

Those of you Beloved peeps who were physically in service this past week heard me speak, “off the record,” for a bit about some topics that led us into a short, unrecorded time about, “discernment.”

Here we are, a few days later, and it is almost as if the ungodly, woke culture that surrounds us is aware that the Holy Spirit is brazenly leading His people out of the confusion of darkness and into the glorious light of divine discernment. To put a resounding, “oh yeah! You ain’t seen stupid yet…” since Sunday’s discussion, the new Cambridge Dictionary edition was released where the definitions for, “man,” and, “woman,” were updated to reflect the fruit of a society devoid of even natural discernment, let alone divine discernment. Here is the new, “wisdom,” of this age… after six-thousand years of human reality designed, ordained, and created by The Most High God:

* Cambridge now defines, “woman,” as, “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”
* “Man,” is now defined as, “an adult who lives and identifies as male though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”

It is like watching these elegant experts trying to have a snowball fight in hell and not figuring out why it just won’t work.

I am illustrating this flamboyant and arrogant ignorance as a small, recent example of how twisted and dangerously deceptive the, “wisdom of the world,” truly is. Millions, if not billions, of somewhat rational people will submit their beliefs to the, “fact,” that the definitions of man and woman have now changed. Many of them will be self-professed Christians, many of them will be leaders of global industries, MANY are educators of the next generation, and a whole massive pile of them are politicians and Hollywood influencers. The most popular of the popular. Not long ago, we saw a Supreme Court Justice affirm that even she did not know what the definition of a, “woman,” was… because she was not a biologist. (Why can’t I find any snow here!)

And the even stranger thing… the Bible actually calls this type of thinking, “wisdom!” Look here:

This [superficial] wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly (secular), natural (unspiritual), even demonic.
James 3:15 AMP

And here:

Among the mature, however, we speak a message of wisdom–but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.
1 Corinthians 2:6 BSB

Also here:

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: ‘He catches the wise in their craftiness.’
1 Corinthians 3:19

This last one gives us a bit of insight into the divine realm; how God deals with the devices of mankind’s enemy who is furiously working against the Gospel. We see that one of satan’s tactics is using a corrupted wisdom being sold as real wisdom to feed the narcissism of his minions as he enslaves them to his kingdom. But, God uses that insidious trap to show people their captivity.

First, let us look at the definition of, “wisdom,” to see what God calls it. Definitions are very important because they describe identity. The definition of a term being misused, abused, or changed is not just an, “eye roll,” moment: there are devastatingly grave consequences therein. Just like the enemy has been trying to change YOUR Christ-likeness, your new identity, “in Him,” your identity of, “sonship,” in the Family of God as DEFINED by Him alone… so it is also necessary to change and confuse every other definition. Darkness wins in chaos, and chaos comes from the confusion that exists without divine order. Read that again…

Sophía (the Greek word for, “wisdom”) is the root of the English terms, “sophistication” and “philosophy” – literally, “the art of using wisdom,” and, “affection for wisdom or love of knowledge.” Properly used as the term, “clarity.” This exact word used above in a negative connotation is biblically also used mostly in a positive, Godly way… even unto the description of Jesus Himself!

Because of this, the wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles; some of them they will kill and others they will persecute.’
Luke 11:49 BSB

If you do proper exegesis on this verse and parse out what really happened, Luke is interchanging the person of Jesus for the term, “wisdom of God.” This is the same in 1 Corinthians 1:30 where the Holy Spirit tells us that Jesus was MADE to be the wisdom of God for us believers.

The reason I point this out is because what the world does, what Cambridge did, is described as wisdom… the Bible calls this type of thinking by the same term as God’s way of thinking. One of the reasons for this is because these folks who propagate this chaotic thinking are operating under spiritual discipleship. They are being conformed to this world (Romans 12:2). They have been trained and molded by spiritual forces that have concretely convinced them that their thinking is right. But, those spiritual forces are, “earthly (secular), natural (unspiritual), even demonic.


What does this mean for us, Beloved? One of the realities to consider is that much of what may be swirling around in our heads is not the actual wisdom of God, but the wisdom of anti-Christ influences that subtly have crept in like a snake in the grass offering us a, “better,” way of thinking… living… believing… behaving. If you truly read that last statement, you have to likely admit (ugh… sigh…) to this painful truth regardless of discomfort and inconvenience. I just turned forty-eight, and it seems that I have BARELY begun to sincerely, clearly see the truth, the wisdom of God, the reality of how things are and should be. That is humiliating and inspiring at the same time.

Part of the potential excitement, as we all venture deeper into THE Great Awakening, is having the shrouded veil of lies, deception, and changing definitions taken away so that the clarity of the short, fat, frail, powerless wizard of Oz projecting his fear and control is gloriously exposed. A major aspect of the fruit of this Awakening will be the exposing of the disgusting amounts of evil and wickedness that has been operating successfully behind the cover of darkness. Discernment exposes the vampires cowering in the dark unto a powerful and fiery dose of sunlight… or Son-light!

I pray that you deeply consider the high value of discernment that comes from above, our Father, His Spirit of truth, and the Word of God which declares that truth.

Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.
John 17:17 NLT

I love you greatly… and that is truth!


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