
Satan’s Worst Nightmare

Blessings and favor to you, my dearest Beloved Family!

Did your heart grow more confident and intimate from hearing the truths and revelations that Bryan so graciously brought us? Mine did. I have thought quite a bit on different parts of those two messages ever since…

Strange question: what does satan hate?

Have you ever though about what the enemy is REALLY after? I know we have a general understanding of how much he hates humanity, God, and the whole Jesus-Gospel thing. But, what is it that he REALLY hates? What is he really at war with and what is the greatest threat against him and his tyrannical government?

The Word

1 Peter 5:8

Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

This verse clearly states that there are devour-able folks and non-devour-able folks. Obviously, the beginning part about sober-minded-ness and alert-ness are very important. In our world today, the majority of the societal damage is not being caused by the woke, socialist, leftist, tyrannical, and evil leaders screaming their message and militantly attacking our once-solemn institutions of culture and government. They are demonically inspired, no doubt, but just a handful of authentic believers can easily dispense of this feckless bunch. These people are just the lame one-percent crowd who are exponentially empowered through an audience and a received message. The real damage is being caused by the, “useful idiots,” as Joseph Stalin put it. To paraphrase, he said that to take over a society, you need a very, very small group of committed people who will shout, bully, push, and oppress people until the masses just comply as, “useful idiots.” Knowledge is power and, therefore, ignorance is how the shackles of slavery are inflicted upon the majority who are submissive and docile. These are the people who are actually destroying our society. These are the non-sober and non-alert folks who are devil-food. He eats them and grows stronger with their life congruent with the parasite that he is.

We, Beloved, are not on the menu because we have been diligent to learn and know the truth. That mangy old lion-pretender (because Jesus is the REAL Lion of the Tribe of Judah…) cannot access alert people who have the Truth and live the Life. This is why I am so intense about declaring these things loudly in the face of my persecutors.

So, then, are we just completely ignored by the enemy and wickedness because you and I are alert…? Of course not. We all know that there is an even more concerted and determined effort against us to silence, persecute, and eliminate our influence than the, “useful idiots,” wandering around like zombies. Then what exactly is the enemy’s “attack plan” against us? His total efforts are singularly devoted to getting the WORD out of our heart. Even an alert and sober-minded person can be castrated, made completely ineffective, if the Word of God is not producing in their life and heart.

To state it pointedly, the enemy is not really after us… he is deathly afraid of the Word in our heart. The Word of God created a universe, defeated satan when Jesus was tempted, brings salvation, creates miracles, and changes the world. That Word, in our mouths, released from a believing heart, is the most dangerous thing that darkness has ever tangled with. The enemy knows it, God knows it, but few Christians know it.

Mark 4:13-15

And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? The sower soweth the word. And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.

The target is not our emotions, our finances, our relationships, our security, our health, or any other living asset that many believe is under assault. It is the Word of God. The Word can produce all of the above benefits and more in infinite amounts, and, therefore, to eliminate the Word is to eliminate the source. The, “great and precious promises,” that are a vital part of our, “divine nature,” (see 2 Peter 1:4) are established in the Word of God. Get the Word out and you get the promises out. Get the Word in and you get the promises in.

Beloved family, this is the way we navigate into deeper places of THE Great Awakening for today and tomorrow. The Word is vital to our soul for prospering, our surroundings for safety and our futures for security. When you determine to draw into fellowship and relationship with our Savior and King, Jesus, you will find that it looks like a vibrant conversation through the Word.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made… The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:1-3, 14 BSB

My declaration over you is that the seeds of the Word are firmly rooted in you in such a deep way that the enemy cannot even get a legit grip in a feeble attempt to pull them out. Be strong in the promises as a true hero should!

In strength and great love,


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