
Stay the Course

Greetings in Grace, my dear Beloved peeps!

What a glorious time we are living in and have been enormously honored by our Good Father to be alive for, “such a time as this!” I pray that your focus is squarely on your King, Who is your Savior and desires to be the best friend you have always wanted that can eventually be the one that your, “soul does greatly love.”

I am aware that the world is currently in overtime trying to present us with a detestable and depraved opinion or point-of-view for the future we are headed into. My counsel to you is… do not be mislead and DO NOT fear! Their lies, “false flags,” and incessant fear-mongering is actually working against them because many, many people are waking up to the darkness, deception, tyranny, and unlawful cult that is trying to wage war on the rest of humanity that was oblivious in prior times. It blesses me intensely to see folks actually seeing, in clarity, that this is a spiritual thing… good verses evil… right verses wrong… God’s precious peeps verses the enemy’s beguiled minions.

There are many illustrations of this scripturally where we can glean revelation and direction from. I just read through Hosea today and it was interesting to see some of the parallels between that time, spiritual attitude, and how things played out historically up against the spectrum of where we are and what is happening in our time. Follow me on a little trek that will help paint a clearer direction that we need to allow the Word and Holy Spirit to “brush-stroke” clarity as They light up our paths and be a lamp unto our feet.

Hosea 7
2But they do not consider
that I remember all their evil.
Now their deeds surround them;
they are before my face.
3By their evil they make the king glad,

and the princes by their treachery.

There are a vast majority of folks in our nation that legitimately believe that there is no actual living God, intimately interacting with our time and this people, with a heart for justice who is, “keeping the books,” so-to-say, about the wrongs being perpetuated upon God’s righteous people. Let me tell you adamantly and passionately… our God is FAITHFUL, our Father is GOOD, and our Savior is a warrior Who intends to make all things right for HIS people. That is us, Beloved!

Notice these people above, the unrighteous and ungodly, are living in such a way to try to please or appease their government and not living to honor God. That is a devastating mistake and it is playing out in real-time right in front of our eyes today. But, thank God for, “We The People,” who are waking up to the reality that government is not God, and it is infinitely more important to be righteous before God than the tyrants of government.

14They do not cry to me from the heart,
but they wail upon their beds;
for grain and wine they gash themselves;
they rebel against me.

Notice that these poor, beggarly of soul, victims think that if they will just comply a little harder… make themselves a little more miserable… suffer a little more pain… maybe the benevolent rulers will dole out a little pittance of mercy. How foolish. If they were completely trusting in our God, Who is THE God of mercy that endures forever, they would never need to beg for the scraps from the table of the maniacal dictators, hell-bent on societal misery and suffering.

Hosea 8
4They made kings, but not through me.
They set up princes, but I knew it not.
With their silver and gold they made idols
for their own destruction.

The last election we had was not the only or first manipulated transfer of power in history. This has been going on for as long as broken people have been engaged in a human-orchestrated system. The American Republic is the greatest human government ever formed and has a delicate balance between sovereignty and democracy. Yet, our system still has a human component that makes it vulnerable to power hungry despots who will propagate any lie to enslave their neighbors. But, notice the end of the verse… “With their silver and gold they made idols for their own destruction.” Their greed and idol (money, power, self) worship will actually be the trap that ensnares them.

7(a)For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Don’t you love that! They are messing with powers and forces that they should never have meddled with. The end results of these pious and momentarily arrogant influencers will only highlight the great depth of their mighty fall. It will be a public and exposed decline into rightful justice as we are seeing with the Illinois governor as his unlawful dictates are being publicly crushed by fervent patriots who have had enough. I have personally been involved with the un-masking of children in four school districts the last week and a half (whoop whoop!)… and I ain’t no where near done yet! I will not rest until all the children are liberated!

Hosea 10
12Sow for yourselves righteousness;
reap steadfast love;

break up your fallow ground,
for it is the time to seek the LORD,
that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.

Notice the exhortation of the loving Spirit of God through His prophet. We have the great and humble honor to operate in a different system, a different Kingdom and government. We can expect our actions and activities in righteousness to bring great rewards. But, notice how important the heart is in this activity. We need to look sincerely into our hearts to find any hard-packed areas that have been trampled by past traumas, abusive people in the past, or just painful circumstances that compact our hearts to be calloused and lifeless. “Break up your fallow ground,” by seeking the Lord Who desires to rain life giving waters onto your parched earth.

Hosea 14
9Whoever is wise, let him understand these things;
whoever is discerning, let him know them;
for the ways of the LORD are right,
and the upright walk in them,
but transgressors stumble in them.

I am writing to the wise ones! I am writing to folks who have endured with me and the Beloved family through months and years of sometimes invasive messages and truths delivered from the pulpit and in authentic discipleship. These unpopular words, this challenging environment, these genuine and transparent people, mingled with the consistent work of the Spirit, has honed us, trained us, and prepared us for this era.

Wisdom comes from exercising knowledge repetitively in ways that are counter-culture and counter-feelings. The same truths that are creating higher and higher levels of freedom for you and me are making others stumble because they will not accept them. Stay the course, Beloved… walk in the truth you know and soon the rest will follow us into a glorious future, prepared for us before the foundations of the world.

I love you greatly, and joyfully anticipate our next time together!


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