
Patient Confidence

Greetings in Grace to you, the greatly valued Beloved Family!

I pray that you prosper this day to the level of Divine desire that the Father expressed through the broken and resurrected Son of Liberty, our Savior, Jesus the Christ.

I was literally awakened last night by the Father resonating this word through my soul: “Confidence.

The scriptures have much to say, and much in display, about this heavenly attribute, so I will not even attempt an exhaustive dissertation, but rather, just share my heart with you, my Beloved family, as we all press deeper into this Great Awakening. I honestly believe the reason for the pulsating of this word/truth being reverberated through me in the middle of the night is because our Father wants us, His children, to fully and unlimitedly embrace this endangered and rare character trait.

Hebrews 10:35-36
Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

One of the truths illuminated in this verse is that confidence is already in you, and we are admonished to, “cast not away,” from our core, this New Creation attribute. This is not just for the super-saints that are in a minority of believers who find a high calling to do heroic things and live radiating lives. This Divine confidence is in all of us as part of the package deal in the now eternal life throbbing in your heart and chest as you read this.

Also note how beneficially our confidence is supported by, “patience,” in the production of the promise being manifest in our lives. Patience is a “fruit of the Spirit” and not the carnal, worldly idea of just waiting quietly, in misery, until things eventually change. Absolutely not! Patience and confidence are “kissin’ cousins” in that confidence must be in authentic patience, and patience must be in authentic confidence. Here are a couple “Steve” definitions of these words that I have incorporated into my life through studying the scriptures for forty-two years:

Confidence: Free and fearless boldness, cheerful courage. Divine assurance regardless of circumstance, antagonist, or time. A deep knowing that you are not in this endeavor alone. In scripture, it is referencing actions and, especially, speaking an uncompromising message/truth to a crowd that is contrary to what is being declared.

Patience: Strong, secure faith exercised over extended periods of time, always focused on the One Who promised and the promise itself. A solid belief, confidence, that time has nothing to do with what one has already received by faith.

I noted above that these traits are powerfully and infinitely available to us all now because of Eternal Life being active, right now, in all believers. Eternal life is the quality and quantity of Divine life that Jesus possesses right now. Check out how John, the Beloved Apostle states this same truth.

1 John 5:13-15
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

  • We HAVE eternal life now! It is not coming one day, in the sweet by-and-by… it was planted in you the moment the Spirit of God made your temple His home. This confident and patient Hero is already within you. The Hero Within has eternal life flowing endlessly, and we should be confident in that river of life drowning the lies and symptoms of darkness and the curse. Live Beloved!
  • NameNature, honor, essence, authority, and character. Do you believe in these revelations of Christ? Do you believe they are IN YOU now?
  • Confidence changes the way and the what of a persons prayer life drastically. Notice, it also changes our understanding of God’s will. A confident person truly KNOWS what their Father wants and boldly presses into that with passion.


My bold, Beloved family… let us incorporate this Heroic reality into our lives as we develop daily, “The Hero Within,” in a way that moves Him just from the inside… into the outside, where the world is desperate for Hero’s to come flying in and save the day. We fight with supernatural strength for, “Truth, Justice, and the Kingdom Way.” Open your sport-coat and change the world!

I love y’all greatly and will see you again very soon!


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