
Nothing New

I have been reflecting this morning on the journey of “Beloved Church” as I was reading through and meditating in First Thessalonians.

There is a reminiscence and commonality among all journeys of authentic groups of people as they venture into the callings, purposes, and missions of God. Our journey together is a parallel to scriptural happenings and it brings clarity and hope as I see others on the pages of my Bible navigate uncharted waters just like we are.

This is one of the things that brings me such personal comfort, excitement, and courage… the historical collections of scripture with the added benefit of the Holy Spirit bringing a Divine narrative and commentary of those events.

Something that is devastating for me to watch, with my own eyes, is the systematic and purposeful destruction of our American culture, the church, and the children of both. Critical Race Theory, forced sexualization, medical abuse and torture, rewriting of history, and a steady stream of visual sewage and deception that is high-pressure pumped into the eyes, ears, and minds of our society is atrocious to behold. I have come to realize that the reason I am so appalled, while others roll their eyes (or worse yet, just roll with the punches), is because I have such value for the Divine revelation of human psyche and the satanic strategy outlined clearly and repetitively through the Holy Scriptures against us. While many others have just laid down to accept how things are, I see example after example of Godly people destroying the darkness around them.

There is nothing new under the sun. These global and local tyrants, drunk with innocent blood and unlawful power, are just the next incarnation of the generation born from their father, the devil. He was a murderer from the beginning and the father of all lies (see John 8). There has been little or no adjustment to his playbook for over six-thousand years. That is such a frustrating thing to say while the current macro and micro destructive traumas play out blatantly before us.

Here is the glorious lining of this seemingly dark and thunderous cloud of an impending storm. We have been chosen for this time, God is faithfully and lovingly preparing us through courage and community, AND we have great and precious promises that out-power any activity of the darkness.

Now is the time for our character, our commitment to holiness, and our passion for the Word of God to be solidified. All of these areas will be tried by the actors of this plastic culture to see what we are really made of. We need to have a testimony and lifestyle that is congruent with the Kingdom of the One we call King. Look at these verses to see how imperative this was for Paul as he was changing the world.

1 Thessalonians 1:4-7 (ESV)
For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake. And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.

Notice how Paul was unashamed of the Gospel being preached and demonstrated through him and his team in power and conviction. That by itself is unique in todays “church-ianity”, seeker sensitive culture, but there was more. What they did there in the community was so impacting that the local church, “became imitators,” of them AND the Lord. What a powerful example they lived, but even greater, what a testimony to the humility of this body of believers to alter their lifestyles to take on the Kingdom that Paul and his team demonstrated.

Look at the end of this chapter:

Verses 9-10
For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.

Their former, temporal anticipation and expectation was exchanged for what was eternal. Their focus was fixed on the main thing. They easily gave up the “idols” of their day (what we cling to… glowing screens, entertainment, celebrities, other peoples affirmation) because of the life in the Living God. I would say, with confidence, they had a simplification of their way of life as well. Not unlike our times today, they had some massive pressures to deal with. A tyrannical and oppressive government, especially for Christian converts. A culture saturated in idolatry and sexual perversion. The real and present danger of being martyred for their Christian decision. The reality of becoming societal outcasts for their convictions and lifestyle choices. The pressure on them was not a new or different pressure… just a personal one.

Beloved, this is what we face today… not something new, just something personal. Yet, look at the incredible promise given to the local church at Thessalonica that we can embrace here as well: “Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.” We have ABSOLUTELY nothing to fear as we go into the tenuous times of this Great Awakening because we know our God will keep us in the safety and provision of His eternal promises.

I pray you are invigorated to pursue holiness and a Kingdom lifestyle like never before. This is simply grasped as we imitate the success of the examples God has so lovingly given us. I also believe the courage that is growing in you is decimating the scare tactics of our blow-hard world of paper tigers and fear mongers (inside religion and outside…). We are that unique and well-equipped remnant family that our Father can trust and work through.

What an awesome time to be alive!

I love you greatly,


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