

The Spanish word of the day is, “egocentrismo.”

Even the gringos among us can possibly pick up on the meaning of this word without too much lexical digging. When I saw that word a few weeks ago, it grabbed me because it is the direct translation of, “self-centeredness,” which is the title of a required reading book in Beloved Church, where I pastor. Required reading for any and all levels of connection to our church culture.

This was a revelation that gave me, personally, a much healthier life, marriage, family, and destiny. We live in a society that is baptized in, “egocentric,” thinking and living; therefore, our calling is to boldly be the authentic citizens of the upside-down, Kingdom of God where, “self,” is crucified and Christ is King. As my good friend Doc Ryan (Bensheimer) says, “No King but Christ!”

The aforementioned book, actually more of a mini-book, was written by Andrew Wommack and the subtitle is, “The Source of All Grief.” The reason it came into my possession over twenty years ago is that I heard Andrew ministering on Proverbs 13:10 which says, “ONLY by pride comes contention.” At that immature and ignorant stage of life, I was fully aware of the multitude of places and people with whom I was experiencing issues, but like most other foolish people, I was self-justified in the belief that it was mostly everybody else’s fault. Actually, it was completely everybody else’s fault… I should know, I knew me and my perfect intentions.

“It is my boss’ fault!”

“It is the government’s fault!”

“It is my spouse’s fault!”

“It is my parent’s fault!”

“It is society’s fault!”


Adding insult to injury, the message then connected James 3:16 which declares, “Where there is envy and strife (contention) there is confusion and EVERY evil work.” The pain associated with having a deep, sincere revelation of Steve being Steve’s main cause of every evil work in and around me was sharp, real, and humiliating. The journey of freedom that it inaugurated is why any of you even know me.

I could spend pages unpacking the multitude of different aspects of divine opportunities in this revelation, but I will spare you the sermon… (for now) and just highlight a few radical truths.

  • As the Christian rapper, Andy Mineo, says, “My only enemy is me.” Tradition has spent centuries accentuating the near-omnipotent power and authority of the satan (the accuser). Additionally, the omnipresence of the dark kingdom’s influence in the macro aspect of our world and the micro aspects of the minute places of our life is over-preached as well. Sadly, it worked. The average modern, progressive believer is spellbound to the idea that the devil (the adversary) is sovereignly destroying the planet and we helpless saints are just fodder in his flourishing oligarchy. Nope! Not even close to true… we have been given power and authority through Jesus’ victorious conquest against death, hell, and the grave which includes ALL THE WORKS of the enemy. The church, the Bride, the Ekklesia has WAY more inside than we have ever fully tapped.
  • Notice that “confusion” enters through this wide-open hell’s gate of self-centeredness as well. If there is a complaint that is over-stated today, it is expressed through the well-worn exclamation, “I just don’t understand!” That is intimately connected to this principle because egocentric thinking and living will make us blind to spiritual reality. The evil tyrants of our world control the population, very well, through fear. A major component of mass societal fear manifests through chaos and confusion.
  • “Every” evil work covers a massive swath of cosmic territory. This includes our personal economic realm, our physical health, our emotional well-being, the condition of our soul, the direction of our thinking and life, and a gaggle of other places I am sure you can point out in your own environmental reality. It is so typical of our enemy to use the age-old tactic of misdirection to kill, steal, and destroy in broad daylight. “Hey, Christian… all those problems in your life are the devil and other terrible people… there is not much you can do about that, so just suck it up and accept your broken life.”
  • One of the freedoms in this truth is that there is only one person on this planet I have any power or control over… and that is ME! That may not sound too freeing unless you consider the reality that if other people, or an invisible super-powered devil, are your problem, then you are stuck with whatever happens to you as a poor, little ole’ victim. BUT… if you have been empowered by Christ to rule and reign in this life, and that authority is righteously applied to the ONLY righteous place you can control… YOU… then look out world because there is a new sheriff in town!

Boldness, courage, strength, and divine identity can only be realized in a person who has initiated war on the egocentric life.
“Wear none of thine own chains; but keep free, whilst thou art free.”

-William Penn


“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.” 

-John Adams wrote this on June 28, 1813, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson


What Christian principles are of more power and enduring value than freedom and selflessness? Both of these are unanimously attributed to the life and ministry of Christ. And both of them cannot truly operate independently of one another. If a person does not have freedom, it would be impossible to live selfless because they will have no assets with which to live for another. If one is free and egocentric, they will eventually set themselves, and many others, in chains of sin and darkness.

This was a major milestone in my own journey. Twenty years ago that message from Andrew was a million poison-tipped needles into my sensitive flesh. But now it is a million gallons of rocket fuel for ministering the Holy Cause of Liberty across America and the world.

It was an honor for me this past month to be with Andrew Wommack on his Truth and Liberty program. We were able to talk about truths just like this one that will embolden the Bride, the Ekklesia for such a time as this. It was a very memorable time, and I pray you find time to watch it here. Even Andrew was impacted by the things I shared because he recognized the courage and boldness in my message.

Then, just a couple weeks later, Kay and I were honored to minister in Puerto Rico for Pastor Jay Sanchez. There was a minister’s and leader’s conference set up where many local and regional leaders came to be impacted by a strong message. Then, we had the amazing opportunity to minister at New Family church in Anasco. Directly following service, where there was a mighty move of the Spirit, we then had the humble opportunity to spend some time ministering, prophesying, and teaching the leadership team there. Mark my words, New Family church is going to have a major role in impacting Puerto Rico in the Great Awakening.

By the time you receive this message, we will have started our second year at the Academy of Readiness and Character (ARC) where we have rescued young people from the clutches of public school grooming and are preparing them to be part of a generation of people, committed to the King and His Kingdom to change education forever. These young people will be changing realms with their destinies and we are equipping them to accomplish that great commission.

I am communicating all of these things that we are doing to encourage you that your prayers and financial partnership are truly helping us fight the good fight in our culture by taking the whole Gospel to the whole world.

I sincerely pray that you are living in Christ’s freedom (Galatians 5:1)… That you possess a prosperous soul (3 John 1:2)… That you are fighting the GOOD fight (1 Timothy 6:12)… And that you truly know the love of God that passes mere intellect (Ephesians 3:19).

I would love to hear from you and connect with you and your churches. Please visit our website, subscribe to my weekly blog, check out my book, bootleg some good church preaching, partner with us to impact more lives, or just send us a message of encouragement!

We love you all authentically!
Steve and the SCM Team


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