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Favored and Blessed day to all of you in the Beloved Family, but more importantly, in the Family of God!

The resonance of what we all had the great honor of sharing in this weekend is still active in my soul. I witnessed folks coming into greater depth of relationship and intimacy with their Heavenly Father. In total transparency, I will admit, this is the pinnacle of the rewards for me, personally, in ministry. There is no physical item, no monetary treasure, no offering of human affection, or even sincere priceless gift that could ever compare to the joy and peace one experiences when they see authentic change in a heart. This is especially multiplied when you see that gracious change happen in a heart that you know and love. Likely, the reasoning behind these moments having such powerful impact on my life is due to the legitimacy of that same effect on our loving Father’s heart as well.

Some do not have a true comprehension of the precious nature of our Great God and Father, and how the expression of that nature was so clear and prevalent in Jesus. When Jesus was radically blessed by the intimate offering of tears, oil, and hair by the filthy and rejected harlot in Luke 7 (PLEASE read that account again…), it was because He was moved by that authentic change in her the same way the Father is moved by our changed hearts. When the scriptures declare that, “God inhabits the praise,” of His people (Psa 22:3), it literally means that God moves into, or dwells in, that place of Spiritual activity because of how deeply intimate we are in those moments of vulnerability.

The messaging and internal effect from Sunday’s time together is why I preach, live, and offer my whole life on the altar to Jesus for this Good News. The whole story of the Bible is how the Father and Creator God, desiring to express His great love, gave mankind a whole universe to live in freely. The Father even went as far as providing for every need that would could ever imagine:

  • Spirit – He gave us His breath, therefore His Spirit, to live in unity and divinity the way He does.
  • Soul – He gave us the capacity to see things through His eyes, feel things through His heart, and be motivated to love in the way He loved.
  • Body – Existing in a perfect, flawless world… WITH a perfect and flawless bride… Free to rule and reign in the entire natural realm… WOW!

For the last 1,500 years, there has been some phraseology in Christianity known as the, “lesser doxology.” The word and activity of, “doxology,” has been nearly destroyed by religion, but the true things of God will stand eternally. This word is a compound Greek word from two very important New Testament words. The first is DOXA, which means, “of high value, very heavy, high praise, of divine and high opinion.” The second is LOGOS, which is the word for WORD in the New Testament. It is also the root word where we get our English word, “logic,” from. It means the opinion, will, and logic of God written down and able to be spoken out. So, a, “doxology,” is something of divine logic that is spoken (or sung) to reaffirm its truth. For these last fifteen centuries, the remnant of genuine believers who have been re-born by the Father’s love through the humble acceptance of the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus have declared this particular doxology often…

“Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, and now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

This is the Latin version and likely the most well known. There are two simple, but profound, truths that are targeted in this statement. First, the mysterious and intimate reality of God being in expression, three, but in intimacy and unity, ONE. This is not much different from the reality that, as I pen this message to you, I am using my physical fingers to communicate passions of my soul inspired by my spirit. Three distinct parts of me all working as the whole, unified person of Steve.

The Trinity of God is such a beautiful and powerful revelation that it has been one of the greatest discussion points in all of Christianity… but I want to highlight the second portion of this doxology.

“As it was in the beginning, and now, and ever shall be, world without end…”

Most people who have ever seen, sung, or read this, have COMPLETELY missed what is being declared. This is simply a statement of deep and profound intimacy. Firstly, the intimacy shared among the Godhead in how they are, were, and ever will be in perfect unity in all ways. But, the second revelatory aspect is what I am targeting for us today. What is being declared, sung, and (hopefully) meditated upon is that the way Adam was with the Father in the garden, the way Jesus was with the Father while among us, and the way that all re-born people will be with God in eternity… is the way it is supposed to be now!

The intimacy and relationship we are to have with the Father was designed in the Garden of Eden, manifested in the life of Jesus, and actualized in the Heavenly realm that we all have access to on the inside of us. Here are some awesome things to consider in this way of thinking:

  • Adam and Eve met with the Father daily as a “date” in the cool of the evening
  • Adam and Eve had no problems to “pray” about, no sins to confess, no needs to beg for, and no demons to wrestle with… just relationship with the Father to experience in those prayer dates
  • Jesus would literally sneak away to go be with the Father in intimacy so often that the scriptures said “as His custom was…” (Lk 22:39)
  • Jesus had an ongoing and quiet conversation with His Father, incessantly, as shown by the way He started the resurrection account of Lazarus: “And Jesus lifted up [his] eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.” (Jn 11:41)
  • The disciples never asked Jesus to teach them how to do miracles, how to heal, how to calm a storm, how to walk on water, or any other incredible feat, BUT they asked Him to teach them to pray, showing that of all the powerful and wonderful things Jesus modeled… it was His intimacy and relationship with the Father that impacted them the most!

Beloved, this is our identity and the culture that I have been striving to cultivate among our precious peeps. This is the cure for what ails ya. This is the answer to every question. This is the solution to every problem. This is the way for every need to be met. This is the purpose of the divine Gospel plan as illuminated in John 3:16. This is the way, the truth, and the life that Jesus IS and HAS and GIVES to us all!

This is my fervent and effectual prayer for all of you today, this week, this month, and the rest of your earthly lives… the same statement that Paul so eloquently made for us to all reflect upon:

Philippians 3:7-11 (TPT)
Yet all of the accomplishments that I once took credit for, I’ve now forsaken them and I regard it all as nothing compared to the delight of experiencing Jesus Christ as my Lord! To truly know him meant letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on the garbage heap. It’s all like a pile of manure to me now, so that I may be enriched in the reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace him as Lord in all of his greatness.

My passion is to be consumed with him and not cling to my own “righteousness” based in keeping the written Law. My only “righteousness” will be his, based on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ—the very righteousness that comes from God. And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. I will be one with him in his sufferings and become like him in his death. Only then will I be able to experience complete oneness with him in his resurrection from the realm of death.

I adore you all greatly!


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