The Art of Warfare
What is real spiritual warfare… and how do I engage

This message is being composed on February 7th, in the year of our Lord 2024. Today, there is a ballot measure that will appear before the Florida Supreme Court about an initiative to codify in the Florida State Constitution that there shall ‘never’ be a law legally passed that would restrict access to or reasons for any abortion desired before the, ‘age of viability.’
This is a law legalizing infanticide.
There may be some of you that are dangerously close to the eye-roll stage of the abortion war, and that is in line with the plan for those who are working with ‘the destroyer’ in his efforts to depopulate our planet.
Here is an excerpt from Mat Staver who is the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action:
The ballot summary states, “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider … ” (emphasis added).
To translate, this means unfettered abortion access would be codified in the Florida Constitution. “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict,” provides that there would be ZERO abortion restrictions to protect life in the womb before the arbitrary metric of, “viability.”
And post-viability, the, “or when necessary to protect the patient’s health,” language opens the door to any perceived, “health,” condition of the mother, including physical, mental, emotional, financial, and social health, at any point in pregnancy up till full birth. The undefined word, “health,” opens the door to abortion on demand for any reason, at any time, up until the point of birth.
To make matters worse, the definition of, “health care provider,” includes 58 professions, many of which have no medical training, such as tattoo artists, massage therapists, audiologists, an orthotic fitter assistant, and the list goes on. If passed, a tattoo artist could determine if the baby is, “viable,” (which is undefined), and even after, “viability,” this non-medically trained provider can wield an absolute veto over any late-term abortion regulation.
This is the state of humanity, our modern and progressive culture, where an arbitrary term like ‘viability’ can be ascribed to life, an innocent infant life, for the purpose of determining whether his or her value is high enough to live.
This is happening in one of the ‘reddest’ states in the union… meaning this is a demographic where ‘republican/conservatives’ have great control. There are pulpits who openly, and passionately preach for the ‘compassionate’ stance of ‘protecting woman’s rights’ and sympathetic ‘health care’ under the beautiful banner of FREEDOM entangled into the oxymoronic usage of the word ‘choice.’
If a society cannot protect the most innocent and powerless lives among us, that society has become a culture of death.
Proverbs 6 states:
“The Lord hates … hands that shed innocent blood.”
Proverbs 24:11-12 warns:
“Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die. Don’t try to disclaim responsibility by saying you didn’t know about it. For God, who knows all hearts, knows yours, and he knows you knew! And he will reward everyone according to his deeds.” (Living Bible Translation).
The ERV translation puts it this way:
“If you see someone on their way to death or in danger of being killed, you must do something to save them. You cannot say, ‘It’s none of my business.’ The Lord knows everything, and he knows why you do things. He watches you, and he will pay you back for what you do.”
The VOICE version puts it this way:
“If you excuse yourself, saying, ‘Look, we didn’t know anything about this,’ doesn’t God, who knows what you are really thinking, understand your motives? Isn’t your Protector aware of why you aren’t protecting the innocent? Will He not repay you in kind?”
The abortion issue is a litmus test, a spiritual IQ test, for the basic morality of the masses. America has failed the test.
I do not say this to condemn or to create some callous hopelessness for Godly folks to slowly be submerged and overcome by… NO! I intend to open the eyes of the blind, to unstop the ears of the deaf, to awaken the sleeping, to energize the weary, and to equip the warriors who are now a part of the Host of Heaven by New Birth. This is a duty that we are all called to, Beloved.
This is a spiritual war that has raged for millennia in the unseen, incorporeal realm just above the awareness level of the carnal existence of self-focused people. In a great war, there are many battlefields, many military leaders, many strategists, and a whole slew of industrious worker-bees diligently slaving away at their specific tasks behind the battle lines to supply the soldiers on the front. When many believers think of ‘spiritual warfare,’ they either conjure up images of ‘charismaniacs’ in that ‘weird’ church who are shouting in tongues, kicking the invisible prison walls of dark principalities in ‘prophetic acts,’ or rolling around in a spittle-infused groaning, overcome ‘by the spirit.’ That is NOT the New Covenant version of spiritual warfare. Warfare means to engage in battle for the purpose of expanding one kingdom through the reduction of another kingdom. True spiritual warfare is accomplished by the people of God taking the truth, through the Gospel, into hearts and minds that were once held captive by lies and deception. Every single member of the Body of Christ is called into this conflict.

Leviticus 20:1-5 BSB
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites, ‘Any Israelite or foreigner living in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech must be put to death. The people of the land are to stone him. And I will set My face against that man and cut him off from his people, because by giving his offspring to Molech, he has defiled My sanctuary and profaned My holy name. And if the people of the land ever hide their eyes and fail to put to death the man who gives one of his children to Molech, then I will set My face against that man and his family and cut off from among their people both him and all who follow him in prostituting themselves with Molech.
Sacrificing children for personal and/or spiritual benefits has been an existent problem long before Roe vs. Wade even made headlines. The difference is 1973 (when the Supreme Court erroneously ‘found’ a constitutional right to infanticide) was the watershed moment when the worship of Molech (abortion) became mainstream and acceptable. The Christians just shrugged and bought a new puppy on their way home from soccer practice. Whenever a people promote their personal morality over God’s clear standards, there is an inevitable destruction and misery that will manifest in that society and, oftentimes, it is borne by the innocent generations that follow the pride of their paternal leaders.
In the above passage, please note that the political requirement expressed by God for their nation included the believers (Israelites) and the non-believers (foreigners). The reason is clear and simple: no society can survive if it embraces the sacrificial practices of wholly depraved demon-worshippers. Politics is downstream of culture, and culture is downstream of the influence of whichever is greater in the nation; godliness or ungodliness. In modern, progressive church-i-anity, we have built a faux version of spirituality based on the needs, wants, feelings, and desires of the attendee instead of building a selfless community of allegiant bondservants to the Lordship of King Jesus.
In a ‘me’ focused spirituality, we can change all the rules, doctrines, and scriptures to justify any belief or activity that makes us feel better. This is the enemy’s preferred battleground because he has all the weapons in this carnal conflict.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 BSB
For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh.
The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
The clear statement of our humanity (verse 3), which begins this above stanza, should illustrate the acknowledgment of God that the New Birth did not change anyone into something wholly non-human. God knows our frame, that we are but dust (Psalm 103), yet He gives no justifiable excuses for being ONLY human. We have been filled with the Spirit of God for the divine purpose of reclaiming humanity for the plans that our Heavenly Father intended from the genesis (beginning) of our history. That process of reclamation is outlined here.
- “We do not wage war according to the flesh.” – There is a war we are waging. If there is some disingenuous soul who thinks there is not a fight to engage in, they need to be shown this scripture. This is an age-old war that has persisted since the snake slithered into sacred space and deceived God’s kids. The nachash (snake) fired the ‘shot heard round the world’ and we have been in spiritual warfare ever since. Sadly though, many believers are trying to engage their enemy with ‘carnal’ tactics. My 9mm concealed pistol will do nothing against the lies that have convinced my neighbors to sacrifice their unborn on the altar of Planned Parenthood. I must engage them with the truth spoken in love.
- “The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world.” – Please do not be remiss to notice that the word ‘weapons’ is used here twice. This ancient conflict is not a pillow fight between two freshman college girls who are bored on a Thursday night after an invigorating meal of ramen noodles and mocha frappuccino. The term is ‘hoplon’ which means “arms, instruments, armor, weapons used in warfare.” This is not referencing a feather duster. Something to note as well is the word is always used in the plural. What that insinuates is that we need to be master soldiers in this conflict. You cannot be just really good with the Word, which is the sword of the spirit. We must be good with apologetics, prophecy, laying on of hands, correction, teaching, brave actions of overt faith, patience, prayer, and about a dozen other possibilities. Also, note that weapons tend to signify offensive action against an enemy. Anyway you cut this, there is no passivity being eluded to. Did you know things like patience and love could be used aggressively against our enemy?
- “They have divine power to demolish strongholds.” – This statement is loaded with illusionary verbiage. The power being asserted by these plural weapons we carry is divine. Divine is another way of saying, “God,” (Theo). So, this power is of the God kind, without any way to draw a comparison. Nuclear power is like a snap-pop compared to the most minuscule exertion of God. When wielded properly, this God-power will “demolish strongholds.” One of the descriptive terms that this word “kathaíresis” has attributed to it is, “cause extinction.” Whoa… stop and think about THAT. This warfare we are engaged in is not for funsies… it is for keeps! We are not playing Lego games with these strongholds, we are bringing the full force of God against those lies and deceptions holding people hostage, holding our identity hostage, and dropping the a-bomb on them until nothing is left! A stronghold being a self-made (or trauma-built) prison that was constructed under the guise of protection but is now recognized (through revelation) as a place of detention. When our divine weapons are done with those walls, all that will remain is a black ashen smear where a fortress once stood in defiance.
- “We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God” – This battle is mostly clashing in the area of words (arguments) and thought (presumptive knowledge against God). This is talking about our cognitive processes. The incoming artillery from enemy lines will be persuasive polemics intending to change your mind AWAY from righteous thinking. “Well, ‘it’ is not REALLY a baby, ‘it’ is just a fetus… What if ‘it’ was conceived in rape or incest… Don’t you have any compassion for the mother!” This is the process of moral degradation so common today… and so effective today. Things we would ‘never’ do become habitual when we allow the arguments of others to change (conform, anti-repent) us. Their target is the ‘knowledge of God’, not the knowledge of Steve. Most people are at least humble enough to recognize their ability to be wrong. So, what the enemy will do is try and justify his temptation with God-like rationality. He will use a gently twisted scripture, a helpfully modified doctrine, a powerful emotion that seems like a ‘leading’, a crazy experience that must be from God, or some other feeling that fits just right. Once we have been convinced it is knowledge from the God-source, we are trapped like a rat in a greased barrel.
- “we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” – In this verse, this ‘captive’ language means, “to subjugate, bring under control.” WE are the initiating component for this wrong-thought enslavement action. If you have ever trapped a wild animal, you have a memory that is useful here. You have to exercise cunning ingenuity, rapacious determination, and a hearty helping of intestinal fortitude to make that voracious and thrashing animal your caged slave. You do not saunter up to a rabid mongoose and ask it to submit in a polite British accent. That is how you lose two fingers and a pinky toe. Same thing with wrong thoughts invading your mental sacred space, Beloved! Make those rebel thoughts bow in obedience to the righteousness of the mind of Christ.

We need to chuck the casual attitude towards the depravity of our environment when they attack with:
Follow the science
Safe and effective
Truth is not absolute
Love is love
Gender is non-binary
Morality was once a basic principle in society. In the last ten years, we have had the foundations of everything eroded. Look at this example:
Hippocrates of Kos, circa 460–370 B.C., is referred to as the “Father of Medicine” for starting the disciplined Hippocratic School of Medicine in the 4th century B.C. Greece. His attitude, “first, do no harm,” was summed up in his work “Of the Epidemics,” Book One, circa 400 B.C.:
“Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient.”
He is credited with formulating “The Hippocratic Oath,” which from ancient times, was taken by all medical practitioners:
“I swear … I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. In purity and according to divine law, will I carry out my life and my art.”
Unfortunately, in recent times, left-wing ideologues have infiltrated the medical profession and endeavored to alter the original Hippocratic Oath. Most of these original words have been ‘progressively’ modified… do an internet search and you will wonder how they could still honestly have Hippocrates’ name still attached to it.
In 400 B.C. the motto of, “first, do no harm,” has now been replaced with, “gender-affirming care,” which means medical castration of our children under the virtuous hand of government approval led by the experts. If you did not know about the raging war then just read that again.
Beloved, our weapons are prepared, the battlefield is prepped, the soldier’s muscles are tense, and the winner takes all. We march at dawn, into the Great Awakening.