
Meak, Not Weak

But the LORD says, “The captives of warriors will be released, and the plunder of tyrants will be retrieved. For I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children
Isaiah 49:25 NLT

Passionate greetings to you, the revealed Beloved of your Father who have embraced the identity of your calling in Christ. I pray and desire that you are experiencing the favor of God in your righteous souls that compels you into the good fight of faith for our nation and neighbors.

If you have not watched/listened to Sunday’s message, please pause your reading of this letter to take it in. Few messages have stirred my holy fury like the context of that message. The link is above where it is archived on YouTube and Rumble. Please subscribe to our Rumble channel while watching (or re-watching) because the assault on our messaging and free speech is getting more intense with every passing week.

As promised, here is the link and the instruction on how YOU can directly push back against the demonic assault on our innocent children: SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO THE FEDERAL REGISTER HERE

The kids… who will fight for the kids?

Notice in this opening verse how the salvation of our children has a divine process:

  1. Liberation of an enslaved populous that will lead to a FREE people of God.
  2. The tyrants will be plundered, specifically (I believe) by those free and liberated people.
  3. These activities will be empowered supernaturally and supported supernaturally by our Father Himself.
  4. The children will be saved!


For those of you that know me, and know my fervent zeal, my intense messaging, my ardent resolve, and my divine purpose… know that we have been building towards this for a decade now. There are people who gather every week in the purple chairs next to you, who have been allowing these truths and revelations to saturate their hearts and change their lives. One of the greatest joys, that I can humbly declare, I have been honored by the Lord with, is seeing with my own eyes the divine transformation and blessings on the people who have stuck in there through all the terrible. Some of that, “terrible,” was my immature leadership, some was from broken people seated among us, and some even from a tyrannical government. Yet, here we are, growing more intimate in our culture and more powerful in our influence locally and beyond.

We are making liberated people who are embracing their freedoms in Christ that desire to plunder the kingdom of darkness with fury and bring deliverance to the next generation and generations yet unborn. This impacts my heart more than I will ever be able to express.

I am so thankful for this great calling… and compelled by that sincere gratitude to fight even more diligently and arduously for the meek to inherit this earth.

Matthew 5:5, 8 (ESV)
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Meek is NOT weak. Many people mentally translate it in that way, but it is literally the opposite. Here is the HELPS Word-studies definition:

This difficult-to-translate root means more than ‘meek.’ Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God’s strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness. [The English term ‘meek’ often lacks this blend – i.e. of gentleness (reserve) and strength.]

One of the great examples of this is the obviousness of how Jesus, ALL powerful Ruler of the Universe and Lord of angelic hosts, chose the cross as the destruction of evil rather than a divine nuclear-bomb-fire-and-brimestone-smack-down.

Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?”
Matthew 26:52-54 ESV

I recently heard Jordan Peterson describe this biblical concept as, “those who have swords and know how to use them well, but choose to keep them sheathed.” He follows this up by declaring that we (the Beloved people of God) should be dangerous… very dangerous. I could not agree more. The enemy targets the weak, the helpless, the defenseless. That’s why he is dead-set on children. But, dangerous people, protecting those kids, make bullies quake.

Great power under great control = meek.

Infinite authority exercised through infinite love is how God’s meekness is defined.

Christ says, “Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest to your souls” (Matthew 11:29 ESV). What this means is for us to have souls that prosper, souls in the rest of God, and souls that are properly controlled, we need to, “learn ” the meekness of the heart of Jesus. The word for learn here is about fact and experience driven knowledge. This is not book-learning… it is experiential and intimate. This is the way into THE Great Awakening.

Our King of kings and Lord of lords desires His people to inherit this earth. We are to be the ones that bring the Kingdom and the will of God into this natural realm as Jesus commanded us to pray in Matthew 6, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…”. The meek are the ones ordained to carry this out to victory.

If one does not have a deep revelation of their infinite power, strength, and authority through Christ… they cannot be meek.

If one does not have a deep revelation of the soul-control needed through love, grace, and mercy… they cannot be meek.

This is a great example of why the tension of scripture and the balance of truth is of such magnificent importance in our lives. Paul illustrated this gloriously in how he lead the churches of the New Testament as an anointed and ordained Apostle balanced with being a servant of the people and a slave to Jesus. Read Philemon and you will see this in direct application.

This is an enormous truth that we need to all embrace and grow in… none more-so than me. I desire to partner with my Father to bring His will to this earth and I know you have the same heart!

That’s why I love you greatly!


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