
High Value, High Honor

Hello, precious and greatly loved Beloved!

What a joy and honor it is to be a part of your life and Divine Destiny as a minister, a brother, and a co-laborer in this AMAZING mission from our loving Father!

I pray and deeply desire that the revelation that was released this past Sunday has been impactful in your heart and mind. The things that were shared are some of the very things that have radically changed and persuaded my own heart into greater and greater things with my Good Father and His Destiny for me.

Mark 6
4But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. 5And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed [them]. 6And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching.

Mark 7:13
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

These are difficult truths to open up our heart to, but they are incredibly necessary if we are to humbly grow in the Father’s loving desires for us. When you put the above declarations together, you see that there are “many such like things” that we do, think, and believe that reduce, hinder, or completely halt the effectiveness of Jesus in our lives. I know that is a radical, and potentially offensive, statement… but that does not make it any less true.

In John 1:1 and 14, we learn that Jesus IS, actually IS, The Word of God. That statement by itself is of high value and opportunity for us. Just quickly, here are some things to consider because of that singular truth. If JESUS Himself IS The Word of God, then consider these things:

  • How much honor and value do we have for Jesus if measured by our honor and value for the written word?
  • How much intimacy do we have with Jesus if measured by our intimacy with the written word?
  • How humble and obedient are we to the instruction of Jesus in our heart if measured by the instruction of the written word?
  • How much do we truly know the voice of our Great Shepherd if measured by how much we know the “voice” of the written word?

Those are just some quick but impactful things to consider based on these powerful truths.

Back to the main objective of my writing. We see, because Jesus was not properly valued and honored (Mark 6), that He COULD NOT do the mighty works that He willed to do among that group of people. WOW! That should shake us all to the core whenever we think about it. Each of us determines the level and ability that Jesus can work in our lives by the level of honor and value we TRULY bestow upon Him in a moment by moment basis. I am completely convinced, because you have submitted yourselves to the unique and challenging Beloved culture, that you have a HIGH and LIFTED UP place for Jesus in your heart, mind, and lifestyle! My strong encouragement for you is to militantly protect that place of High value and High opinion of Jesus in everything you do, say, and think.

The entirety of Heaven and every principality, power, and dominion that exists has an infinitely lofty position for the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We are counted among the wisest of all earthy (and heavenly) beings because we can respond with praise and adoration to Him in the “here and now”. You and I have placed Jesus on the singular throne of our heart and will not de-throne Him for anyone or anything! I know, deeply, that we are those 0.1-Percenters that take Jesus at His Word, believe Him for the manifestation of the complete Finished Work of the Cross, and love Him with our entire being. We are displaying this by our High value and High honor for His Word, His Ways, and His truths… alone!

I pray these truths solidify and secure your heart today and this week!

I literally cannot wait until I see you all again soon!

In Great Love and Humble Servitude,



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