
In God We Trust

In God We Trust

This is it! My last message to you in the closing of 2021… 

I want to say, one more time:

“Beloved (you who are greatly loved), I pray and desire above all things that you prosper (in a whole life prosperity) and are in good health (a Divine and complete health) even as your soul prospers (the gateway through which all blessings of God flow into your life)!”

All day today, and so far everyday this week, I have been thinking on, meditating about, and studying through what the Lord would have me to minister this week… but in an even bigger scope… what attitude should I (and we) have going into a fresh, new year. I have to say, adamantly and boldly, that I have personally never been more excited and hopeful for a new calendar year than I am now. I understand that many folks reading this are currently under weights, bondages, and struggles being inflicted by tyranny, deception, and other people hell-bent on burning the Kingdom down to a pile of ashes, taking you with it. I am not so, “lost in the clouds,” that I am naïve to the oppression, death, and misery that is zealous to baptize each of us, our nation, and world.

I truly understand and, “get it.” Yet, I cannot remove myself from the higher Truth and reality that my Father is working a Divine and glorious plan for all of us who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28). The miseries around us are as temporary and fleeting as 2021 is now. In just a few hours, we will all flip a page of the calendar, and the whole year silently, simply flips into the past. Then, we throw the calendar away and start focusing on the new one… let us all focus on the new… the coming plans of God… the prophetic declarations of our coming age… The Great Awakening that starts first in our own heart and mind.

John 16:1-4 (TPT)
“I have told you this so that you would not surrender to confusion or doubt. For you will be excommunicated from the synagogues, and a time is coming when you will be put to death by misguided ones who will presume to be doing God a great service by putting you to death. And they will do these things because they don’t know anything about the Father or me. I’m telling you this now so that when their time comes you will remember that I foretold it. I didn’t tell you this in the beginning because I was still with you.”

Allow me to parallel some of the prophetic highlights that Jesus was unveiling for His disciples as the whole world was about to transition (through the torn veil of the flesh of Jesus) from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. Mankind was changing from BC (before the sacrifice of Christ) to AD (“anno Domini” the year of our Lord)… I know our calendars do not match up perfectly, but Heaven knows exactly what was happening even if our math was not in agreement. Jesus was preparing them for the transition in these three chapters of intensive ministry and teaching (John 14, 15 and 16). I would strongly urge you to go back over those chapters in the closing hours of this year and see what the Lord would reveal to you, personally. 

  • He said these things so, “that you would not surrender to confusion or doubt.” This literally could not be more applicable for us today to embrace. The reason I coined the term, “covid logic,” is because the world is purposefully confusing things and force feeding doubt to every available heart by every available means (glowing screens and news machines). The wisdom of this world is ignorance to God. I urge you to reject and condemn confusion and doubt as if it was the devil himself trying to enter your heart… because it is!
  • “You will be excommunicated from the synagogues…” Many translate this as being kicked out of church or being condemned by religion or religious leaders. And that is a viable application. Many of you that are reading this, as part of the Beloved Family, have been ostracized, rejected, and persecuted for not swallowing the poison-pill of the denominational narrative. You have found a family among the remnant peeps like us who believe the WHOLE Gospel and desire to see it manifest in every life. Welcome… make yourself at home! But, an even bigger revelation of this statement is that being a part of the, “synagogue system,” was universally about their entire way of life. Think about this… as a Jewish person, your entire life, culture, social network, belief system, family, and societal interaction depended on being in “good standing” with the synagogue leaders. How relative is this for people like us today, who are rejecting (whole heartedly) the “pandemic system” of this tyrannical world. The world’s system has cast us out… isn’t it great to be set free!
  • “You will be put to death by misguided ones who will presume to be doing God a great service by putting you to death.” It may come as a surprise sickness or disease thrust upon us by death-peddling pundits of satan. It may come as a mandated medical procedure or injection that is contrary to our beliefs and conscience. It may come as the next, “natural,” disaster caused by, “human climate change,” or the terrorists peddling that lie. It may come as a fear of economic collapse forcing you to embrace poverty and oppression. It may come as mind-control over our innocent children training them to loath themselves and their culture. And Jesus highlights that these people are, “misguided,” and thinking they are, “doing God a great service,” or, in other words, they are doing these things, “for your health… its the right thing to do… do it for grandma… don’t you love other people! Why aren’t you blindly complying with our dictates and science!” True as much today as the day Jesus spoke it.
  • “And they will do these things because they don’t know anything about the Father or me.” Bingo! Our problems today are not politics, racism, a virus, climate, or any other faux villain… it is rejecting Jesus, the Father, His Kingdom, and His salvation. Those of us who are purposefully intimate with Him, drawn in close to His heart and voice, spending time daily with Him while He shows us a different reality, and authentically knowing His character, nature, and plans are safe, secure, and rightfully hopeful in the exact same time everyone else is falling apart in desperation.
  • “Remember that I foretold it.” Only a foolish person would be told how things are gonna go down… then they go down… and that person is shocked into despair when it goes down. We are not foolish people, Beloved. We see the false narrative, we hear the lying propaganda, we know the manipulated science and facts… we see your bluff, tyrants… and raise you one Great Awakening! Now, deal the cards and lets watch how the winner takes all!
  • “I didn’t tell you this in the beginning.” Jesus has this way of saving the best for last. He also has this way of revealing things at just the right time, for just the right reasons, in just the right amounts. This inspires me to do much, much better as a minister… I know I fail in all these areas a bunch. I am not saying this from condemnation, but inspiration. I hope you are inspired by this truth also. We, in our humanity, always want to know everything about everything, and it is not productive. Let us trust our Savior that He is doing good things for us all and He surely does not need our help to manage that.

Jesus spoke all these things to His closest followers about hope, encouragement, and staying in faith. Then, He died. Yep. Don’t you know that they were struggling with SERIOUS doubt and confusion about the future. How apropos for us today, Beloved.

There was a resurrection in their, “new year,” that was a bit unexpected, but relentlessly proclaimed by the One they were supposed to be following and trusting. As we go into this New Year, let us learn from our predecessors that we will not let the temporary things our eyes see take us away from the eternal truths our hearts should know. This New Year is going to be AWESOME! See y’all then…

In great love and anticipation,


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