
The Shew

Hello, dearest Beloved family! Are y’all ready for a show?

Let us look at some very powerful truths together from Jesus that are very pertinent for us today in this time. He was specifically referencing the ministry of Holy Spirit and how deeply necessary that is for all of us today.

John 16:12-15
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you.

You may have noticed in just these three verses that there was a repetitive and powerful promise highlighted by Jesus about the ministry of Holy Spirit for all who will receive and believe. What I am speaking of is the word, “shew,” that is in here three times. This is a really beneficial, powerful, and needful ministry of Holy Spirit that our Savior promised us was available. Here is the Strong’s definition of this word “shew”:

Anaggéllō (from 303 /aná, “up, completing a process” and aggellō, “declare”) – properly, tell all the way up, i.e. clearly – declaring a thought (communication) that shows it has cleared (gone through) its necessary stages.

What an awesome benefit we have through The Comforter (name for Holy Spirit that Jesus gave us). A major portion of The Comforter’s ministry in us, to us, and through us is to make sure that we have the complete picture and all the necessary knowledge to live victoriously in this world. This is contrary and almost opposite of what religion has told us for centuries. In religion, we are told that, “you never know what God is gonna do…” or, “God’s will is mysterious and unknown… so maybe we were meant to keep that problem (sickness, misery, pain, poverty, oppression, or whatever else is afflicting us…” I literally was just meeting with another very influential church leader not long ago that was convinced that some serious health problems in his family were either from God or allowed by God, “like Paul’s thorn in the flesh.” It is this attitude that has destroyed the power and authority of Christ’s Body (the Church) and has tortured the people of God (the Bride) for untold decades. I hate this false doctrine with every fiber of my being!

There is a place of humility and submission that we all need to start at as annotated by Jesus in the first statement, “ye cannot bear them (truths) now…” I used to get irritated at this statement because I would think that just because the disciples we not ready, why didn’t you say them for me… maybe I am ready? Now, I understand that everything I will ever need is already in the scriptures and it is imperative for me to search them out, listen to The Comforter, and apply the truths by faith to my circumstances. Just like all other truth and knowledge, it grows upon itself in a natural way.

We cannot understand trigonometry until we understand algebra. Algebra needs basic math skills to work. Basic math skills needs one to know all of the numbers. For The Comforter to bring deep and precise revelation into our hearts and lives, we need to understand, “basic math,” of the Kingdom and the nature of God. This is why I am so passionate about declaring and teaching the foundational truths of The Finished Work of the Cross, the Grace of God, the Love of God, our Identity in Christ, and our Authority as believers. These are a firm foundation upon which deeper truths can be built.

An application of this in my own life is, when I struggle to find answers to questions or need clarity in situations, I will go back to the foundational truths and, “assure,” my heart in the eternal truths that I have known for many years. Then, I have more clarity in looking into the future and hearing the Holy Spirit reveal things to come. As we press deeper and deeper into this Great Awakening and the ignorant way the world is functioning, it is of utmost priority for We The People of the King and His Kingdom to know what our Commander in Chief and Good Father is positioning us for today and tomorrow. We can have great confidence knowing that it is our Father’s will for us to be ready and excited about His plans and purposes for us everyday, no matter how stupid and confused the world around us is.

Ephesians 5:17
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord [is].

Beloved, we are going into the most glorious time of human history; and your God wants you to be filled with joy and expectancy in every moment of it!

I love you GREATLY!


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