. This is the term, “Cosmos,” in the New Testament, and has a huge hyperlink to the thinking of the heart of God. Look at this well-known example:


“For God so loved the world (Cosmos) that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world (Cosmos) to condemn the world (Cosmos), but to save the world (Cosmos) through Him.”

Jesus speaking in John 3:16-17 BSB


I have added the word, “Cosmos,” in the appropriate places so that we can order our thinking the way that the God of these infinitely famous verses viewed the Gospel planning. You can see that the Cosmos was heavily on God’s mind because Jesus used the word four times in two sentences. If we were physically listening to Him that would create an audible clue to connect our thinking with His heart. This defining characteristic of, “ungodliness,” which is defined as, “not like God,” is self-centeredness. An obvious characteristic of our great and good God is Cosmos-centered thinking. This innate and carnal desire within fallen humanity to be intensely focused on ourselves creates a HUGE and diverse tactical advantage to our enemy because he can manipulate that depraved thinking in countless ways and at endless opportunities.


Cosmos is an entire field of science today that is regularly explored. Hope this will help with understanding:



Cosmology is the scientific study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe. It is a branch of astrophysics that deals with the largest scales of space and time. Cosmologists use observations of celestial objects such as galaxies, stars, and quasars to try and learn about the universe’s history and future.

Biblical cosmology is the biblical writers’ conception of the cosmos as an organized, structured entity, including its origin, order, meaning, and destiny. It is based on the account of creation in Genesis, which describes God creating the heavens and the earth in six days. The biblical cosmos is a three-tiered structure, with heaven above, earth in the middle, and the underworld below. Heaven is the dwelling place of God and the divine beings, while the underworld is the place of punishment for the fallen spirit beings and the wicked people. The earth is the realm of humanity, and it is the place where God’s plan for salvation is unfolding.


You can see there is the secular division which takes an almost opposite direction than the Godly version. What the cosmology of the non-Christ-centered folks revolves around is them and their natural world. When a person centers their life and passions around their carnally derived worldview, it becomes simple and necessary to devise scientific reasoning for their approach. Climate change cultists, sexual liberation movements, progressive socialism advancement, rising totalitarianism, the religion of, “safety,” and the popularization of just raw greed are all in perfect alignment with their cosmology. Their cosmology is the fighting, opposing force against God’s cosmological perspectives.


1 John 2:15-17

Do not love the world (Cosmos) or anything in the world (Cosmos). If anyone loves the world (Cosmos), the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world (Cosmos)— the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life— is not from the Father but from the world (Cosmos). The world (Cosmos) is passing away, along with its desires; but whoever does the will of God remains forever.


So God so loved the Cosmos that He sent Jesus, but here we are NOT to love the Cosmos… which is it?


Notice the distinction noted here by the Apostle John as he was writing to his disciples under the inspiration of the Spirit of Truth. The Cosmos we are to reject is the one that contains, “the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life,” BECAUSE it is NOT from the Father.

  • The desires of the flesh” = First, notice it is plural, which alludes to a diversity of applications. Desire is epithymía in Greek, a compound word from “epí” (focused on) and “thymós” (passionate desire). Other words used in the description are “passionate longing, eagerness for, inordinate desire, libidinous, lust”.  Properly, the usage connotes, “passion built on strong feelings (urges).” And there we have it… the dreaded F-word * FEELINGS * strikes again. It was not a, “feeling,” that compelled the Father to offer His perfect and Divine Son as the atoning sacrifice for sinful man… it was authentic agape love and incomprehensible mercy. Our, “flesh,” does not operate in selfless energy… it wants what it wants and it wants it now and you will know exactly what, “it,” is by all the feels associated with, “it.” This is exactly what James was writing about when he was describing the difference between, “worldly,” wisdom and the wisdom of God. The world’s wisdom is described here: “This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.” (James 3:15 WEB)
  • The desires of the eyes” = Lücke (Bible scholar and commentator) calls the eyes, “as it were the principal gates of sensual desire for the external world.” This would equate the faculty of seeing or looking with more soulish connections than just a random glance. There is an insinuation of a purposeful and thoughtful gaze that connects to a place of longing inside the heart of the one looking. This connects to the modern need for entertainment to provide play for our mind and soul as a distraction from the important places God would like to guide us in deep thought with His infinite wisdom. It also illustrates an adulterous or lascivious leering (pornography) coming from a vacuous hole in a broken sexuality… the enemy is having a carnival of possible attractions in our modern culture in this visual temptation. To get God’s people focused on the wrong things, the enemy has been very creative with visual seductive enticement. Once an image gets inside, it is much more difficult to resist the gravitational pull it produces. Like the gravity of the moon so far away can pull entire oceans into tidal changes, so our eyes can pull our life away from the righteous Son light.
  • The pride of life” = The word for, “life,” here is a unique word that is a bit abnormal. It was only used ten times in scripture and is used to describe the natural, mortal, “things-n-stuff,” which some tend to get their life force from. In 1 John 3:17, it is the term, “possessions,” or, “goods.” It implies that by which life can be sustained, like resources, wealth, and other things that one can obtain by natural effort. The temporal duration of mortal life and the means of prolonging it the Gospel has comparatively little focus. It is more concerned with that spiritual life which is not measured by a calendar, and which is independent of material assets. This is the antithesis of what Jesus died to give us… Eternal Life. Any efforts we sacrifice to the gods of this natural Cosmos will only provide fake and fleeting vapors of life that can never truly be grasped. There is only one source of life, Jesus. He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life… any other seduction produces death, thievery, and destruction. This is exacerbated by the force of pride fueling the engine. This type of pride is from arrogance or an irreverent confidence in, “self,” ability. This is the intelligent person who can depend on their smarts or the talented person who can depend on their capability, or the connected person who can trust in their well-woven safety net. They made their own insurance policy for life and can stick their chest out for personal accomplishment. I pity these folks because the enemy has been successfully owning these types for six thousand years. A truly wise person knows that the only good thing in them is Christ… without Him, they can do nothing… and only in their human weakness can God bring His strength.


This current Cosmos is inching closer to the black hole of total depravity. But, God is pulling His remnant toward greater experiences in the Great Awakening our generation is being graciously offered. Which force of gravity will you align your heart and day with? Which Cosmos will you choose to submit your life to?


I know where I will be… I really want you to be there too.


I love you!


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