

I am sending a very heartfelt greeting to you all after having been away for nearly two weeks. It is such an honor and a humbling blessing to have people across the nation desire to hear the Messages of Freedom, the Holy Cause of Liberty, and the Finished Work of the Cross. I am so thankful to the Lord… AND to you for the encouragement and ability to impact others with our message and culture. But the greatest part about traveling with these powerful messages is to come home to the people that love me the most, and that I equally adore in return.

Before I get on my Gospel pony and ride hard… I do want y’all to consider taking the time to hear the AMAZING, RADICAL, and CENSORED information and truth that was released on Saturday at our latest Freedom Meetup. We had nearly 500 people gathered to hear the things that our propagandized and nazi-controlled media WILL NOT allow to be said. So we (the organizers and SCM) decided to make our own forms of media to keep those willing to hear the truth informed. These meetings have been growing in numbers and passion every time we gather. So, first thing is HERE is the link to watch the entire session with all seven truth-tellers doing what they do best. From Dr. Peter McCullough of AFLDS, to Thomas DeVore Esq. of attorney fame, to yours truly… giving out “banned” facts and intelligence to those that are hungry for truth. Jesus made a powerful promise that I think about daily… “If you seek, you WILL find.” These folks were seeking, and many found their answers from VAX truth, to medical abuse and freedom, to legal help for the oppressed, to the Holy cause of Liberty. Secondly, you may want to consider making yourself available for the next Freedom Meetup scheduled for March 26TH in Sheridan, Il. (There is another one in April that I will announce soon as well…)

Now, to the pony… In the last two weeks, I have been shaken by the saddening reality that many people I have ministered to, and likely are ministering to now, have a nagging “feeling” of disqualification for one or many of the promises and/or power of God operating in their present life. I literally HATE that lie inflicted upon the Body and Bride of Christ, the Church. Jesus has justified us, He has washed us in His blood, He has redeemed (purchased back from another owner) us, He has fully accepted us (in The Beloved, Ephesians 1:6), and is eternally active in making intercession for us to live successful and abundant lives here and now. Literally, the only way you could ever be disqualified is to believe a condemning lie from the enemy, his minions, or religion. Check this out:

Colossians 2:18-23 (ESV)

Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.

If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” (referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

I know these verses contain some deep things, but I am hoping that Holy Spirit will give you revelation and I am only going to extrapolate on a few obvious points for our short time together here.

First, notice that we are commanded… (yes, the opening verse is a direct statement from an ordained ministry leader, under compulsion of God, to folks that were within his place of authority)… to, “let no one disqualify you.” One of the anti-culture, non-politically-correct insinuations being made in these infallible scriptures is that the disqualifying attempts or temptations presented to us by other people are of necessity either accepted or rejected… BY US! This is such a powerful and important truth that I need to emphasize it heavily. Most folks, softened by the buffeting of the world, are of the belief system that they are qualified or disqualified by societal opinion and the “VIP’s” of this society. That literally could not be father from the truth. We are almost at a place in humanity where if society accepts you, you must, almost by default, be rejected by the Kingdom. I know that is narrow and sharp, but it is also worthy of meditation.

Look at the brokenness of mind, spirit, and lifestyle of most of the “Kool Kids” in today’s culture. They are some of the most perverted, defiled, self-absorbed, virtue-less, plastic, and debauchery-filled people who have ever lived on the planet. And they are worshipped by the masses of millions that cling to their every senseless tweet, vile Instagram pic, new atrocious fashion choice, and defiled anti-christ lifestyle choices. Many of these people are famous in hell and their own mind, while being rejected in heaven and unknown by Jesus. As for me and my house, I desire to be known by my Heavenly Father, famous in heaven, honored by Jesus, a fashioned tool in the power of the Holy Spirit, and accepted in the Beloved. How about you?

The word, “let,” here makes it super clear that you and I are the determining factor of our status for influencing this world. If we agree with our Father’s opinion, we are more than qualified and empowered to bring this dark kingdom to its knees in submission to the King and Kingdom. If we are deceived or manipulated by the world and it’s wicked system, then the fallout will be a lifestyle enslaved to condemnation and disqualification. The choice is ours to agree with the Finished Work of the Cross that eternally justifies us or to cower to the curse and mere fallen humanity.

In the next statement, notice that what, “puffs up,” these folks that try to disqualify the Beloved is their, “sensuous minds.” This is more applicable today than ever before. We are inundated by a society that literally makes feelings, emotions, and opinions occupy a throne far above the throne of Jesus and His eternal Word. Nearly everything in our world is driven by these carnal, immature forces and, like gravity, it is nearly impossible to escape their interminable tugging at our hearts and minds. But, we are a unique group of mature and spiritual aviators who have broken the bands of these elemental forces and risen to the high places of liberty and weightlessness above their grasp. We have used the laws of flight to propel us into the Kingdom that is from above, and through the renewing of our mind with the energizing Word of God we are now rocketing through the atmosphere in perfect freedom, peace, and exhilaration.

Fly, baby, fly!

Skipping down to the last part of these verses… (look at all the restraint I am exercising to resist the temptation to write all that’s on my heart… you should be so proud of me!)

“These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion”

The world has created, in these last days, many forms of new-age religions for folks to subserviently defile their hearts, just to list a few of the idols their hearts give obeisance to:

Covid-ian Cult: The kind and obedient lemmings who are, “following the science,” of the scam-demic as propagated by the fake main-stream-media and blood-guilty bureaucrats hell-bent on world depopulation and enslavement.

Race-baiter Disciples: The shills who are being well compensated to accuse everyone who is different that they are racists whether they really are or not… concentrating on the young so as to raise the next generation of accusers who can only think skin deep.

Avoidance-gogery: The folks who know the devastating effects of the evil around them, but choose to avoid and ignore it because it does not personally affect them… well, not very much… well, not yet anyway. They hope it will just, one day, all go away magically on the back of a flying unicorn spreading pixie dust from it’s tailpipe. The power of “ignore” has saved their soul.

American Churchianty: The faux believers who compare themselves with their neighbors and determine they aren’t that bad… they go to church sometimes and were born in a Christian-ish home so they are saved by osmosis or genetics or by default. They have no requirement to actually LIVE out GENUINE faith because the weirdos that do that are fanatics and appalling to their sensible middle-class conformity thinking. The just want a good ear tickling, three points and a poem, lovey-dovey, lukewarm, seeker friendly “church” that makes them feel good about feeling bad. But look at how pretty the facilities are!

I obviously could go on, but I think we all get the point. The false religions out there are not just Islam and Masonic Temples. Man-made philosophies of wisdom and reverence are growing, evolving, and being invented all the time. There are some who knowingly worship at the altar of sports and even worship their own pets with money, time, and affection.

Galatians 3:1, 3; 1:6-7

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?… Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 

Look at the passion of Paul shaking the very moorings of the Galatian church with the same fervent message I have for the church in our nation today. I echo his simple, but Divine attitude of authentic, raw, living, and non-hypocritical type of open, public, and loud Gospel, Kingdom living. When we live every day and moment under the resolute attitude of honoring and loving God… everything gets a bit simpler and much more bold. Boldness, courageousness, and heroism are signs of a shining city on a hill that we have been called to be. Will you come burn with me?

I love you greatly and truly!


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