
Exciting News

Dear subscriber and friend!

I am truly blessed and honored to write to you. One of the reasons for such sincere language is because you are reading THIS. That indicates that you have done the ‘hard thing’ (remember: Heroes Do Hard Things!) of subscribing to my blog here at Dr. Steve Cassell, the website home of my Liberating the Bride book. You have a special and unique place in my heart for that.

Recently I have been encouraged to become part of the Substack tribe. Substack is one of the world’s most growing and user-friendly blogging portals. They host tens of thousands of writers and value free speech enough that yours truly, and other radical voices against our dark culture have found a safe place to speak our minds. That is a really big deal in today’s oppressive world…

I am sending this short note to you as a humble request for you to consider subscribing to this new platform. I truly believe that it will likely become my permanent home for communication and waging war on our anti-Christ culture. You can join that fight by simply signing up. There is an option for a free subscription or a paid version with additional content. You have complete liberty to make the choice that best suits your desires. If you do determine to become a paid subscriber, my solemn oath to you is that every penny of my part of those funds will be used to advance righteousness through the Finished Work of Christ.

Thank you for your time.

For the Holy Cause of Liberty!


Link to subscribe: Substack – Dr. Steve Cassell


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