
The Hope of Glory

Hello, precious Beloved!

I am going to be transparent at the onset of this message to you. I am literally still in a sense of awe from Sunday’s time together…

Many of you may not know this, but in order to achieve a Doctorate of Theology or a Doctorate of Ministry from ISOM (the largest accrediting institution in the world for Spirit filled colleges), you must complete a course covering the materials y’all were presented on Sunday. I knew going into the message that it would be longer, more intense, and rife with opportunities to offend folks and their belief systems. What I did not anticipate (and the reason for the current state of awe I am in) is the overwhelming positive and appreciative responses from a myriad of people. If you have not had a chance to hear and watch, please do!
If you would like to have the PowerPoint file from Sunday, click the blue button below.

That was one of those messages that tested the magnitude of resolve to my commitment to be raising up fully mature sons of God who desire truth and the uncomfortable process of discipleship. We all know THAT has been devastatingly absent in our current culture. The present fruits of darkness that are having a distressing effect on our world is a direct derivative of the Church’s inaction, impotence, and ignorance to the gloriously revealed mystery of the indwelling power and presence of the King of the Kingdom!

Colossians 1:25-27
Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; [even] the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: to whom God would make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory

I echo these very words in my own heart regularly as a blessed and humbled servant of this same message and the Author of the Gospel Truth! I honestly believe that many (if not most) of the world’s problems and most (if not all) of believer’s personal problems would literally just melt away unnoticed if a deep revelation of “Christ in us” was realized. Think about the impact of this for just a moment:

  • How could countries be at war if they understood WHO was in them, and potentially in their “enemies”?
  • How could national economies collapse or poverty exist if folks were operating in the riches of the Glory of Christ?
  • How could any family be in contention if they were displaying and honoring the Christ in one another?
  • How could anyone ever be sick or depressed if they truly knew the Omnipotent King was loving them from the inside out?
  • How could anyone ever be lonely or depressed with a living knowledge of the Compassionate Creator walking through the very corridors of our heart?
  • How could hopelessness ever exist is we really embraced “Christ in YOU, the HOPE of Glory”?!

My dearest Beloved, how my heart longs and my bones burn for this message and it’s glorious effects to radiate upon every area of your life and the culture of this present evil world. I know that last Sunday, we all moved closer to the radiance of that Sunlight (Son-light) and I highly anticipate that this Sunday we will be even closer… I can see us all getting more and more heart warmth and upgrading our sunglasses very soon! I pray that you are growing in this Grace and Truth, ever more today!

We adore you and cannot wait to see you again soon!


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