
Just Crazy Enough

Greetings, my precious Beloved Family.
I proclaim to you a blessed New Year!

Today, we walk together, joined through humility and unity, into the most glorious and opportunistic new year and fresh beginnings that I believe we have ever been given. I often find myself astounded by the glorious reality that, of all the eons in human history, of all the places of the universe, in the midst of all the “unprecedented” circumstances and situations that have ever been faced… our Good and Loving Father has HAND-FORMED you and me for, “such a time as this!” I pray that resonates thunderously within the walls of your heart like it does mine. The Father has entrusted this age, this world filled with precious souls, and this Powerful Gospel to little ole’ you and me. Please reflect on the heaviness of that truth.

The audible clicks of my keyboard as I project my heart to you today are beautifully balanced by the vision of the falling snow outside covering the earth afresh with a blanket of pure white signifying to me the Father’s great passion for us all to walk into this next season together in newness, spotlessness, and without the colors of the past. This is what inspired my heartfelt message on Sunday that I pray was a deep encouragement for you all.

Psalms 133 declares to us the beauty and pleasure associated with the family walking together in unity. This past year has highlighted that truth to me more clearly than any other year I can remember. For me personally, the love and encouragement that my Beloved Family bestowed upon me cannot be expressed within the limited English language and it’s failing adjectives. What my eye has seen, my heart has experienced, and our church has accomplished, together, is nothing short of miraculous. I am inexpressibly thankful and expectant as we run boldly into the next adventure we have been honored to receive. This is why it was propitious for me to use this reference from 1 John 2:10 in “A Faithful Version”:

The one who loves his brother is dwelling in the light, and there is no cause of offense in him.

A uniquely powerful and wonderful ability entwined in the Agape Love of God, that manifests itself to us and through us, is highlighted here by the Divine statement, “there is no cause of offense in him.” We learned together that one of the successful tactics and TRAPS of the enemy is to tempt God’s people into offense through tribulation (agitation, stirring up, internal pressure) and persecution (the hunt to bring someone down like an animal). We also learned those traps are for the express purpose of stealing away the power and effect of the Word of God. Remember, Jesus desires that we are abundantly fruitful in His Kingdom (John 15), so we need to militantly reject any attempts of the enemy to deceive us. That is exactly what “offense” is trying to do…

Matthew 13:20-21
But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon [quickly] with joy receiveth it; yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

You and I are going together into this new year wise to the enemy’s tactics and mature enough to leave last year’s offenses or “luggage” outside the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven that we are to live in. I believe that we are just crazy enough… just courageous enough… and just submitted enough to let the Agape Love of God live so authoritatively in us that we can walk as “perfected” people! We are going to walk above the traps of the enemy and in a way that makes it possible to NEVER stumble.

James 3:2 (ESV)
For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.

The clear path to this Kingdom and Divine way of life is through the reality of the Love of Jesus and the wisdom of His will (Word). This simple yet profound truth is enumerated in just one simple verse in Psalms 119 and verse 165:

Great peace have they which love thy law [instruction, teaching]: and nothing shall offend them.

When we all make a commitment to reject any and all traps of offense, we shut the door tightly on the enemy and throw open the flood gates of our Father’s blessed desires… Can I get an “amen”?

I anticipate a level of peace manifesting in all of our lives this year like never before

I anticipate a level of health manifesting in all of our lives this year like never before

I anticipate a level of prosperity manifesting in all of our lives this year like never before

I anticipate a level of unity manifesting in all of our lives this year like never before

I anticipate a level of soul success manifesting in all of our lives this year like never before

Beloved, let us walk in these radical truths for our own lives, our families, our needful region, and, eventually, for the whole planet. The Finished Work of the Cross also includes the finished work of forgiveness in us, to us, and THROUGH us. The Father believes in us, so let us agree with Him. You and I have been called together to change our world!

I love you beyond words!

Blazing into 2021,


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