
It’s November

I am really not the kind of guy to mention calendar moments as having any legitimate value in the Kingdom pursuits that we are all called to focus on. If you ask anyone who truly knows me, they will tell you I am not a holiday guy … a birthday guy … a Hallmark-created “special” day guy …. I am a Finished Work of Christ guy who recognizes Jesus as the Lord of the Sabbath, making everyday a unique and special gift of God.

Having said that…it is November.

The demands of these times compel us to deal with political matters that make us touch the filthiness of a realm that cannot be washed off with even the hottest shower, thrusts us into learning about government actions and legislative proceedings that have never produced a duck-bump or warm-fuzzy of the anointing, demands conversations on topics previously ignored or avoided in “religious” settings, sets families into war fronts, and makes YOU, the minister, a potential enemy of both sides. I get it. I totally get it. Welcome to the authentic ministry where changing lives, touching a community, effecting a region, and awakening a nation is actually hard—really hard.

We have a responsibility to our God, to our neighbors, and to our nation in less than a week… it is nearly election day and the scriptures speak of these opportunities.

Kenneth T. Aitken, Lecturer in Hebrew at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, formulates it thus, “When the wicked are in power and control the affairs of state, violence and injustice are actively encouraged and flourish unchecked [Proverbs 29:16], and the people groan under an intolerable burden of oppression and make themselves scarce for fear of life and limb.”

The opposite situation is described in Proverbs 29:2: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice,” highlighting the importance of righteous versus wicked leadership, and the effect it has upon the citizenry. Hence, if the righteous won’t run… and the righteous won’t vote… how do we get to the point where, “the righteous are in authority?

The irrefutable declaration in Proverbs 14:34 that “righteousness exalts a nation” can be achieved in a democratic republic by organizing and mobilizing like-minded constituents to the voting booth. Since somebody’s values are going to reign supreme in the public square, a massive turnout of Christians on Election Day, November 8th, will be an absolute necessity. Politics is downstream from culture. We are the kingdom culture that Christ desires to have affect the waters of our nation in this time.

I am writing to you, offspring of David, who withstood the enemy for the last two years, who waded through the swamp of lies, who pressed into the heart of God to see what His vision for your family and destiny really is, who has lost friends and family while standing for truth, who dared to have difficult conversations that led to even more difficult actions, who expertly placed just the right stone in your well-worn sling and let fly your declaration of faith, trusting God that it would find the perfect target and bring that monster to its knees.

It is November. That giant is kneeling in front of the now remnant, genuine church of the Lord Jesus Christ, bleeding from a stone-sized wound right in the very center of its once proudly extended forehead, slowly rocking back and forth from the shocking traumatic force of your faith. You are running—no, sprinting—at full speed … no, at God-speed—towards your wounded and stunned foe while inhaling the spirit, the breath of God, filling your healthy lungs.

There is still an entire army that will need to be routed, still a massive head that needs to be decapitated, still a nation to lead, still a ministry to run, but, it is November and things are changing. Look to the autumn leaves and see that all of creation is declaring a new season has arrived. We are going into the Great Awakening and the best is yet to come! Now is the time to preach the pulpits into a bonfire, to have the never-voter become the educated voter, to pray for wisdom and action in this great fight of faith, and to stay intimately connected to the Spirit of God like no other time in our generation.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary; His understanding is beyond searching out.
Isaiah 40:28 (BSB)

Beloved friends, we are on the precipice of an era that many people of God have only had vague visions of. The Father chose you for, “such a time as this,” and placed you here for this specific NOW. Do not let your natural eyes deceive you, we are winning … and winning BIG.

Remember, remember: this is November, and the time has come for evil to surrender.

And you are the one holding the stone… with a God-inspired smile.

I love you greatly!


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