
The Dimensions

Good morning, precious and powerful Beloved Family!

I pray that today you are growing in boldness as you press into deeper revelation of how greatly you are loved.

This past Sunday, in all honesty, I was internally struggling with how to properly convey and communicate what was in my heart. The jury is still out on how well I accomplished the mission, but the end result is that I am more convinced now that living and proclaiming this message of Agape love is of premier importance for us in this unique time. This Kingdom that we are pressing into, and that is graciously being offered from our King, is the Kingdom of Love. Even now as I write that, it seems a bit more shallow than it is in my heart. Our society has so devastated the true Divine reality of love that even now, when I hear the word, or see it in some writing… my heart aches because of the misrepresentation of the authenticity of what God intended for us to know.

The depth of our real experience with our God and Savior will be, nearly, singularly dependent on this one revelation… the Agape love of God. In order to differentiate it from all the other forms of love, both authentic and synthetic, I usually refer to it as the God-kind of love. The sad truth is that when I attempt to impart revelation on this topic, it seems to always fall short. I do not know if that is because I just simply fail at saying what the Father says or due to a more sinister circumstance of how effectively our world and society have been demonically, “brain washed,” into a dark, twisted definition of love. If I were the enemy of God and His precious people, I think my military planning would be primarily focused on redefining and removing the God-kind of love. In great heaviness, I say that it seems that that nefarious plan has been somewhat successful… even more woeful, the American church has allowed it and at some times even perpetuated that evil process.

Ephesians 3:17-19
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what [is] the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

There is much to say about these few verses, much more than this letter will permit. But, please grant me some precious moments of sincere attention as I attempt to genuinely display my heart to you. I sincerely believe that if we all grow in this area, there is LITERALLY NOTHING that we will ever fear or doubt again.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Galatians 5:6
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

The simply reality is that how much, how quickly and how sincerely we grow in the God-kind of love, will ultimately determine nearly every aspect of our quality and quantity of the God-kind of life.

Back to Ephesians… so I can expose some powerful truths for us all to embrace tighter and with more passion.

  1. “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith…” This is so profound that many miss it. The amount of indwelling reality, the, “presence,” or, “closeness,” of God is determined by faith, or how much that truth is believed and accepted. So, then, the opposite must be true as well. When we are in doubt and/or unbelief, we distance our heart from Christ. Christ is the grace-filled Savior AND His salvation Who is always bringing peace, grace (Divine empowerment), and authority into any place that He is. This makes it clear that the intimacy we are or are not experiencing is determined by our faith working by love.
  2. “being rooted and grounded in love…” The root system of that necessary faith is the God-kind of love. You could view your life as a tree in this regard. If the tree is lush, healthy, growing, and heavy with luscious fruit, then it would be equivalent to one who is strong in faith. Jesus used this analogy often towards a person who would take a seed of God’s Word, plant it in the soil of their unadulterated heart, and cultivate it to maturity. Yet, ALL of the visible, tangible, and beneficial aspects of that large, beautiful, and fruitful tree are determined by the health of the root system. Here we see that that root system is the God-kind of love. So many folks are working to mature the tree, produce fruit, tend the trunk, prune the branches… that they forget the most important part of the WHOLE tree… the roots. If you make the roots healthy, the tree will naturally be healthy no matter what environment it is growing in. One could grow the largest, healthiest tree in the middle of the Sahara desert if you could flow proper amounts of nutrients and hydration into the roots. The God-kind of love is the totality of the root system of our lives.
  3. “comprehend with all saints…” This speaks to what the universal revelation is ordained to be for each and everyone of us. We should all have and fully understand the love of God equivalently with each other, AND equal to the saints that are now in the Heavenly presence of God Himself! WOW! The Father did not intended for there to be one lower revelation for the weakest, youngest believer… then a middle-of-the-road revelation for the regular believer… then a high revelation for the “super saints”… then a perfected revelation for the saints in Heaven. No, Beloved. The Father desires us all to equally share in the revelation of the God-kind of love to us, in us and through us.
  4. “the breadth, and length, and depth and height…” Breadth speaks to how wide or encompassing the God-kind of love is that goes to all mankind, at all times, and in all places. The length speaks to the longsuffering and eternal quality of the God-kind of Love… it is the only true, “forever,” love that makes the secular love songs laughable. Depth speaks to how penetrating and deep the God-kind of love can reach into our heart and soul. No matter how deep a hurt may go… love goes infinitely deeper. Height speaks to the high quality or surpassing purity of the God-kind of love. The greatest refining fire can never produce a higher and more untainted expression of love on earth or above, even to the highest heavens!
  5. “to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge…” I know this may sound oxymoronic in language to some. How do you know something that passes knowledge? This expresses that the God-kind of love is not a knowledge based, or information based, love. This wording tells of the necessity of intimate, experiential, and personal knowing that only comes from relationship with Christ.
  6. “that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” The great and sincere desire to be, “maxed out,” with the fullness of God is only obtained through a revelation of the God-kind of love. When we desire to have, “more of God,” the only way that is possible is to have more revelation of the God-kind of love. What a profound truth.

I know that discourse was a smidge lengthy, but I honestly could expound each point for hours on end. The infinite possibilities for exploration of the God-kind of love leave every writer feeling inadequate in explanation. Yet, the raw experience of it for just a micro-second will change anyone eternally. This God-kind of love is the very substance and composition of the King and His Kingdom of love that we are manifesting more and more everyday as we press into THE Great Awakening!

I pray that exhilarates you today the way it does me!

This Sunday… Part Two. I literally cannot wait to share what is in my heart with y’all!

In Great (the God-kind of) Love!


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