
Philosophical Slavery

I am still on a bit of a “God and Truth” high from this weekend… How about you?

What an awesome and special time together on Sunday. Maybe some folks have not considered this, but y’all did about 6-7 hours together… non-stop… in a church… with other Christians… AND survived! Ha!

We have such a unique culture that even a few of you decided to turn it into a whole day and did the PM service with us. Just so you know, if you start spending extended time together, with authentic people seeking The Kingdom and truth, do not be surprised when you see growth and fruitfulness start to develop in your heart and lives. Just so you’ve been warned…

One of the effective things that took place over this weekend’s endeavors was the light-infused assault on the darkness of lies, propaganda, and philosophies that have been used effectively against the truth. This is nothing new, Beloved, but it has been honed to a razor sharp edge, able to cut more easily and deeply than in times past. Look at this exhortation by an apostle to the local church:

Colossians 2:6-10 (BSB)
“Therefore, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity dwells in bodily form. And you have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.”

The dichotomy being presented is freedom through an established heart and mind in the faith VS. captivity through, “philosophy,” and empty deception orchestrated by human tradition and religious forces. This faith, that he is specifically highlighting (the good part), is something “taught,” which is the root word for what a teacher, master, or instructor does. That Divine truth of discipleship strikes again. The philosophy (bad part) also comes from the teaching or instruction of the world. Glowing screens, quests for comfort, addictions, entertainment, emotional lasciviousness, and soul depravity are the “master” professors of the “higher” education in the world’s system.

Vs 8 in BLB translates to, “Take heed lest there will be anyone taking you captive

That puts the actions of enslavement into the present tense, meaning this is a “now” happening that is effectively and efficiently enslaving mankind (and the church, to whom this letter was written). This word, “philosophy,” is worthy of great dissection and meditation for anyone desiring to avoid becoming a captive slave to it’s insidious power.

5385 philosophía (from 5384 /phílos, “a friend” and 4678 /sophía, “wisdom”) – properly, a friend (lover) of wisdom (used only in Colossians 2:8). Refers to secular philosophy – elevating human wisdom over the wisdom of God. Such, “philosophía,” is loving one’s own thoughts (secular wisdom) at the expense of God’s Word (true wisdom). Philosophía is the root of the English term, “philosophy,” and is used ONLY of the vain pursuit of wisdom in the New Testament. That is, the pursuit of truth apart from the revelation of God’s Word.

This is an age-old tactic of the enemy in his pro-slavery, human-trafficking operation of the minds and hearts of our society. There is no need to build gulags, ghettos, and concentration camps with walls, bars, and cells when you can just take folks captive in their beliefs, thoughts, and philosophies.

Galatians 4:3
So also, when we were children, we were enslaved under the basic principles of the world.

Notice, it takes a populous that are “immature” to the wisdom of God, the truth in scripture, and the authority of a liberated child of God operating in their Divine authority. A person submitted and committed to their REAL identity in Christ and His Lordship over their heart and life is elevated to an untouchable place of clarity and strength.

This is the cry of my heart for YOU, my Beloved family!

The deeper we drive into this Great Awakening, the more I see folks sheltering in the secret place of the Almighty and under the shadow of His wings (see Psalms 91 for more protective promises). It is exhilarating to me that about a hundred people gathered on a Sunday afternoon to hear unpopular, non-mainstream, and provocative information that could potentially disrupt the popularity of being fearfully in the middle of the “intellectual” masses. I know the feeling… I have been there. But, the security of that place is fake and plastic, incapable of standing against the coming storms. We have determined to surround ourselves with authentic, sincere, genuine, transparent, humble, and submitted Kingdom people who are a (and trust me when I say) minority and remnant group.

But, the Father is WELL PLEASED with this rare grit and character. These are the kind of people who become the HEROES of humanity!

I love y’all passionately!


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