
Hidden In Christ

Greetings in the divine empowerment of Grace, and the life altering Agape of God.

I am praying that more and more of the lies, the cons, the deceptions, and the bondages associated with all of this are being destroyed by the light and liberty that is in the truth that is working without ceasing in your hearts. I find myself literally shaking my head in disbelief and sometimes even shock at the demonic ignorance that strangles the average, “normie,” who is sleep-walking their way through life and especially this era of humanity’s history.

Just a rundown, quickly, of the ice-burg sized mountains of lies that are piercing the hull of the “Titanic” that is supposed to be a safe place for humanity to transverse the vast ocean in the comfort of luxury. The Titanic reference is akin to the, “salvation,” methodology that the world propagates. It looks pretty, inviting, and elegant, but the end is destruction through sinking into a frigid dark sea.

Here are some counters to a few dangerous narratives being propagated by the laborers of darkness:

  • Russian/Ukraine conflict narrative of Putin is an evil monster and Zelensky is an angelic saint. This is an absolute lie and emotional manipulation to hide the atrocities and war crimes of the actual monsters deeply vested in Ukraine bio-labs, money laundering, nazi entrenchment, and occult activity including unmentionable crimes against children.
  • The experimental gene-altering injection was the greatest assault of genocide on the planet to date.
  • The satanic perverts are not only out of the closet, they are in our classrooms openly mentally-molesting, grooming, and abusing our children to the applause of the progressive sycophants who are excited to see children lose their innocence and purity.
  • God designed and ordained biological science has crumbled to emotional and feeling-driven irrationality that is only beginning it’s war by destroying women’s sports and bathrooms. This avalanche of idiocy will not stop until all of us bow to the idol god of lasciviousness (Ephesians 4:19) and replace God designed and ordained ethics and morality with the diversity and self-exultation of personal opinion as truth.
  • The elections were accurate and there is absolutely NO evidence of evil despots paying for, coordinating, and unashamedly stealing the power structure of our once great republic.
  • There is nothing we can do but blame other countries for our gas and energy crisis, the wheels-off inflation and the woes of ever-increasing costs of living that are just necessary for us all to do our part in the global problems that we are, “all in it together.”
  • Man-made global warming, cooling, change… or whatever the next adjective will be… is the reason why we all need to change every aspect of our life and slavishly follow the prophets of doom into the, “New Green,” utopian landscape that our increased taxes will magically build.
  • A good Christian and/or citizen will do everything their benevolent government/religious leaders tell them to do based upon the heart-tugging pleas of articulate words backed by tears of sincerity and imagery depicting their mandated perspective.
  • Freedom and liberty are antiquated concepts that are no longer acceptable to the collective as we all need to embrace the New World Order as our new god and religion.
  • God is basically dead, the Jesus of the bible is a myth like the Pixie Pegasus, the spirit world is only for, “Ghost Hunters,” on TV, the bible itself is oppressive and anti-science, and the church is WAY non-essential.


Thank God… thank God! You and I are free from the lies through the truth… the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so helped us, our God.

Jude 1:1 (AMP)
Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, [writes this letter], To those who are the called (God’s chosen ones, the elect), dearly loved by God the Father, and kept [secure and set apart] for Jesus Christ

We are, “kept secure and set apart for Jesus Christ”… wow, what a powerful and peaceful truth!

Look at a few other ways it is stated:

  • NLT – keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ.
  • BSB – kept in Jesus Christ
  • KJV – preserved in Jesus Christ
  • CEV – kept safe by Jesus Christ
  • GNT – who live in the love of God the Father and the protection of Jesus Christ


Beloved, our truth and security come from, are protected by, and is singularly found in Jesus Christ. No pharmaceutical, no government, no glowing screen, no lover’s arms, no career or amount of money, no hobby, no self-preservation techniques will EVER be able to provide freedom and security like the truth found in Jesus and His immutable and eternal Word.

The entire world is desperate and crying out for truth and genuine security in these, “unprecedented,” times of fallacy and danger. We are safe and secure in the ARK of God’s love, truth, and protection. Our eyes should be looking for folks that we can rescue with a life-ring of Gospel outreach. But, only free people can free people… only loved people can love people, only secured people can secure people, and only people who know the truth can declare truth to others.

It is of dire importance that we make the imperative of our thought life the King, His Kingdom, and the truth. The whole objective of this onslaught of lies and manipulations is to distract us, change our focus, and eventually overwhelm us with darkness. But… WE ARE the light of the world because THE Light of the world lives in us, and we have our life in Him!

Colossians 3:2-3
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 

Is that not some powerful and uplifting truth right there?!

The enemy cannot find us, our stuff, our family, our soul… IF we stay hidden in Christ. The way we stay there is by setting our affections there. Where you set the affection and direction of your life… your life will go there:

  • Choice determines daily habits
  • Daily habits determine direction
  • Direction determines destination

My precious Beloved family…

I implore you to plant your feet firmly on the Rock of your salvation.

Set your affection on things above.

Lift up your eyes unto the Lord from whence your salvation comes.

Keep your life hidden in Christ.

Fix your face as a flint toward the Son (the sun that lights Heaven)!

I love you greatly!


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