
Measuring Assets

Hello my precious and greatly loved Beloved family!

I am currently in the back seat of a truck as I pen this letter to you, headed back from Washington D.C. I know that many of you want to hear what happened and to have a legitimate report of that, but, honestly, I am still processing and I would MUCH rather talk about Jesus. Especially after the glorious day we all shared together on Sunday! Lives changed eternally, hearts touched divinely, Godly purposes embraced, and the Kingdom expanded.

The truths illuminated in the message are important beyond measure because the impact in our lives are profound and powerful. What do you treasure and why? Jesus told us one of the most truly riveting concepts of Christian people who have sincerely determined to point the compass of their hearts on True North. I honestly quote this verse nearly everyday because the application is deep and wide. In Luke 12 this principle was outlined by Jesus in verse 34:

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

It honestly seems like too small a statement to carry with it the universal value that is providentially embedded therein. Yet, that is exactly how impacting the Word of God spoken under inspiration has been conceived by God to be. Remember that the word for “treasure” used here by the Lord means: a store-house for precious things, hence: a treasure, a store; a receptacle for valuables.

Many, many times, I have counseled folks on the simple truth enumerated here. So how can someone today know EXACTLY whether they “treasure” the King and Kingdom or not? Whether they have their heart’s compass pointed to “True North” (Jesus Christ and His Truth) or not? Here is a quick reference to help you start that verification process. This will give you the actual proof of where you are now. It cannot necessarily help to change or effect that, but, at the very least, you will not be deceived. Far too often, we allow our hearts to be manipulated by our opinions, other people’s opinions, and even our lifestyles. Yet, these fruits in themselves do not always portray the whole portrait. Here is what you and I should be constantly evaluating to help us track our walk with the King and His Kingdom.

The three most valuable personal assets:

  1. What is the majority of your time spent on?
  2. What is the majority of your money spent on?
  3. What/who has the majority of your affection?

I know some may think that I am “meddling” with making this type of statement, but I can assure you that my intentions are loving and pure. I want all of us… ALL OF US… to be directly and confidently in the center of our Good and Loving Father’s will that showers all the blessings of heaven into our lives. This is something I give great gravity to in my own heart and life. Remember, when challenging statements are bounced off your eardrums, do not immediately reject it just because it does not sound like what you want to hear. Oftentimes, I have learned, before the truth can create freedom in you (John 8:32), it will give you an opportunity to get really mad. This is no different. It is proper and healthy for you to take inventory of the assets of your life, to determine what you are doing with them, and to have an honest assessment of those facts in your heart. While you are doing this humble and meek exercise of measuring of your assets and the spending of them, do not allow yourself to be misdirected in the purpose. When we submit to this simple activity, we open opportunities to our Loving Father. That is the target of this message, this series, and the fellowship (koinonia) culture that we have built and embraced. It all boils down to this one promise from on High:

Luke 12:32
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

This precious promise should not and must not be vacated at anytime for any reason. As the King and His Kingdom rules and reigns in more and greater ways, you should have a strong expectation to see this manifest in and around you. When we treasure the King and Kingdom, we, by natural process, devalue the other distractions in our environment. This is a natural and toil-less growth process that should be commonplace in all believers. I pray that you hear my heart, hear the Father’s heart, and listen to the divine yearnings of your own heart.

I adore you and consider it a deep honor to serve you.

In Great Love,


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