
The Son-rise

Hello favored and greatly loved Beloved Family!

What a divinely glorious time we all shared together this weekend as the faithful and genuine people of God. The leaders and I stay in a continuous state of awe and wonder at the sincere, generous, and loving way that YOU, our family, have come along side our mission of declaring the Finished Work of the Cross as we transform into the healthiest, wealthiest, and most influential people in our region. It brings such deep joy to my heart to be a small part of the Heavenly reality illuminating us all in building covenant marriages, healthy bodies, unified families, and so much more. All of this made possible by the self-less offering of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Can you see with the eyes of your heart how many places that darkness is losing its tyrannical stranglehold on our nation and world as the glorious Light of the Son-rise breaks into the consciousness of our unsuspecting world around us? We are literally witnessing the greatest awakening that our world has ever known since the resurrection, and it has only just begun.

Ephesians 1:9-12
Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; [even] in him: In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

I would like to pull some powerfully relative points out for us as we navigate though this new outpouring of glory and the Spirit in our present time. I pray that hope builds and expectancy (faith) is strengthened to the point that you, like our Savior, are unmovable and unshakeable in resolve for the release of grace and truth that our world is so desperately desiring.

  1. We have a mystery! This is a mystery that was hidden from the beginning and is still a mystery to the unbelievers. It is even still mysterious to us believers… but it is still revealed and true. The Spirit of Christ lives in us. WOW! This Heavenly truth gives us some awesome things:
    • The same power and authority as Jesus (Mk 16:17)
    • The same abundant life that Jesus has (Jn 10:28)
    • The same resurrection power (Rom 8:11)
    • The same glory from the Father (Jn 17:22)
    • The same divine peace that Jesus walked in (Jn 14:27)


  1. This will for you is GOOD! Because we have a good and loving Father, His desires, plans, and encounters are all good. This is why we should be truly praying, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…”!


  1. In the, “fullness of times,” means, “when everything is perfectly aligned.” This is a unique mixture of the good will of the Father, plus the conditions in the earth with mankind’s belief systems, plus the faith and stability of our own lives and hearts. I believe that we are walking in a time period today that has been culminated for THE Great Awakening of our people groups. We have the HUGE honor of being leaders and ministers in this glorious time!


  1. We have an inheritance! This is not talking about the “sweet by-and-by” type religious stuff. This is right here and now because our Savior, and Big Brother, won this bounty for us through conquest! The Father then brought us into the family and gave us everything that belonged to Jesus. This is Good News!


  1. The end result is that we will be to the, “praise of His glory.” I do not know if that resonates fully in you, but this is a powerful statement. The word for “praise” here means: accurate or fitting acknowledgment. The word for “glory” here is: of high value, of divine opinion. When you put this together, you will see that, when we embrace these truths, we will be fitting and accurately acknowledged in the high value and divine opinion of the Father in such a way that should remind Him of His faith in Christ! That is something!

I pray that the remainder of your week continues to grow into this eternal hope of the Father’s GOOD will for you. I know that I, and the leaders, are praying for exactly that to manifest in your life, body, finances, families, and emotions. You are a mystery to the world, but you are perfectly understood by your Father.

I love you greatly!


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