
Let’s Run

Greetings and great love to you, the Beloved Family!

I am going to be honest… as I am sitting here today, I am a bit overwhelmed by you. Sunday was one of those “testing moments” for me, and for us as a body. The Grace that was released in worship and the ministry of the Word were both of eternal impact and value. I just love to watch and experience our Good Father give gifts to the family in the way He does…

I am fully aware that the information ministered Sunday was in some folk’s “sand boxes”, and there is this beautiful but delicate balance of challenging and encouraging that I dutifully strive to embody in our culture. So, what is powerfully affecting me now, as I pen my heart to you, is that in both of these scenarios, you, Beloved, have received with humility those differing tensions. That is unique and powerful. The culture we carry together just keeps getting better and more impactful in all the Kingdom callings that we have together and it is wonderful to behold!

This glorious culture that we carry together is literally and potently affecting realms here locally and farther every week. I hear the testimonies and see the changes that are from our heart and hands. This is an absolute necessity in the 2020, “pandemic”, Corona-Lie, election mess and racism-infected world of ours today. As terrible and painful as it is to see the systemic destruction of people’s lives through these manipulated and controlled narratives, it is equally exhilarating to experience the tangible Kingdom culture that is in our building, but more importantly, in our hearts.


To quote Frederick Douglass, “this is the whole of my politics…”

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin [is] a reproach to any people.

The more you and I embrace the Righteousness of God, eschew evil, and release the unmatched power of the Gospel from our impassioned lips, the more we chase darkness from our nation and our beloved neighbors. Remember my heart about the things that are happening this week summed up in the later half of this statement from Sunday: “My Faith votes, BUT I have no faith in my vote.” This is the sum total of the resting place of my faith and trust… Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!

There is only one place our heart and our gaze needs to be continuously and purposely fixated: HIM.

Hebrews 12:1-2
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This is the road we are on together. So let us take one another’s hands and run hard together with our Great Shepherd leading us to a victory for our families, our nation, and our personal Divine Destinies!

I will always run with you… Will you run with me?

In the Greatest Love!


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