
O Holy Night

Hello precious Beloved Family!

There is a refrain that has been running through my heart lately as we close in on the advent of this great season of celebrating our redemption and the Great Love displayed by our Heavenly Father through the birth of our Lord Jesus:

O holy night

The stars are brightly shining

It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

Till he appeared and the soul felt it’s worth

The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

For yonder brinks a new and glorious morn

The next line is, “fall on your knees.” This played out gloriously as we gathered together with our Beloved Family who have humbly embraced the culture we genuinely cultivate as the Children of the Most High God who are Greatly Loved! The submission of the hearts that were gathered together under the glow of “Healing Sunday” this past week found many knees bowed and tongues confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord over the health and healing of our bodies and souls. Did you see this magnificent display?

I often find myself lost for words as I see the Comforting Holy Spirit moving graciously among us in worship, fellowship, and ministry of the unchanging Word of God. The access that our family has been granting for heaven in their lives is bearing much fruit through the manifestations of the good will of our Good Father. We can all expect for these truths to just keep getting “good-er and good-er”!

We had the immense opportunity to drill down on one of the most riveting revelations that I have ever received. It was enumerated in Acts chapter 10 and verse 38:
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

There are just a few points that I would like to reiterate for us to all meditate on for greater clarity and unity:

  1. “Jesus of Nazareth” – highlights the humanity of Jesus exposing the Good News of mankind’s authority to embrace the Divine Nature available to any and all who will humbly submit to the Good News of the Kingdom coming to earth.
  2. “with the Holy Spirit and with power” – the person of the Holy Spirit and His indwelling presence not only brings comfort, love, wisdom, and revelation… BUT also brings enormous power as illustrated by the life, ministry, and resurrection of our King and Savior.
  3. “went about doing good, and healing…” – healing is good! Religion has subtlety convinced it’s victims that some misery, pain, sickness, and disease was God ordained… yet this makes it abundantly and eternally clear that healing is GOOD and therefore any and all sickness is BAD. When we fully embrace this, the enemy’s attacks and evil plans are abruptly and powerfully rejected.
  4. “all” – what does “all” mean in the Greek? ALL! Can I get an “AMEN” somebody!
  5. “that were oppressed of the devil” – all oppression, sickness, depression, and anti-heaven manifestation have one declared origin… the devil… the arch enemy of God. Make sure you draw this necessary delineation in your heart and mind, Beloved. God is Good and wills good… the devil is bad and wills bad. Simple but powerful theology!
  6. “for God was with Him” – this brings you and I specifically into the doctrinal equation. Everyone and anyone who can confidently declare, “God is with me,” can have the very same benefits and power flowing through them as the man Jesus had because this statement verifies that the qualification was the presence of God. As born-above children of God, we can all, with boldness, have unending expectation for healing and goodness to flow to us and through us.

I know these are radical statements, but that does not make them any less true! This is how we know that each of us can live in this Divine quality and quantity of life:

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

Christmas time should stand as a beautiful reminder that the same Savior, Redeemer, and Lord of heaven that magnificently walked through the streets of Judea… and the pages of the Gospels… now walks through the secret places of our hearts! Oh Beloved, “fall on your knees… and hear the angel’s voices”!

I adore you with all of my heart!


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