
Created from Truth

Hello dear and precious Beloved Family!

How is your progression into THE Great Awakening coming… are you pressing into experiencing more and more of the great and precious promises that your Father has made available to you through the atoning work of Jesus and the power of the Word of God?

This Sunday, we will have the Divine opportunity (now TWO opportunities, AM and PM) to know and experience more of the healing aspect of the Finished Work of the Cross. We are purposeful every second Sunday of every even month to preach/teach/activate healing in people’s lives. This obviously can manifest in many forms from eliminating physical sickness and disease, to heart and soul healing, to relationship restoration… whatever you are willing to believe for is what your Father is able to give and desires to do SO MUCH MORE!

I am desiring to preface this weekend’s supernatural opportunities by tilling the ground of your heart today with this exhortation and revelation. Beloved, I desire above all other prayers that you experience prosperity in all realms of your life and Divine health, as YOU allow YOUR soul to prosper in the knowledge of God and His Word. So, please open up the depths of your heart to these words that are like seeds into dark, rich soil ready to produce growth and life.

There is something powerful that the The Father has been speaking to me out of the book of James, the first chapter and the eighteenth verse. There will be a little trek that we will take through a few different verses and truths, so I hope that you will follow along and see the things that are being illuminated to my heart and mind together with you.

Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

So, this verse clearly states that we are born of the, “word of truth.” The word, “begat,” here is literally the word for, “give birth to.” This new birth that we HAVE (past tense) experienced was in accordance to the Father’s own, personal will. It is not some mechanical, religious, traditional thing… it was personal and intimate from the Father Himself. What an amazing joy that is!

This, “word of truth,” is the TRUE nature, identity, honor, value, and authority we have in Christ as declared through the scriptures. We are re-birthed of The Truth, which is the Word, AND by the Word, which is The Truth… AND Jesus is the Word (Jn 1:1) and The Truth (Jn 14:6). So, we are literally born of the same substance that Jesus is made of, that is why we can stand on the reality of something as radical as 1 John 4:17, “as He is, so are we, in this world.” This is very important because it erases and eliminates any excuses and reasoning that makes failure, brokenness, or a fallen nature still acceptable in us. Praise God! There is nothing wrong with us… we are ALL RIGHT in our new-creation identity.

This means that the only useable tactic that our enemy has against us, that would actually be effective, is deception. Knowing this will give us much greater opportunity at victory in every area of life and godliness (God-like-ness). Here are the three areas of deception that I will illustrate with the WORD of TRUTH that gives us our DNA (Divine Nature Awareness).

James 1:22
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

What we can extrapolate from this truth is how deception can slither into our lives to steal away the truth that we are created from. There are three areas in which this happens in a person’s life, as revealed through this simple verse:

  1. The first area of deception is a person who does not have the Word of Truth. This is a person oblivious to the King and His Kingdom. A person who does not have a Word-based church, with a teacher/shepherd who proclaims and declares Truth directly from the Word. This is the entirety of the non-Christians AND a vast majority of referral Christians who practice Church-i-anity over authentic Christ-i-anity. This is why the enemy has targeted the Remnant Church (of which Beloved is a part…) in these last days though the fake pandemic, government overreach and, “church-hurt.” If a person has NO Word, which is NO Truth, then there is nothing that can show the reality of our existence. If a person has no heavenly reality, then the only thing that remains is the earthly, natural, worldly facts. So, NO Word, No Truth… deception is that person’s reality and experience. These folks have little or no hope of ever having a revelation of who they were created to be and what they were promised to have.
  2. The second avenue of deception, and just as effective, is a hearer who is a, “non-do-er.” The God-ordained process of pressing the, “seeds,” of Truth into the human heart (soil) is by, “doing,” the Word. This is, by FAR, the most effective way of destruction that a born-again person associated with the Body of Christ stays oppressed by deception. There are literally scores of good people, going to church, living out their daily lives, that are not experiencing the Divine quality and quantity of, “abundant life,” that Jesus fought and died to give us because they never truly activate the Word in their belief systems… “I know the Bible says that, BUT I feel… I know pastor preached that, BUT I think…” This is why the above verse is so important, because this particular person, “deceives their own self.” This is especially dangerous because when you are deceived by the world or the enemy, there is still much hope for the light of Truth to bust forth in one’s heart. But, when a person is, “deceiving themselves,” they continually justify and excuse their darkness. They blame it on God as being unfaithful, a church leader as being offensive, or the people in the church as being hypocrites. Good excuses to them, complete foolishness to God. Only you can choose what you believe or not regardless of other people’s behaviors or words.
  3. The third person is one walking in victory through the promises of God and the Finished Work of the Cross. This is the person hearing the Good Word, making the mature decision to believe it, even contrary to what they think or feel, and puts it into purposeful action in their life and heart. They are simply a, “do-er,” of the Word of Truth. This person receives the amazing opportunity of verse 25


But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth [therein], he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

I believe this for each and every one of you, dear Beloved! You are the one chosen by God to have the unique opportunity to HEAR the Good Word of Truth, meditate on it until it becomes revelation, activate it through doing, and then reap the benefits of the transformative power contained therein.

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I am surrounded by transformers! Ha!

I love you deeply and passionately!


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