

Greetings in Grace and Great Love to you, the Beloved Family of the Most High God!

The message from Healing Sunday has received quite a bit of traction in people’s lives and hearts. I have received calls and messages from across the country by people who have been ministered to by the truths shared therein. I sincerely and passionately pray, desire that YOU have received manifestation of what your heart desires in the realm of healing as well. The greatest joy in my Divine Destiny is seeing YOU, the Beloved family, experiencing and fully living in the great and precious promises purchased for us through the atoning work of our Glorious Savior, Jesus!

“If it was important enough for Jesus to BLEED for it, then it is important enough for us to BELIEVE for it!”

It is statements like these that earns me the wagging lips of the folks contrary to the Cross. They attempt to persecute leaders like me by labeling us with some adjective or another that (they think) pierces our hearts in shame. One of these titles that has been projected often is, “radical.” I gotta tell ya… it is literally a character trait that I have embraced. I can see in scripture how it was the radical ones who changed the world and built the Kingdom. Above even that, Jesus was the most radical man to ever draw breath in this world and I will humbly strive to be as much like Him as I possible can.

I just recently looked at the etymology of “radical” and was pleasantly surprised… check this out:

radical (adj.) late 14c., 

originating in the root or ground; of body parts or fluids, ‘vital to life,’ from Latin radicalis ‘of or having roots,’ from Latin radix (genitive radicis) ‘root’ (from PIE root *wrād- ‘branch, root’). The basic sense of the word in all meanings is ‘pertaining or relating to a root or roots, hence, thoroughgoing, extreme.’

Obviously in today’s language, it has a slightly altered definition, but I can understand how the two opinions meet in solidarity. By today’s standards, a, “radical,” person is to be avoided because they are, “overly-impassioned,” about a belief, thereby carrying a negative connotation with the accusation meant to be insulting. I can say this confidently: there is NO WAY anyone could ever be too passionate about Jesus, the Word of God, and living for His Kingdom.

It seems that the people who are unimpassioned, asleep, lackadaisical, and mostly defeated are the ones who stray away from the roots of truth and the first love of their great salvation. I love to be a part of that new, born-again believer who is filled with zeal, joy, and fervor for anything and everything Jesus. It so blesses me to see that invigorating and intoxicating Grace working so pronounced in them. It also, to the opposing effect, so hurts me to see the, “long time,” believer who is just limping along, passionless, mostly empty, embittered by the world’s effects, insensitive to the sweetness of the Spirit, condescending to the vibrancy in others, and so self-aware and self-centered that they find some foolish value in dousing the fire in others. I have learned to take that, “dousing,” water that they try to throw on my fire and drink it into the root system of my, “radical,” Divine Destiny!

The closer you are to that Divine root system of your new creation identity the more fire and fruit will be manifest in your life. Also, you will organically resist, “tiredness,” aimlessness, and eventual deception that has the intention of destroying even the very foundations of our lives, health, families, prosperity, and emotions. The more, “radical,” we are about our root system staying healthy and growing, the more our tree and fruitfulness will happen effortlessly.

2 Timothy 13-17
13But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 14But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned [them]; 15And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

I know it seems too simple, that just knowing and having revelation of the Word of God being the way unto, “being perfect (fully mature), and throughly furnished (completely equipped) unto ALL good works.” Yet, just because something is simple does not mean it is not true. The truths of the Gospel are all simple, so even a child can understand them, but simple does NOT mean easy. The constant gravitational pull of the world’s deception will make it necessary for one to exert great effort to resist the pull downward, but because of Grace (the Divine empowerment of God) it can seem nearly effortless.

In these verses, we see how Divine scripture creates a process to this glorious end that fully manifests these powerful truths in our day-to-day lives:

  1. The Word is “profitable” for doctrine. Doctrine is foundational truths that are eternal and universal, sealed in Heaven for anyone who will believe. The first step in this “throughly equipped” life is setting the right foundation.
  2. The second step is allowing the Word to “reproof” us. Not an exciting desire in many, but nevertheless necessary. Reproof is, “to test,” which is an important part of the transformation adventure. The Word desires to test the authenticity of what you believe, who you love, and what reality is in one’s lifestyle. A test can help you understand what you know and what you do not know, and then gives you the opportunity to correct the wrong answers (step three).
  3. “Correction.” Not in a punishment context but in a growing and learning process. This word means, “to make straight.” So, the Word of God will, “straighten out,” the crooked places in our life and thinking, if we do not resist the process.
  4. Lastly, the Word will, “instruct in righteousness.” The word, “instruct,” is the word for a loving Father training, disciplining, and discipling a child into maturity and success. This is why I am incessantly proclaiming the value and importance of our discipleship culture here at Beloved. Instruction could be remembered by saying, “INside-structure, inside-construction,” or building a structure of truth on the inside. Please also note that it is about righteousness not sin, failure, shame or unrighteousness. Our Father, through His Word and ministers, tells us who we ARE in righteousness… not who we WERE in sin.

None of these steps seem exciting and, “feel-good,” which is why many avoid them. But, I believe, you are the RADICAL ones who will humble your hearts, submit to the Word of God and allow the Father to mature you into the full righteous life that He created you to live!

What a joy to have a Father and a community that passionately desires this for us all!

I love you RADICALLY!


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