

How do we fight this cultural war in the spirit when we are facing enemies in the flesh?

Greetings in grace from Woodland Park, Colorado! Your Beloved leaders are here on our annual trek to Charis Bible College to experience Andrew’s Minister’s Conference. One of the things that I have committed our leadership team to, who you all adore, is annually experiencing this time and this place in a personal way. Honestly, Kay and I covet this time as much for the intimate fellowship with our Beloved peeps as much as being in the room with some of the most influential, anointed, and wise generals of the faith in America today. Please pray that our eyes are enlightened and our hearts are radically impacted in this precious time.

Timothy, my child, I entrust you with this command in keeping with the previous prophecies about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and thereby shipwrecked their faith.
1 Timothy 1:18-19 BSB

My precious family, please perceive with me a few of these Kingdom principles that have precision targeting with current applications in our era as we advance into this Great Awakening. In these few moments, I believe, there will be an opportunity to for us all to have greater clarity and excitement for our personal divine requirements that we are all being faced with currently and, also, for those who are soon to come.

  • Timothy, my child, I entrust you with this command…” There is not proper language in my head to convey the heart of what this short statement says. The intimacy between these two men that shook the whole earth, and are still shaking it through their witness and words, is something very few modern, progressive, “Americanized” Christian’s will likely never experience. I say that with profound and heavy sadness, but, also, through the truth of reality. The older I advance, the more I value and lament this simple and eternal necessity for intimacy, with God and man. These few words speak infinitely into the authentic, honorable, and humble relationship these two shared… night-and-day different from today’s spiritual culture. Notice that, because of this genuine Kingdom relationship they had, Paul could help Timothy navigate his challenges in the same way that God intends for us all to have the advantage of. One thing that stands out to me was the ability of Paul to make a, “command,” because Timothy could be, “entrusted,” with it. I want to be trust-able to people and my Father both.
  • Keeping with the previous prophecies about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight…” We generally do not have proper value for the prophetic in today’s church-i-anity. Here, it is clearly stated that being able to fight the right fight, the good fight, AND the strength necessary for that fight is going to come from the WORD through prophetic declarations in scripture, BUT, also, our personal words that have been given by the Holy Spirit. Our Beloved culture is purposeful about giving room for the prophetic to operate so folks are equipped with this weaponry. Yet, one thing I have learned about the prophetic that is vitally important for people to receive is how to rightly discern the word. Some prophecies are about what God is going to do, or has done, without you. Some words are about what God wants you to do in order to bring that declaration into manifestation in your life or environment. And, some other words are about that delicate dance with God on how those words will manifest. This is a much deeper subject, but we have many people in our culture that would love to help make this a revelation in your heart
  • Which some have rejected and thereby shipwrecked their faith.” This is the meat of my message today. When a person rejects the Word, either through the scriptures or from another believer under inspiration of God, they, “shipwreck,” their faith. “Shipwreck,” means that you got in a ship that you believed was seaworthy, departed for a desired destination, but, because of a storm or attack, that ship wrecks. This creates an imagery with such legitimate connect-ability for where we are now as we sail into THE Great Awakening through the dangerous waters of society. So many precious people today have been inspired and excited by scriptural promises and/or powerful prophetic words which launched them out into the waters of their destiny. This is a great thing and necessary for every believer to embrace. But then, the storms of life come, the concerted cannon fire of demonically-piloted opposing vessels, the jagged rocks of secularized culture, and a plethora of other hinderances arise in the vastness of the waters we are surrounded by.


Beloved, this is how we fight a good fight, and wage successful warfare against the false-prophets and false-words of today. The mental sickness associated with gender confusion, sexual dysfunction, and, “wokeness.” The open human devaluation through abortion, grooming, and consumerism. The giants in the land known as fake-news, political corruption, socialism, government oppression, and dozens more. In all these things, we are to fight, with the Word (sword of the Spirit), a GOOD fight.

A good fight is the one you know that you are going to win. We have won, we are winning, and we will win!

You are fighting a good fight…

With your good Father…

Surrounded by a good spiritual family…

We love y’all greatly!


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