
On A Mission

Hello dear and precious Beloved Family!

It is such a joy and blessing to be back together with you after our adventures in Honduras. I desire for those of you who did not go to consider praying about being a part of the next trip. It is life changing and Jesus will not disappoint!

This present evil world is visibly unravelling and deteriorating around us, if you have not noticed. This is the natural after effects of a lethargic, complacent, and self-focused populous. This has literally been taking place over many, many decades. The reason I am starting this exhortation with something a bit dark is to stir up the gifts, power, and righteousness of God within each of us, and motivate us to action. The solution for the darkness in our world is LIGHT… and for far too long that light has been hidden under the bushel of:

  • Political correctness
  • “I don’t want to offend anyone…”
  • Fear of man
  • Societal shaming for moral stances
  • Threats of loss of social standing
  • Threats of loss of economic standing
  • Family pressure
  • Feelings of inadequacy or minority position

The days of the true and authentic believers, the remnant church, the humble and powerful people of God hiding in the caves and closets has ended! I declare to the Christians, “Arise and Shine! For your light has come!” and, “Awake unto righteousness and sin (miss the mark) no more!” I know that I am writing this to a very passionate and engaged group of zealous folks that are Greatly loved by me and the Father, but there are still ways that we can strongly affect this world around us even now. The word for this particular season is “action.”

2 Timothy 1:6-7
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

We have probably all heard this verse over the last eighteen months more than ever before. But, have you actually broken it down into the purpose that Paul (the senior leader) had in writing these words to Timothy (the disciple) who was struggling a bit in his role as influencer over a group of believers who were not honoring his place of leadership and were generally complacent about activating the power of God in their world. What is contrary to how many of us would view the way to solve this problem is who Paul targeted with his correction and exhortation. Most would think that Paul should have rebuked those lazy, lethargic sheep and get them to act right. That is not what happened… Paul targeted the leader to, “stir up the gift of God,” that was presently IN him and defeat the, “spirit,” or attitude of fear that was diluting the power (active and explosive power of God), the love (selfless giving), and the sound mind (thinking that comes from the wisdom of God). This is what Jesus is doing to His church today. We cannot be the inactive masses complaining about the ungodliness in our nation, but rather be the active leaders who have been giving God’s own abilities to stir others to action as well. This is what I am doing today!

Joel 3:9-10
Proclaim this among the nations:
“Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, Let all the men of war draw near, Let them come up.
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ”

Beloved, I say this tenuously, but we are currently in a war raging between good (the King and His Kingdom) and evil (the enemy and his dark kingdom). The Father has chosen us for, “such a time as this,” to be the salt and light to our nation and world. Be salty! Be bright!

I, for one, have determined that I will aggressively target any and all tyranny that is insidiously coming after our church, our families, our children, and the liberties given us by the precious blood of Jesus and the patriots that have gone before us. I am also invigorated by knowing the fact that many of you stand strong with me, our culture, and this glorious message that has the ability to radically change our world into the Gospel vision that Jesus died to secure. We are all missionaries on a mission to see the Kingdom come and our Lord’s will be done on earth AS IT IS in Heaven.

Each of us have a specific and Divine role to play in these present evil times. Do you know what your role is? This may be one of the most important questions that you have heard in your lifetime. There are people in our congregation that have been threatened with their jobs if they do not submit to experimental medical treatments. There are children in our congregation who are being forcibly choked for hours a day with mask mandates which are attempting to groom them for future maniacal abuse. There are people in our congregation who are being subjected to fear, stress, and pressure by employers, friends, and family for simply not agreeing with the ungodly dictates of wicked and power hungry dictators. Again, what will we do?

I am going to fight. It is what Jesus did.

I choose to take the sharp two-edged sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and charge into the enemy’s camp with the intention of victory or martyrdom. I know that seems overzealous, but we are at that point where we have to decide if we are going to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue or stare down the flames of the oven. Those that choose to not bow can expect the Fourth Man to meet them in the fire and preserve them for the coming Kingdom. I want to have the same things spoken over me by Heaven’s historical record, as was spoken about Jesus:

“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions.” (Hebrews 1:9 ESV)

This Sunday at 3PM, I will be conducting a meeting for local patriots, mama bear/papa bears, and those in the medical and educational fields that have been tyrannized by unlawful mandates to give them actionable opportunities to resist wickedness. There will be local politicians and lawyers from Thomas More Society who will empower and inspire us to do the righteous things that are necessary to stop the advancement of those destroying our liberty. Feel free to join, but only if you are willing to legitimately put action to your passion.

We are going into The Great Awakening together and I am honored and humbled to be standing beside authentic folks like you!

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Never forget… we win!

I love you greatly!


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