
Wake the Dead

Good day to you, precious Beloved family and representatives of the King and His glorious Kingdom!

What an honor it is to serve you and with you as we go zealously into The Great Awakening!

Awakening (noun)

  1. The act of awaking from sleep.
  2. An arousing from what is like sleep; a revival of interest in, or attention to, what has been neglected.
  3. Especially a revival of religion, either in an individual or in a community: a use of the word derived from the Scripture symbol of sin as death or sleep, and conversion as resurrection or awakening.

The loving and good Father is, “arousing,” and, “reviving,” His authentic people to a way and a life that is according to His eternal will. When you know the Word of God, you know the Will of God. I realize that not all people are experiencing the rousing voice of God, but it is humbling to know that we are that remnant church that hears and obeys this Divine calling.

Ephesians 5:14-17
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord [is].

A few things to notice from these God breathed words:

  • Scripturally, to be asleep and to be dead are equivalent. The reason for this is the actions, or lack thereof, are similar in the sleeping and the dead. This has been the story for some of the churches and believers in our day and time. Ignoring the calls to action from Heaven has had the nefarious consequences of a world that is tyrannized by evil, subservient to wickedness, and enslaved by darkness. The Father knows that when His people are awake and alive, there is no possibility of success for the enemy… but if we are lethargic or inactive, darkness and misery can spread unhindered.
  • Christ is the light that awakens and enlightens. It is not politics… it is not government of man… it is not psychology… it is not the pontification of stoic philosophers… it definitely is not the ignorance of an entertaining glowing screen or their ignorant actors. It is CHRIST! If it is not awakened or enlightened by Christ, it is a false life and light.
  • To walk, “circumspectly,” means to live the actions of everyday from the pure thoughts of the mind of Christ. From the Greek: akribṓs (from akribes, “the high point, extreme,” or “highly accurate”) – properly, extremely accurate, very exact; “more (very) accurate” because researched down to the finest detail (“factually precise”). This root (akrib-) refers to gaining exact information with the highest level of accuracy (“exactness”) and is acquired by probing investigation to provide a comprehensive circumspect (precise) view in strict adherence to the facts. This is only found in the inerrant Word of God.
  • Not as fools, but as wise people. The ones considered, “fools,” here are the ones who DO NOT know the will of God. To be considered wise by scriptural definition are the ones who KNOW the will of God and, by inference, are walking that out… acting on it. The Word (will) of God is calling us into wisdom through clarity and action according to the way God is clear and active. For God so loved the world that He gave… His best… Jesus, so that we could have His quality and quantity of life.
  • Because! It is so gracious of God to not only show us the way to live, but to give us the WHY. “Because the days are evil.” This is not hyperbole or subjective… it is the way it is. God knows the state of the world, our circumstances, and the enemy’s plans… BUT, He has also called us, empowered us, and motivated us to be the solution to a dark and evil world. You are the light! You are the salt! Be glowingly salty, Beloved! (I think I need a meme for that… Ha!)
  • All of this culminates into the, “go and do,” statement of understanding what our LORD’s will is. Not the enemy’s will… not the main stream media’s will… not what the lying Critical Race Theory’s will is… not the government’s will.. but the LORD’s will! And not just have a peripheral knowledge, but to truly and deeply know. The word for, “understanding,” here is: syníēmi (from sýn, “together with” and hiēmi, “put, send”) – properly, put together, i.e. join facts (ideas) into a comprehensive (inter-locking) whole; synthesize. This is partnering our thinking with the very thinking of God and then to, “stand under,” (understand) that high thinking.

Knowing and following the will of God is a great honor, a privilege beyond measure, and an indicator of being a legitimately wise person. If you are to add to this how pleasing it is to the Lord, our Father, there should be no reason we should not all desire this from the depths of our heart.

I know some folks struggle with the idea of being pleasing unto the Lord, but it is a prize of great price that is attainable and appropriate. Not all believers are pleasing unto the Lord just like all children are not pleasing to their parents. That does not mean the parent does not love them, does not believe in them and does not accept them. The Lord has the same good desires for His kids just like good parents do for their kids. Yet not all kids live in such a way that blesses their parents. I desire to bless my Father, in all ways and at all times. Do I miss it… OH YEAH. Yet, just like a child who falls down when learning to walk, I get back up and my Father says, “I believe in you son, give it another go!”

Micah 7:8
Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD [shall be] a light unto me.

Get up and go for that high calling in Christ Jesus with everything you got and expect to hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord!

I love you and I hope you can hear me cheering you on from that great cloud of witnesses around you!

Go, Beloved, Go!


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