
Reality Check


That symbol in front of the word, “winning,” is called a hashtag. It is used to, “tag,” social media posts together into a single place of reference.

Hashtag: a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media sites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify digital content on a specific topic.

For all of us over forty, it used to be called a pound sign and it was necessary to navigate our corded-phone world of automated systems that were fandangled and new not too many moons ago. For the younger among us, they were chuckling at me telling y’all what it is called because they have basically used it their whole tech-centered life… and then stopped chuckling when they learned that it used to be called something else and used for something else. Funny how just a small change in society can have a big impact.

I am starting out this message with a public-service-announcement type teaching moment because I want to have these words as a, “digital content for a specific subject.”… like: We Win, We Have Won, and We Are Winning!

The overt tyranny flamboyantly on display through the people working with and controlled by the enemy of humanity has begun the process of collapsing before the Ekklesia, God’s Kingdom Cultural Architects. These poor fools have been rising and self-exalting on the fluff of their own grandiose and prideful opinions, propped up by irrational and immoral influencers. The wickedness of society and depravity of our Godless culture has popularized evil to the place of worship, while righteousness is vilified and mocked openly in the public square.

* Children have been openly targeted for grooming and sexualization by the very people who are supposed to protect them the most.
* Democratic processes, like voting and the Constitutional will of We The People, have been subverted and defrauded to the point where we have become an international joke.
* Big Pharma and Big Tech have consummated their lurid affair over the years of the Scam-demic into the climax of injecting death into the veins and minds of the unwitting and hapless walking dead among us.
* The makeup covering the stank swine of satanic government minions has been streaking down into an ugly mess reminiscent of a wax statue in the Texas sun on a blacktop parking lot.
* The Babylonian financial prison erected against individual financial freedom and Kingdom building efforts is crumbling like an ornate sandcastle facing the incoming tide of change.

You, as my entranced reader, may be wondering where these wins are being celebrated whereof I speak. The simple answer is in the Heavenly realm. Your next thought may contain an involuntary eye-roll because a whole lotta good it does us in Heaven when we are stuck down here. And, I am not saying this in sarcasm because I am more with you than some think. BUT… Heaven is the real and our temporal experiences are literally just that… temporal.

Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, ‘Clear the way through the wilderness
for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!
Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills.
Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places.
Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together.
The LORD has spoken!’

Isaiah 40:3-5 NLT

Please notice that, “the Glory of the Lord,” will be, “REVEALED,”… not created. Our problem right now is not the lack of available glory, power, blessing, or goodness of God. What we are struggling with is the visibility or tangibility of these divine fruits.

These verses start with, “Listen!” with an exclamation point to shake the people of God into attention. The Hebrew word used here is, “qara,” and has a powerful application for us. Look at the first five uses of this word:
* And God called the light Day (Genesis 1:5)
* and the darkness He called Night (Genesis 1:5)
* And God called the firmament Heaven (Genesis 1:8)
* God called the dry land earth (Genesis 1:10)
* of the waters He called seas (Genesis 1:10)

The two radical aspects of the usage is that, (1) it has creative energy in the “voice” and, (2) the spiritual reality of these things inside the heart and mind of God became a physical, visual reality with the release of the, “voice.” Adam and Eve were not there to witness these universe altering changes, but they were a reality nevertheless. You and I have been experiencing these once non-existent blessings for millennia ever since. The Heavenly reality kissed the natural realm long ago and we have submitted our life to those realities so intimately that we do not even think about the fact that once there was no light, no night, no atmosphere, no land, and no water… now we cannot imagine an existence without them.

Now look at the rest of these Words of God in our passage. The creative voice and energy of God is redeeming our reality by, “calling,” the things in our present experience by the reality of the divine desire. Clear the wilderness (of your mind and thoughts) for THE WAY of the Lord! Make a straight highway (straight and highway together speaks of enormous amounts of potential for speed and distance) THROUGH this wasteland, desert culture. Fill in the valleys (the low oppressive, depressive places) and level the mountains and hills (use explosive dynamite to take all the hard up-hill climbing out of the Gospel). Straighten the curves (take out the distractions and chaos that life tries to twist you into) and smooth out the rough places (use the discomfort of things close to you in motivation to get your file out and work on the jagged places in your life).

THEN, the Glory of the Lord will BE revealed… and ALL (do you know what “all” means in the Hebrew?) the people will see it TOGETHER!

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and immovable. Always excel in the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:57-58 BSB

Our Victor has already given us the victory, and it is time for us to start seeing it manifest in our lives. Go hard after that win in your family, in your marriage, in your health, in your finances, in your region… because it BELONGS to us, Beloved!

I love you greatly,


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