
Let Freedom Ring

Hello, my dear Beloved Family!

This weekend was just filled with powerful and wonderful opportunities and encounters with the amazing grace of our loving Father… once again! It is such a Kingdom reality that our Good Father desires for all of His children to “grow in the Grace of our Lord Jesus” and to “go from faith to faith” every day in this incredible walk with Him.

As I sit here and meditate on the things that are happening around us, the uncertainty in the election cycle, the ongoing tyranny of the pandemic response, the despair that is happening in families, and many other devastating works of darkness, I hear the resonating voice of the Spirit crying out “Freedom!” We MUST be purposeful about resisting the temptation to allow the world to determine the condition of our souls. We are a people created for liberty and also to be the midnight riders proclaiming that liberty that is freely available to all men!

How many of you knew that the famous Liberty Bell in Philadelphia only had one simple inscription on it?

“Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof”

This was the sound and symbol of the cry of the heart of man that was purposed to ring throughout the land, and that land is your land and that land is my land! We are the people who truly carry the freedom our world needs, and we are going to proclaim that this is the Year of Jubilee for all people.

Leviticus 25:10  
Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you… 

The Year of the Jubilee involved a year of release from indebtedness (Leviticus 25:23-38) and all types of bondage (vv. 39-55). All prisoners and captives were set free, all slaves were released, all debts were forgiven, and all property was returned to its original owners. In addition, all labor was to cease for one year, and those bound by labor contracts were released from them. One of the benefits of the Jubilee was that both the land and the people were able to rest.

Our Lord Jesus proclaimed this was now freely available to all who would accept His great salvation in Luke 4:19. Because of the Finished Work of the Cross, we have been completely and eternally delivered from ALL the power of darkness, ALL sickness and disease, ALL poverty and lack, ALL oppression and depression, and given the same name and authority that our Lord purchased by conquest. That is GOOD NEWS! Yet this great gift has an even greater responsibility attached to it… to protect that freedom freely bestowed upon us.

Gal 5:1
Berean Literal Bible
In freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore and do not be entangled again in a yoke of slavery!

New American Standard Bible 
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

This is a literal command by our Champion to resist and reject any form of slavery that tries to chain us or bind us in any way. Because of the death of the old man, because of the defeat of all sin (past, present, and future), we have now a victory shout that rumbles from our own belly that resonates that same victory proclamation for our own lives BUT ALSO for those around us as well!

Galatians 5:13
For, brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

There are masses of people in our spheres of influence that are hopeless and prisoners of fear in this present evil world. BUT YOU, Beloved, carry the sound and power of freedom that their prisoner hearts yearn to hear and have. I wholeheartedly encourage you to be the light to your world, to be the ringing of the liberty bell to your home, neighborhood, and region. This is our sound and this is the Gospel we are to carry!

I literally cannot wait to see you again very soon!

In Great Love,


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