
Working Out Salvation

Hello and warmest of all greetings to you, Beloved family! 

There is an overwhelming desire in me at this “unprecedented” time to impact you and our desperate world with the goodness, grace, and love of our Father. This great desire, like fire in my bones, has impassioned me more now then ever to declare the Sonship that we have through the Finished Work of the Cross and the Divine Destiny that has been imprinted on each of us through the supernatural work of the creative hands of our glorious Father. I know that many of you, and folks you know, are struggling under the weight of the pressures of this day that we live in. I pray that this letter will fuel hope and excitement in the simplicity of the Good News that has been declared for us all through the power of that same Gospel that brings our salvation.

Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

I have been impressed of late to encourage people in this powerful truth. I used to read this verse with the thinking that I needed to increase my fear (reverence, awe) and trembling (submission and humility) towards God in order to bring more of the effect of salvation into my life. These effects are well established in the great and precious promises of the infallible and eternally true, Word of God. Here is a short list of these salvation fruits:

  • Prosperity and peace in our souls that bring emotional security and health.
  • Divine health in our bodies that completely and eternally redeems us from sickness and disease.
  • Abundance and wealth in our finances that destroys lack and poverty.
  • Joy and pleasure in our relationships and marriages that brings intimacy and heavenly commitment.
  • Power and authority through our influence that effects our neighbors and regions for goodness and morality.
  • Fulfillment and solace in the work of our hands, careers, and businesses that gives us excitement in our daily activities.
  • Deep and experiential intimacy with our Father and His leading for our hearts and futures

All of these things are of greater desire for me today than the day I embraced my calling to ministry. In the past few months, we have had the humbling honor to see MULTITUDES of people see these truths, embrace these truths, and start to walk them out. There is literally no more beautiful sight to behold. I earnestly pray (everyday) and purpose for these same promises to fully manifest in your life as well.

In the above verse, what has powerfully affected me is the phrase “work out your own…” Allow me to dissect this for a moment with you.

Work Out: The radical and powerful revelation here is that this GREAT salvation and all the precious promises included with it are already realities on the inside of you as a son of God. This salvation and it’s benefits are meant to be WORKED OUT of us… not INTO us. This is literally backwards to how many people live their lives. We no longer need to try to pull anything “down from heaven” or strive to work something into us! It is already in us though our Divine birth. Now, through awe and humility (fear and trembling) we should be working out the effects of salvation in a continuous fashion, like rivers of life from our core.

Your Own: This is that precious loving touch of our affectionate Father on display. This life is not about a cookie cutter, assembly line, manufactured existence. The Father did not birth us for slavery, mindless servitude, or sense-numbing, robotic, and habitual lifestyles. The plan of God is for us to have a unique, personalized, and indescribable journey with Him as this great salvation flows into our lives and environments. We are called into an adventurous and exciting relationship with the Creator of the Universe that will be ever increasing in glory and joy throughout eternity! That is a WOW statement, for sure! When we embrace this truth, we will see how the challenges that come at us are just gracious opportunities to see the unlimited power and vast wisdom of our Father destroy all the works of the enemy… and to do it for US!

We regularly and purposefully pray for you all daily, that you will experience Divine health and Divine prosperity as you allow your soul to continuously prosper through intimacy with your Good Father.

Because of your sincere and loving fellowship and support, we are getting these truths into more and more hearts… EVERYDAY! Thank you!

We love you greatly and I look forward to every chance I get to see you in person or in the spirit! Until then…
Work Out Your Own Great Salvation!

Always in my heart,


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