
Our Part For Life

Hello dear family who are greatly loved!

I am still processing the last couple weeks. The height of Kingdom joy and excitement that many of us were able to embrace during “Family Camp” is literally marked in my heart and memory. When Jessica first pitched the idea to me early last year, I was not a big fan. I had memories of people who were Christian-ish in a church house, but showed their true, yucky colors in an environment like a week-long camping trip. Our society is REALLY developed in their ability to fake it for a couple hours. Whether that is at church, in a workplace meeting, on a date with someone, or on social media. Plastic is the norm.

In my own heart (I am being transparent before you all), I actually had a bit of fear about what could happen when we all got together and lived life nonstop with one another for a week. Things were going so well with our church growing, miracles happening, and people genuinely embodying the culture of the Kingdom. I did not want ANYTHING to stop that momentum. So, I honestly wrestled internally with the Family Camp idea. Eventually, Jessica, Jesus, and your leadership team won me over… and the rest, as they say, is history.

After the first Family Camp, I could not have been more blessed by the authenticity of the Kingdom culture that was deeply being embedded in all of your hearts. Until now. Here I sit, on the other side of Family Camp Part 2, and I am humbled to the soles of my feet at the idea that I get to be a small part of what the Lord is doing here with all of us. I don’t have words to express how glorious that time was with y’all and how excitedly I anticipate our next Camp, Sunday service, Grace Group, or even cup of coffee together.

The cherry on top was that at 10:10a (EST) on that Friday of the last day of Camp the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. John 10:10 declares that Jesus has come to give life and that is what happened at 10:10a on Friday. Could there have been a more glorious end to an intimate family gathering together to grow in the Agape of God than to have Heaven intercede for the lives of the precious millions of babies who we are called to love and defend?! God Himself ended the blasphemy of “pride” month by making it Life Month!

Psalm 82:1-4 (TPT)
“All rise! For God now comes to judge as he convenes heaven’s courtroom. He judges every judge and rules over every ruler, saying, “How long will you judges refuse to listen to the voice of true justice and continue to corrupt what is right by judging in favor of the wrong?” Pause in his presence “Defend the defenseless, the fatherless and the forgotten, the disenfranchised and the destitute. Your duty is to deliver the poor and the powerless; liberate them from the grasp of the wicked.”

The reality of justice finally beginning to be being served for the innocent unborn is striking me in an invigorating way. The overturning of Roe is not the end of the fight… it is only the very beginning. We, the pro-life movement, have fought for 49 years just for the opportunity to START the defense of these precious little ones. Some think that this decision makes murder illegal again… but that person is sadly mistaken. At this moment in the United States, there is nowhere that a baby is fully protected from the moment of conception… where God declares life to begin. I know that may be a tad shocking, but still true. In many states, this ruling actually made it easier to murder babies because they had more atrocious state laws than were allowed by Roe. This ruling just removed the federal protections for baby-genocide… but did very little to actually protect the babies.

Now is our time, Beloved, to do our part for life. Many of you are Illinoisans and we are in one of the most horrendous states for murdering babies. Our tyrant governor (with assistance from state legislators) desires for, “Illinois to be the abortion destination of the nation.” As I write this, legislation is being drawn up to confiscate YOUR tax money to pay for travel expenses, boarding, and even give stipends to mothers from other states who desire to slaughter their children. Our government can’t get baby formula on the store shelves, but can figure out how to find the money for the slaughter of babies…

On the Federal level, the HHS (Department of Health and Human Services, atrociously named I may add…) is fervently serving Moloch (the demon-god of baby sacrifice) by actively working on a national transportation system to get pregnant mothers to murder-factories in pro-abortion states. More of our tax dollars being used to fund satanic activity. Inflation and energy prices are in a volcanic eruption, but there is so much excess resources laying around that we can fund a war in Ukraine and build new infrastructure for the war on unborn children. Their hypocrisy knows no limits. This should stir up your righteous anger to be more committed to the battle for the babies than ever before.

I pray that this note today brings your heart to rejoicing for all the amazing things that have happened and are happening to our local Ekklesia, and also nationally for the soul of our nation. But, I also want you to stay stirred up against the tireless creeping of evil that has not decided to retire just because we are seeing the victory like never before. We are winning, but there is still tons of work to do!

Galatians 6:9
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

2 Corinthians 2:1
“So that we should not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes.”

I miss y’all already!

Great Love,


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