

Grace and hope, I pray, is lavishly being activated in your heart and mind this very day!

These days that we get to experience together are unlike any other in human history, and the, “best is yet to come”! Start to envision what your part of THE Great Awakening looks like.

A theme throughout all scripture that some seem to fade from is the message of positive expectancy that we often refer to as, “hope.” I understand that there are a few preachers and ministries that do embrace the word or general message of hope, but they tend to put it on an “eternal” thread that seems to extend just beyond one’s grasp. It would seem that the few who actually get a message of hope presented to them… tend to take on more of a “tease” or carrot-on-a-string concept than one that would actually stir one to immediate action and anticipation.

Because, many times, the term, “hope,” is attached to the term, “eternal life,” people push the infinite possibilities that are entwined with hope into a time-frame outside of this natural world and temporal experience of life. This is not what the Father desires for us, Beloved. The purpose of hope is to frame or create a blueprint in our imagination of God-sized solutions and possibilities. The imagination of man is a unique place in which God can create grand landscapes of glorious extent for the divine desires that are active in the heart of God for the children that He greatly loves. There is also a negative side to the imagination of man that creates stress, anxiety, fear, and dread. This is how the enemy can “create” a landscape that takes on a visual opportunity to manifest in the lives of those he greatly hates. These imaginations are of death, thievery, and destruction (or hellish misery and oppression). They will take the shape of financial ruin, failed relationships, sicknesses filled with torture and eventual death, mental torment, and many more. This is “hope” visualized through the imagination that is inspired or possessed by the enemy. These are the evil imaginations that we are told to vigorously take captive and cast down in total rejection.

God has a much, MUCH different plan. He desires that we use the divine energy of hope to activate the redeemed imagination that can show us the grandeur of what our limitless and good Father can bring to those who are courageous enough to believe in those blueprints that are supernaturally inspired. These are the opportunities and possibilities that are available to ANYONE who is willing to believe that those imaginations can come to reality for them. It is not about some afterlife eternity way off in the unknowable future, it is about building today in our current dark and broken world. Think about this, why would God give you an imagination directed towards powerfully affecting the world’s culture that is only for a time after when He has already changed the kingdoms of this world into the Kingdom of Heaven? No, Beloved. Those imaginations for divine outcomes are for the right here and now! Hope… and believe!

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

It is time to reject the temptations of creating the enemy’s desires in our lives (stress, dread, fear, hopelessness) and FULLY embrace the HOPE of, “eternal life”! Remember my definition of eternal life: the perpetual regenerating quality and quantity of living that only God Himself possesses and experiences. This is what your hope from heaven is constantly fixated on and would be beneficial to embrace with your whole heart. When your imagination creates a clear divine picture of God’s desires for you, that is when you apply faith to bring it into reality.

Once your faith starts to create substance to the things your Godly imagination (hope) has framed, you are on the verge of experiencing that, “eternal life,” that is declared for you to have today and everyday!

Titus 3:4-7
But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the HOPE of eternal life.

My dearest Beloved Family… release the real power of your heart’s abilities in your present-day life through allowing God to inspire and create through your hope-er (Godly imagination). Be a person of hope that seeds the world around you with the imaginations of your good and loving Father!

I love you GREATLY!


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