
Stay Awake


We are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of a generation!

We are winning the battle for the soul of our great nation!

Blessings and favor to you on this glorious day and (sweaty) week. In case you have been busy doing what the Lord has commissioned you to do and have not had the time to notice… the realm of darkness, the house of lies, and the author of wickedness has been dealt some powerful defeats lately. I have been in “political” or freedom oriented meetings on nearly a weekly basis for quite some time now, and I am becoming increasingly aware that the ground for planting spiritual seeds is becoming increasingly arable. This is obviously the Lord’s doing, but it is important that we have eyes to see and hearts to discern what the times and seasons are. Jesus singlehandedly changed the dynamic of heaven and earth at the atonement where He made the harvest go from scorched earth to the, “fields being white and ripe unto harvest.

I believe we are moving into this harvest time in America. And I for one will not miss out on the Divine culmination of the political, social, spiritual, and economic transformations that are starting to break out of their cocoons of development into the beauty of a monarch butterfly.

Look what Jesus said about our times.

Mark 13:34-37 (TPT)
“For those days can be compared to a man who was about to leave on a journey, but before leaving he placed his servants in charge and gave each one work to do while he was away. Then he commanded the watchman to be on guard at all times. So I say to you, keep awake and alert—for you have no idea when the master of the house will return; in the evening, at midnight, at four o’clock in the morning, or at dawn. Be alert, for he’s coming suddenly and may find you sleeping! And what I say to the four of you, I say to everyone—be awake at all times!”

Here are some important points to glean from this illustration (parable) about the New Era days that we are seeing now:

  • Jesus was the “man” who owned the Kingdom and left (now seated on the right hand of God the Father) on a journey.
  • We (the authentic, remnant Ekklesia) are the servants who have been placed in “charge”.
  • The watchmen are the spiritual leaders (prophets, shepherds, teachers… disciple-makers) who are the lookouts.


The Lord outlined some powerful opportunities for us who have humbly and submissively accepted our rightful responsibilities to this generation to bring the Kingdom into greater manifestation and to make the King even more glorious for the eyes of all those gathered around.

Please follow me as I try to simply navigate through these verses to give us all some much needed clarity so our lives and actions can be perfectly congruent with the Lords heart and desires. We always want to be found working WITH the King and FOR the King, not contrary to the Kingdom and for our own selfish wants. Jesus made this area clear when He said that people are either, “for us or against us.” There was ZERO middle ground. Every moment of our days are either working with the King to bring His Kingdom more fully OR against the King and promoting the kingdom of darkness. I know that is tight… but it is right.

  1. He placed His servants in charge…” I really want us all to grow and become even more revelatory of this extremely important truth that is commonly referred to as, “The Authority of the Believer.” I personally encourage all of you to listen/read/watch that teaching by Andrew Wommack and/or Kenneth Hagin Sr. for deeper insight. Here is the simple synopsis that I can quickly annotate here. Jesus, through conquest, has received ALL power and ALL authority in heaven (spirit) and in the earth. He then has designated us to be the ruling force of that authority for Him to crush all opposition. We are “in charge” and need to take our rightful place as the occupying government on earth.
  2. Gave each one work to do while He was away…” We have work to do. That little pesky four letter word that no one really likes. Adam was charged with the responsibility to, “tend and to keep,” the garden, and we are now the Adams of this earthly garden. We got some tending and some keeping to do for our Lord!
  3. Then he commanded the watchman to be on guard at all times.” There are leaders that our King has appointed to the place of watchmen that we all need to hear and submit to as good soldiers in this fight. It is their job to look out over the landscape and communicate what is being done by the opposing forces. They watch and care for the well being of our homesteads and it would be to our great advantage to heed their directions.
  4. Be awake at all times!” This is a decision that we all need to embrace to stay on-guard and alert in every moment because the enemy is sneaky and deceptive. But we have the alertness of the Holy Spirit always active in us so that we cannot fall asleep on the job. This will take some soul-control and even the hard task of training our body and mind physically so that we are capable of responding at a moments notice.


Our King has given us this high command, and I know we are up for the task, Beloved!

Jesus believes in us… I believe in us… we are ready and equipped for such a time as this!

I love y’all greatly!


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