

Greetings in Grace, Beloved Family! How blessed are we for what the Lord has done over these last ten days or so!

In total transparency, I am wrestling internally with the overwhelming anticipation of THE Great Awakening and the coming Kingdom… mixed with the awareness of pressing darkness on the hearts and minds of the people of our world. This dichotomy of light verses darkness is such a compelling force in me that I find that it is hard to stay balanced at times. Let me give you a vision into my soul today as I write to you.

The dark side.

Last night, I was invited to speak against the forced masking of the children in the Lena school district. I was zealous in my desire to see the children set free from the abuse being inflicted upon them by tyrannical government. I failed… they voted to mandate masks and abuse innocent kids. I am still struggling with the lack of courage and care that some of the leaders in our world embrace. We live in a society that has been mostly castrated by tyranny, and so many folks just roll over and take the abuse for them and their children. Nearly in tears, I tell you in sincerity how hurt my heart is that I could not persuade them to do the right thing.

Thank God for Kay.

This morning, she encouraged me to keep fighting the, “good fight,” and to remember that we are pressing deeper and deeper into this Great Awakening. Her grace and clarity made me rise above the pressures in my soul to see a bigger picture of what is taking place and to embrace things from a more divine perspective.

Now, the light side.

These last ten days, I have experienced some of the greatest honor and blessings of my entire life. The ministry and clarity that Pastor Duane Sheriff brought to the Beloved family was something I have only dreamed of in times past. The way he spoke directly into the things happening in the culture around us with riveting clarity was humbling to me. That hard truth mixed with the actionability of what we are called to do in opposition was so very invigorating to me that I am jittery with thoughts of how to chase darkness from our planet. You and I are the people of the Grace Race and we are a shining light on a hill for all men to see. That was beautifully articulated through Pastor Duane when he prophesied over us, the Beloved Culture, about what plans the Father has for us and how pleasing we are in His sight.

If you were not at the Monday evening service to hear those precious words, let us know, and we can get you a transcript of that divine moment that was shared with us from Heaven. What blessed me the most about that expression of the Spirit was that Pastor Duane told me those things in private and I could see that he was very cautious about only saying what he was hearing the Father say, and I was convinced that those words were likely to be only of personal encouragement. Pastor Duane does NOT go around the country just giving words to folks, willy-nilly… I verified that purposefully. What happened there was way outside of the “norm” which should impress all of us to hold those words dear.

We are a very unique culture, and the Father wanted us to know that the last ten years of plowing and planting have been recorded in heaven… it is now the time and season of reaping the glorious fruit that we have so passionately longed to see!

As if that was not radical enough, Andrew brought even more anointed power and confirmation to us by releasing some of the best time of ministry I have EVER experienced in my 41 years of Christian life. To see the Beloved building overflowing with hungry hearts and to witness the supernatural effects of the Word being released into so many hearts was an experience I will NEVER forget! The Lord is truly and authentically doing something among us that is, “marvelous in our eyes!”

If you have not gone over and over those five messages, please do.
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Remember it is not the hearer of the word that is blessed it is the DOER!

James 1:25
But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth [therein], he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

I have much to say and much to share, congruent with the gifts that were bestowed upon us in those precious times. It will take us months and years to unpack and reveal the prophetic destiny that we have individually and corporately. But God is faithful! He will show us the way together as we humbly submit one to another and allow the Comforting Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth.

Ephesians 5
19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

1 Peter 5
5Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all [of you] be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
6Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
7Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I pray that your anticipation for what we are going to accomplish together is red-hot! I know mine is…

I almost literally cannot wait to gather and koinonia with y’all again soon.

Come expecting…
Come humbly…
Come joyfully…
Come together!

I love you GREATLY!


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