

We are being pelted and shaken into more awareness of the sissification of society with every passing news cycle…

Greetings in bold anticipation to you, our dear Beloved Family! What a joyous honor to have Mike and Carrie Pickett release their grace and wisdom upon us for the whole weekend. I pray that you all were ministered to and blessed in the unique way that unique ministers carry the heart and wisdom of our Father.

If you missed them on Sunday morning, please join our RUMBLE channel ( to watch or re-watch. Also, our YouTube channel has been under concerted and direct attack by the woke, anti-truth, anti-Christ masses and minions. If your only way to view and share is from that platform, you could be one of the casualties that gets suppressed along with our channel. I encourage y’all to subscribe to the Rumble channel as soon as you can to prevent any disruption in connection with us.

This highlights another effect of the, “sissification,” of our ever-darkening society that is influencing the culture we are all impacted by in this fallen world. This is a descriptor that I have coined in my own creative language (I know, I make up words… but, so did Shakespeare…). It is an innovative way of illustrating the purposeful assault on Godly masculinity and Godly femininity. Please notice that I specifically added the, “Godly,” adjective to the front of both of those identities because, for decades now, the enemy has been very effective in redefining, or mis-defining, formerly unshakeable concepts and truths. In order to sissify society, they need to change truth… and it seems to be quite effective. Think about these examples:

Sodomy = Gay

Kind = Nice

Abortion (infanticide) = Health Care

Gender = Sexuality

Truth = Conspiracy

Good Parenting = Domestic Terrorism

Child Sexual Assault/Grooming/Pedophilia = Public Education/SexEd

Our culture and society has been militarized and weaponized against God’s plans and people. As I am sure you are aware, if you stand for righteousness, divine virtues, and Godly character today, you are a massive target to be “cancelled”… just like my personal Facebook page and the church’s YouTube channel. The enemy hates the image of God in His People and so has determined to raise up deceived people in his twisted kingdom of darkness to wage battles on the remnant Church and peculiar people who are THE royal priesthood.

These workers of wickedness who instituted and perpetuated this process of weakening the resolve of the Christians, along with the lost masses, were intentional and (sadly) very effective. They have been calling, “good evil and evil good,” for generations now. We are seeing the end results of men “transitioned” into a twisted version of women and women becoming twisted/mutilated versions of men… all while the Christians and their deceived leaders are complying and even promoting this criminal destruction. There was a time when the “shepherds” of our society, and especially the Kingdom culture, would have taken their Shepherd’s Staff (rod of God) and stuck a powerful and precise death blow to the temple of the encroaching wolf without hesitation or remorse. These former shepherds, or Godly men and women, would have stood resolutely and watched the bleeding, convulsing corpse of that wolf drawing its last breaths with divine satisfaction and righteous pride at the accomplishment of their responsibility to the ones they love and care for…

Jeremiah 23:1-4 BSB

“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” declares the LORD.

Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says about the shepherds who tend My people: “You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your deeds, declares the LORD.

Then I Myself will gather the remnant of My flock from all the lands to which I have banished them, and I will return them to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and multiply. I will raise up shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or dismayed, nor will any go missing, declares the LORD.”

These are some of my personal, “life verses.” If you do not have scripture that you have made your own to help shape and transform your soul into the image that God has called you to be, I would strongly exhort you to find them… and OWN them.

Of all the pains that today’s debauchery and degradation inflicts upon my righteous soul… the devastation of the ministry is among the most tormenting. Something I wrestle with daily, personally, is the higher accountability and responsibility commanded to and from the ones that God has ordained into places of leadership and influence. It invigorates my commitment to purity and holiness. It fuels my passion for success in my divine destiny. It bristles my shepherd’s senses against the encroaching lions, bears, and professionally disguised wolves.

Notice that good shepherds, who have the heart of Jesus, will cultivate a sanctum where, “they will no longer be afraid or dismayed, nor will any go missing, declares the Lord.” With every fiber of my being, I fervently strive to accomplish this. I know I have failed… and in many times and places that failure has been miserably humiliating. But, that does not excuse me from the calling… the requirement… the commission. Please also understand that a Biblical shepherd is also not just a pulpit preacher. It incorporates parenting, grand-parenting, volunteer ministry, marriage roles, workplace influence, and a plethora of other functions where people are impacted by our leadership. The sissification that I opened up with is the concerted effort by the enemy of humanity to destroy, or so badly mutilate, that divine position that it becomes unrecognizable and impotent. If you look around closely enough, you will see the castrated culture going about the motions of healthy living, but producing no good fruit… none.

John 15:1-4, 8 BSB

I am the TRUE vine, and My Father is the keeper of the vineyard. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me… This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, proving yourselves to be My disciples.

Jesus has made us different. Much different. We are fruitful because of our connection and association with Him. We cannot and will not be silenced, seduced, or sterilized by the blow-hard bullies with big mouths and minuscule power. We are the generation in battle formation marching to the rhythmic pounding of our Father’s heartbeat onto the battleground devoid of even a speck of fear. We are the heroes of our Father… we are accepted in the Beloved… we are the one’s in whom He is well pleased!

Arise and shine, Beloved, for the glory of the Lord HAS risen upon you!

I love you greatly and CANNOT wait to be with y’all this weekend!


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