
Light Affliction

Good and glorious afternoon to you all in the Beloved Family!

It brings me great peace and joy to write to you, and to put my heart in remembrance of your love for the Lord and for us as well.

A week ago, while the leadership team and I were in Colorado, I was able to take a little excursion to a destination known as the, “Manitou Incline.” It is quite a famous local attraction that has quite a reputation of being extremely adventurous. Y’all know I like a good adventure, and this one has had me chomping at the bit ever since I heard about it’s reputation a few trips ago. Here is the written stats…

Elevation: 6,600 ft (2,000m)

Distance: .85 mile hike

Elevation gain: 2,000 ft

Total steps: 2,744

On paper, it looks sublime enough, but I can testify that, in person, it is strenuously challenging. To begin with, at that elevation, us, “flat landers,” are already very aware of the thin air that is greatly reduced in oxygen levels. Next, due to the tight schedule, we needed to do it rather quickly so we would not be late to the evening session of the Minister’s Conference. Then, because of just the way I am, I convinced our small group of hikers (there were four of us) to walk from the home we rented to the trail, which added two more miles. I say all of this to articulate the fact that we bit off quite a chunk of action to chew. I have some spiritual points here… so hang with me y’all.

When we finally found the Incline (some leader may have gotten everyone lost for a few mins…), it was visually daunting. It literally looked like a two-thousand foot sheer wall of straight up climbing. What the eyes told us about what was ahead did not inspire faith, hope, or excitement. Read that again and apply it to todays reports of doom and gloom from the fear-peddlers. This was one of the most unique, picturesque, and accomplished hikes that I have ever had a chance to climb, but when I laid eyes the path before me, I was not excited, to say the least.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward [man] is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding [and] eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal.

I can honestly tell you that it was one of the hardest single obstacles I have ever been challenged with (in the natural). There were times that giving up and turning around were a valid and understandable option. Two in our group already planned to not go to the top, so our special forces were already reduced to just Jon Yankee and me. We each had our own challenges that we talked through (sometimes it was borderline complaints), but were transparent with. We eventually inspired each other with determination and encouraging language. Along the way, we literally met an, “old pro,” who had done the climb hundreds of times who gave us so REALLY helpful training tips. Then, Jon and I got our stride in unison, our steps in proper form, our hearts set on the goal, and, before too long, we were at the summit taking our selfies of accomplishment. If you read through that again, you will find that what I am expounding in a subtle way is where we are on this trek into THE Great Awakening.

Right now, we are at the near bottom of the path. It is a daunting sight before us… the darkness, the raging lies, the obstacles of pandemic, tyranny, hopelessness, and raw sinfulness that our eyes are inundated with daily. I could go on-and-on about the despair that is legitimately surrounding us… in the natural. But, we choose to LOOK NOT, “at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.” We should have a more heavenly and eternal perspective. Because, “the things which are not seen [are] eternal,” and we are eternal-focused children of God who are focused on seeking first the King and His Kingdom. Notice in the above scripture that this mountain before us, this seemingly insurmountable task, this arduous path, these thousands of little steps working against us to wear us out and convince us to quit by going back the way we came… are a, “light affliction, which is but for a moment.

You and I, Beloved, have to choose daily as to whether we focus on the height and treacherous path up the mountain, or simply choose to focus on the victory that comes one step at a time, while we encourage each other in the Lord. Along the way, when we would stop to catch our breath, we would turn around and the views were stunning and magnificent. Also, when we did look at the beauty along the journey, we became acutely aware that we were actually getting closer and closer to the summit. Thank God it was a journey that I did not attempt alone… I wonder if I would have made it without Jon?

This is why you all know many who have turned around and gone back to the dark misery of the old way and the former lifestyles… they did not value the eyes of faith and the fellowship of the saints. This is literally the two-part mix that will lead us all to the victory at the top of the mountain. Authentic faith mixed with fellowship are a powerful team to conquer mountains.

Keep the eyes of your heart focused on the top while you transverse each step.

Speak to each other in encouragement and use words of faith.

Learn some tricks along the way from some, “old pros.”

NEVER go it alone!

Get your camera ready…

I love you all deeply, and we will take some group pictures at the top!


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