
Still We Pursue

Pursue peace with everyone, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14 BSB

We were fellowshipping with my pastors, Pastor Rich and Miss Dorothy, and some of the leadership team on Sunday night. Before we broke bread, I asked Pastor Craig to say the blessing. During his prayer, he blessed his pastor (me) and my pastor… the grand-pastor… and his solemn prayer was joyously interrupted with rolling laughter from all of his Beloved peeps. It was one of those moments where the Spirit of God gifted us with joy in a way that only He could give. A part of this Kingdom culture here at Beloved that I exceptionally love is the genuine way we have relationship with God AND each other.

The way some other religious sects do, “fellowship,” is akin to tying a cat and a dog together by the tail and tossing them over a clothes-line… they are going to have interaction, but it ain’t gonna be pretty. One of the ways to discern the spiritual fruit maturing in a person is by the dynamics of the relationships in their life. Notice, I did not say the amount, or the pretended outward appearance, but the authentic discernment of the depth and health of those God-ordained relationships. People fake their marriages all the time, just look around. People fake their, “friends,” and even puff out their chest if they are a, “social media influencer.” Just the other day, my bride was commenting to our pastors about the antagonism of our, “haters,” and their dogged determination to hinder and malign especially me. Her comment was very thoughtful and revelatory for us all today. Her words were, “If any of these people actually KNEW Steve, they would never say those things or make up those lies.”

Do people really KNOW you… do you really KNOW others… have you allowed Jesus to really KNOW you?

The above verse challenges us to, “pursue peace with everyone.” This connotates a running after, chasing or hunting in mental imagery. One of the reasons for this is because some people are moving away from a position of peace. Some people literally LOVE drama in their life and environments. Some folks are determinatively walking away from peace and its Prince, Jesus, while others are at a dead sprint trying to create as much distance as possible. Still we pursue… it is who we are called to be.

A redeemed relationship is, in some ways, better than one that has never needed redemption. One of the reasons Kay and I have the testimony of having the greatest marriage on the planet is because our marriage was redeemed a decade and a half ago. There are others among us that I have very intimate and genuine relationships with because they are redeemed relationships. I often ponder what our church, and THE Church, would really look like if everyone had the revelation of how glorious redeemed relationships are. I know for sure, there would be way less folks running away from peace.

Notice the conjoined phase that follows, “as well as holiness.” This is riveting to my inner man. Of all the things that our current culture has treaded upon, one of the most pronounced is holiness. It is common, even among self-professed, “Christians,” to embrace and/or justify unholy lifestyles, thoughts, worldviews, and behaviors. It breaks my heart to see such a vast amount of the, “forgiven,” affirming un-holiness… if it hurts me the way it does, I often wonder what it does to God’s heart. One of the silliest parts of this truth is how foolish these carnal folks are by thinking that us Spirit-filled and mature believers are so naïve that we don’t see that huge, rotting fruit hanging from their ever-sagging branches. They won’t let anyone really KNOW them.

So we pursue.

Not to catch someone like a trophy buck or a cops-and-robbers car chase… but to see God. I have heard this verse misquoted as, “without holiness you cannot see God!” That is a partial verse and a shoe-horn manipulation of legalism to condemn someone into, “cleaning up their act.” But, none of us sincere lovers of God should have an act. Additionally, condemnation will never energize someone into holiness, it will only cause them to either hide their issues or justify them to medicate the pain.

Or do you disregard the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?
Romans 2:4 BSB

The simple definition of, “Holiness,” is to be separated from the dirty world in purity, for the expressed purposes of God in intimacy. To be separated from the world, so you can be close to God. The kind of closeness that allows Him to KNOW you.

The Awakening is coming… the race is changing. Now, we are pursuing peace, AND pursuing holiness to see the gentle hand, and holy heart of our Heavenly Father, be exposed in our life and in the lives of others. Not pursuing to cross some obscure finish line, but to keep up with the ever-working process of Divine transformation that conforms us into the image of our Savior, our powerful Redeemer, Jesus, the Lord. When we pursue Jesus, we are pursuing the Prince of Peace. When we are pursuing holiness, we are pursuing the Holy Spirit of Jesus. When we redeem others around us, then we get to run together as a team. This New Birth life was something meant to be experienced in community and koinonia.

What are you pursuing?

WHO are you pursuing?

Why are you pursuing?

Are you pursuing?

These are questions only you can answer as you search your own heart. Be honest in that process… God always is.

So then, let us pursue what leads to peace and to mutual edification.
Romans 14:19


Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
Psalms 34:14

I would be honored to pursue with you…

In great love,


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