
Futile Ways

Futile Ways

How does one become the victim of the snake…

We all know that our enemy is oft portrayed as a snake in scripture. Starting with the “nachash,” in Genesis chapter three, we are introduced to the arch enemy, the adversary, of humanity… a subtle serpent that slithered into the sacred, covenantal space known as the Garden of Eden. As it was in the beginning, so it is today. There is nothing new under our sun from the creative week until now. A wise and victorious warrior knows the tactics of their enemy and learns how to achieve victory in every battle.

Scholars have debated over the “nachash” or snake in those opening pages for millennia, and I dare not tread into that argument due to acknowledging my unqualified place in that academic forum. Yet, I have been meditating on our nation’s, and the American church’s, perceptible fall from a covenantal relationship with the Lord of Heaven and Earth. In my humble opinion, our enemy is best illustrated as a Boa Constrictor. Allow me to demonstrate why.

Here are a few excerpts from “Nature” magazine on what they learned about the killing tactics of this particular snake:

“It’s a nightmarish situation: A gigantic snake slowly curls around your body, enveloping you in its slithery embrace. You begin seeing stars and start gasping for breath. But your life will not end because you’re suffocating. Actually, it’s more like you’re having your insides squeezed shut.

A new study confirms that boa constrictors and other crushing snakes don’t suffocate their prey after all. They cut off blood flow, resulting in rapid organ shutdown and a quick (though likely not painless) death… Within six seconds of being bitten and wrapped up, the animal’s arterial blood pressure dropped by half, and its central venous pressure — the return supply — increased six-fold, the study says. The blood couldn’t flow, and the animal’s internal organs started shutting down.”

The squeeze cuts off the circulation of the blood of its victim.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for your souls upon the altar; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.

Leviticus 17:11 BSB

The life of America is in its blood.

The Church is the blood of America.

The life of the Church is in His blood.

The blood of the Church is the New Covenant.

We are surrounded by a Boa Culture that has been putting the squeeze on the Church for many decades now. The slow but tight constriction placed on God’s covenant people has been effective in reducing the blood flow to and from the heart, the true Gospel. The American church-i-anity movement has become heartless, courageless, fake, and greedy. Because the blood flow to and from the heart has been constricted, the recanting Christians have gone to other sources for their life flow.

Many Christians and ministries have embraced popularity more than being a peculiar people. They have replaced the precious inheritance of the saints for the filthy lucre of the world’s approval. The pandemic forced the world to choose between serving two masters; Jesus or mammon. They have traded the New Covenant cut in the eternal blood of Christ for a contract written in erasable green ink.

That is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood. (Moses) saying, “This is the blood of the covenant, which God has commanded you to keep.”

Hebrews 9:18, 20 BSB

There is no covenant without blood. None. Can I challenge you, dear friends and partners?

Have you shed your blood to consecrate the New Covenant you have been offered by Jesus?

I know this is getting into a realm that is generally uncomfortable in our, “civilized,” modern culture. Yet, I fully believe it is time to cut to the bone, no pun intended, of the matters for which our God has called us to do as illustrated through His divine sovereign choice for us to be His people in this nation in our generation. We are right now in the frenzy of the, “holiday,” season. The secularization and commercialization of this time have mutilated the original intent into an unrecognizable Frankenstein-ian monster created by pagans and greed-fueled corporate overlords asking marginal Christians to sell their souls for a little turkey gravy and some trinkets under a plastic tree. Sadly, it has worked exceptionally well. Yet that is not enough… they seeth in satanic hatred to remove even the slight vestiges of the divine and Godly heritage of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

“… The leftwing onslaught’s appetite is insatiable and even a commercialized, once-Christian holiday cannot be tolerated. ‘Don’t you know the American founding was evil? Don’t you know that the Puritans were religious bigots who criminalized homosexuality and that they were colonizers who genocided indigenous peoples?’ No, the woke must eradicate it from memory, just as they demanded Robert E. Lee’s statue be publicly melted down and repurposed into a shrine to their saints like Harvey Milk or George Floyd.

Think of the example of these (Puritan) men and women (and children). For decades they were persecuted, first by Queen Mary’s efforts at counter-reformation, then by the Church of England. The kind of persecution they underwent makes our current government—which imprisons people for non-violent, unscheduled tours of the capitol and for making memes—seem like a free country in comparison. They were killed, beaten, imprisoned, lost homes, businesses, and wealth, and even driven into exile in a foreign land.”

– Pastor Andrew Isker

Would we, today’s comfy believer, be willing to shed the same sacrificial blood for the Holy Cause of Liberty as those sincere and fanatical Puritans were… and did?

What drove them, compelled them, was the dream of liberty in the worship of the One they so greatly honored and deeply loved. This is the American heritage I desire, this is the foundational ideal behind the Holidays, and this is the covenantal ink that flowed on the Declaration of Independence signed by fifty-six men who knew they were likely signing their death warrant. They knew our young nation was already in the grips of England’s Boa Culture and they were committed to, “Fight or Die.”

Today, our national organs are being squeezed ever so tightly and the covenant lifeblood vowed in our confessions of, “E Pluribus Unum,” (out of many people, one), “In God We Trust,” and, “Liberty,” is dying a slow, constricting death inside the coils of secularism, self-centeredness, and the interminable drive for comfort and entertainment. We were made for more than this, we were made for better than this.

Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

1 Peter 1:18-21 ESV

The current version of, “ways,” that our nation and our once pure faith have been handed down to us as an inheritance has become futile. A society of emasculated men without a fear of God or reverence of covenant. A nation of propagandized women without identity and filled with scars of abuse. A, “church,” of sugar-coated philosophy being TED-talked into the sleeping ears of the “online church,” crowd viewing as fans. A, “ministry,” of limp-wristed intellectuals who are just, “shepherds-for-hire,” ready to leave the sheep to the fangs of the wolves at the first sign of potential hardship.

Futile ways.”

Futile is quite an objectionable description. The blood of Jesus is precious… and you know for God to inspire adjectives like, “futile,” and, “precious,” it is not exaggerated or in need of a, “fact checker,” to replace them with, “misinformation,” labels. If our, “faith and hope,” are in anything but God for the redemption and recitation of this nation, then we are more ignorant than the woke who believe men can get pregnant (if that is possible). My eyes are not looking to Washington D.C. for rescue (especially when they steal elections), I do not fix my gaze on Wall Street for help, and I will not covenant with this world for any faux salvation they hypocritically portray with their Hollywood acting or their AI inventions.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?

My help comes from the LORD, the maker heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121:1-2 BSB

It is THE Great Awakening or bust for me. I am willing to be poured out as an offering for my God. I am willing to place myself on the altar of sacrifice for the honor of my Savior. I am willing to shed covenant blood to uphold the vows that I have confessed as a believer. I am willing to live as a disciplined disciple, wholly allegiant to my King.

Will you fight the snake with me?

If the answer is, “yes,” here are some ways:

  1. Start a fight against darkness in one of the many places it has invaded our society.
  2. Join with someone who is actively fighting the Good Fight in one of those places.
  3. Support those fighting with your precious spiritual and physical assets.

We would be honored here at SCM for you to help us fight… there are more enemies than I have years to fight. Since I will be fighting for the rest of my life, we would greatly cherish your partnership with us because it helps us in planning how effectively we can fight. This Boa Culture just needs one precise blow to the head from a double-edged sword and the lifeblood will return to the foundations of our once noble society.

Either way, I am covenanted to be a martyr for the Glory of Jesus Christ my Lord, whom I serve and whom I love.

For the Holy Cause of Liberty,
Steve and the SCM Team

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