
The Reality Within

Greetings in great love to all of you, Beloved peeps, who have persevered in faith and patience during this incredibly unique time in human history.

I am truly honored and humbled to be walking this narrow path with the remnant church who have firmly placed Jesus on the throne of their life and heart. If you are one of the minority in our culture that are still indecisive about that decision, I am heavily exhorting you to get quiet, get humble, get clarity… and respond to the invitation of the Bridegroom, Jesus the Christ.

In anticipation of all the fun stuff we are doing this weekend, between making HEROs, having a Kool-Kids Club secret meeting after the A.M. service, fellowshipping together in the Spirit of God, and worshiping our Father… I wanted to declare a simple truth that is part of the core values of our culture here. This is a radical, but uncomplicated, revelation that is necessary for anyone who is going to confidently stride into THE Great Awakening, hand-in-hand with Jesus and His people.

Matthew 6:9-10
In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Prayproseúxomai; to exchange wishes; literally, to interact with the Lord by switching human wishes (ideas) for His wishes as He imparts faith or “divine persuasion”. (HELPS Word-studies)

In the beginning, God created heaven and (then) the earth. He wanted earth to represent and express heaven. He wanted the same quality and quantity of life, culture, economy, health, and soul experience in heaven to manifest in this earthly realm. He never intended the quality of life on earth to be any different than life in heaven, just with an added realm (the natural, physical one). The life that some have been longing to live in heaven after they die, He wanted us to experience it while we are alive on the earth in this life now.

Is that truly possible?

The Bible calls it abundant or eternal life (John 3:16, 10:10). The problem is God entrusted humans (look at the heart of God in this) with that task, the task of making earth look like and become like heaven. We were charged with establishing His will on earth AS IT IS in heaven. Receiving a glimpse of heaven in prayer and encounters with God and then making it a reality on earth. That is why He created each of us in the New Birth with the Kingdom of God inside of us.

Luke 17:20-21 (WEY)
Being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming, He answered, “The Kingdom of God does not so come that you can stealthily watch for it. Nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ —for the Kingdom of God is within you.”

Whoever wants to partner with God in accomplishing that Divine task, He promised to guide them and protect them. He has promised them life and health. He has promised them intimacy and supernatural access. He has promised them abundant provision. He has promised them a peace that passes our brain’s understanding. He has promised them a thousand generations of blessing!

Everyone else is on their own. Good luck trying to build your own kingdom… anyone ever heard of Lucifer and his grandiose plans in heaven? A perfect example of someone who rejected God’s Kingdom for a shot at making his own… a total loser and failure. That is one of the reasons he is the father of lies, because his whole kingdom is one big, fat, hairy, stinking lie.

That is one of the simplest declarations of this message, that there are only two kingdoms to choose for building in our life and heart. The Kingdom of our Father, which is the Kingdom of Love, or the kingdoms of this world, of our selfishness and of our own opinions, which is the kingdom of darkness. The second choice is anti-Christ. Anti- means “against or opposed” to Christ. If you are doing this right now, I have no condemnation to cast on you, because I was there in ignorance not that many years ago. But, knowing and seeing the state of our world today, it is time to awake unto righteousness and submit to the King and His carpenter’s hands in building His Kingdom.

1 Peter 2:9 (AMP)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

We have been hand picked by our Father for such a time as this to declare, embrace, and promulgate [promote, make known] the King and His Kingdom in our own hearts, and eventually across the whole world.

Beloved… let’s do this!

In deep gratitude and anticipation,


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