
Where is your Father!?

Can you hear the demanding voice of a haggard mother at her grass-stained rambunctious little twerp standing with a bewildered look after his latest escapade of rebellious turmoil? Dennis the Menace comes vividly to mind.

Middle-class, average America was slapped upside the national face this past month as dozens upon dozens of videos and news reports were attempted to be suppressed, but somehow found release in alternative media and went viral… as these things should. Like graffiti-covered train cars filled with recyclable garbage headed to a landfill for immoral disposal, the videos and reports lined up, one after another, after another. Some of the most shocking public displays of degradation and depravation of our societal non-virtues and the continued intended, “progression,” of the next generation into the groomed and destroyed fodder for the Woke plan initiated in Hades.

They were videos of hundreds of young, vile, mostly minority, groups proudly rioting in the streets of big cities like Chicago, wantonly assaulting innocent people and property. These videos were intermingled with other heart-wrenching images and reports of dozens of retail businesses robbed, looted, and ransacked by similar crowds all around the nation. This appalling imagery and these reports were also sporadically interrupted with the most heinous and reprehensible, inhumane activities popularized by the pro-pedophilia “Pride” movement to date. Where innocent children have adult transvestites sexually assault them in public, with their mothers standing by cheering the men-pretending-to-be-women on to greater groomer actions. This is the new normal of the child-abuse movement perpetuated by a sadistic culture worshipping at the feet of the arch-enemy of humanity who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. This enemy takes delight in accomplishing his mission upon our kids… that’s the kind of father he is.

The mayor-elect of Chicago, an openly anti-God socialist, was quoted as vilifying Walmart for, “plundering,” the citizenry with their evil capitalism and the criminals who perpetrated their satanic lawlessness, “it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities…” If you would allow me to paraphrase his ignorance, it would look something like this: “People who live righteously are bad oppressors of the people who live sinfully because that’s what victims are supposed to do.”

Time would fail me to annotate the debauchery being perpetuated at unprecedented speed in our modernized society. Yet, one of the factors dramatically overlooked as the pundits and psychoanalysts collect their government-funded grant money to analyze the root of our societal downfall… is fatherlessness.

We would likely see NONE of this if our young people were raised with a father in their home and a Father in Heaven to whom they were answerable.

Matthew 5:16

Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:48

Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Matthew 7:21

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

Matthew 18:14

So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish

These are obviously just a few places in scripture that highlight that God, our God, is a Father… OUR Father. There is something powerful and reverent about legitimately knowing that the Creator of the cosmos, the Holy One of Heaven, the righteous Judge of the universe is also our Father to whom we will be individually and personally accountable.

Now, I present to you a doctrine, that I’ve never heard anyone else even speak about before. Not to imply that that means obscurity or lack of importance, but that we don’t readily consider this a Kingdom Truth. Here it is for you to meditate: It is fathers that draw children unto salvation, righteousness, and the divine destiny that they were created for.

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him…

John 6:44a KJV

It is fathers that draw mankind…

I do not say that in any way to minimize or devalue the impact or influence of mothers, especially authentic, Godly mothers. Most, if not all of us, would not be here if it were not for a resolved and praying mother. But, this scriptural truth spoken by Jesus has a vast swath of implications and consequences.

I could easily unplug from my prime intention here and show you near-infinite amounts of statistical data pointing directly toward the epidemic, and catastrophic devastation, that our fatherless and Fatherless cultural decline has orchestrated against God’s desires. One need not look very hard to find an overwhelming fountain of information proving this fact to all, except the willfully blind. If, because of the manipulative narratives of this world’s propagandists, you somehow argue with this spiritual doctrine, allow me to ask this simple question: Pick any of these young people out of the crowds in these videos and ask yourself would they behave that way if they had a loving and engaged natural father, and if they were lovingly engaged with their Heavenly Father?

It is not the lack of gun laws, not the lack of social services, not the victimization of minorities by the oppressive slaveowners, not the lack of access to higher education, not the racist jails and police… it is simply young men who have not been fathered into living life in a righteous way through stable and loving discipline that a father was designed to provide. Righteousness and honor have been slayed on the altar of male promiscuity and non-responsibility.

Revival, renewal, and THE Great Awakening all swing on the hinge of this spiritual truth: this world needs fathers.

Something to consider is that Jesus could have referred to Yahweh in a multitude of titles, numbering over fifty in Hebrew text. Yet, our Lord normally called Him Father. I think that point is radically important.

During the days of Jesus’ earthly life, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.

Hebrews 5:7-9 BSB

It was Jesus submitting reverentially to the work of God as a Father that gave our Redeemer a voice in Heaven and the finished identity of Savior. That is quite the statement to consider… deeply. If it is true, the impetus we should then put into action with our very lives should be to protect and advance the institution of fatherhood, both naturally and supernaturally. That institution is currently under assault in the natural and the supernatural… so our militant resolve to this mission is of infinite worth.

God the Father and Godly fathers provide very necessary structure and stability to the chaotic system desiring to destroy humanity. They also provide responsibility and discipline to an ever-increasingly immature worldview. In their strength and courage, they inspire generations to do the hard things necessary for heroes to develop. Last, but certainly not least, they cherish, protect, and honor their children and their bride. These sincere virtues are infinitely needful in the depravity of today.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed (revered, venerated, sacred) is Your name… and office on this earth.

We here at SCM are diligently impacting both of these realms. Through our partnership with the ARC (Academy of Readiness and Character, a private Christian K-12 school) and Beloved Church, we are changing… ACTUALLY changing the region that suffers from Fatherlessness and fatherlessness.

We would covet your prayers, inquiring if you should help us impact these places as well. Through a partnership with SCM, you will be touching both the orphan in the natural and the orphan in the supernatural. If you are not called to partner with us, then I pray that you would find a ministry to fight for the fatherless in your community. Either way, the world needs to see and experience fathering.

If we can help or serve you in any way, please contact us.

I love and believe in you!
Steve and the SCM team


To learn more:

A.R.C. –
Beloved Church –
SCM – or


PS… We will be in Germany from May 10th through May 22nd ministering in Rotenburg an der Fulda at the “Unterwegs Conference” and Kenzingen at “Life School”. If you can make it, please come say hello to Steve and Kay!


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1 Comments on “Where is your Father!?”

  1. This brought me to tears and it is a beautiful truth that the Church and society need to hear. I am in 100 % agreement with You, Dr. Stephen Cassell. God bless you!!

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